Body category: 8017 books

Cover of 用易经阅读人生(簡體)
by 刘哲雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  《易经》被列为中华群经之首,为五经第一,就是在文字发展之前,《易经》就是先人以图象来记载人世间的经验与心得的笔记书。至今演变已有超过六千年以上的历史。在中国周朝之后,由周文王、周公、孔子及历代诸贤,作卦、爻辞及《易》传,为这本「无字天书」作注,成为中华民族集体智慧的呈现。发展至今,为因应时代需求,诠释者不知凡几。《易经》全书分为上、下经,上经计有三十卦,下经则有三十四卦。上经「藉天道以明人事」,下经则「用人事以推天道」;本书《从易经阅读人生》选材上经中三十卦解说,从自然观察的角度来解读人生中种种现象,自宇宙变化「大霹雳」理论谈「乾」、「坤」的天地初生,到万物生长演化的过程。而下经三十四卦中就人类出现后的种种人情世故发展,朝代变迁说明,为人生提出智慧的启发。  作者刘哲雄老师,从事《易经》教学十余年,目前于高雄社大讲授《易经》。他从义理入手,打破过去以《易经》为风水占卜命相的窠臼,重新赋予经典时代新生命。刘老师过去曾从事建设公司的经营,具有管理和实务的经验,因此跳脱一般学究讲学的风格,重塑以生活经验为主轴、人生问题为标的的解说方式;藉由建筑的背景,刘老师开始关心、亲近台湾的土地,并亲身进行自嘉义以南到垦丁一带,海岸湿地、平原丛林及小丘陵地生态的导览解说。这一段「入荒野」的过程,也为「学建筑」的刘老师生命中开始有了不同的转折,回溯、体认到人与自然和谐互动。后来投身《易经》的推广教学,踏入成人教育的领域,并尝试解读「探索在现代生活中,《易经》与人的关系」,将十多年习《易》的心得整理出来,作为人与历史的交流,回应中国哲学中「天人」间最圆满的互动。var...
Cover of 易經十翼(繁體)
by 天行書苑
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  易經是中國最古老的經學典籍之一,從占筮出發,建立深刻義理,對於中國歷朝歷代的哲學思想、經濟制度、倫理道德、文學藝術、政治社會、自然科學等許多領域,都產生了廣大深邃的影響,歷代學者尊崇易經,將之列於「群經之首」。  六十四卦構成了易經的基本系統,每一卦象是古人通過占筮而求得一卦的符號,每一卦有一卦名,並有卦辭,從總體上說明這一卦的內容與性質。  傳說中國遠古帝王伏羲氏首先畫出三畫的八卦,即☰...
Cover of 易经十翼(簡體)
by 天行书苑
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  易经是中国最古老的经学典籍之一,从占筮出发,建立深刻义理,对于中国历朝历代的哲学思想、经济制度、伦理道德、文学艺术、政治社会、自然科学等许多领域,都产生了广大深邃的影响,历代学者尊崇易经,将之列于「群经之首」。  六十四卦构成了易经的基本系统,每一卦像是古人通过占筮而求得一卦的符号,每一卦有一卦名,并有卦辞,从总体上说明这一卦的内容与性质。  传说中国远古帝王伏羲氏首先画出三画的八卦,即☰...
Cover of 易經圓外解卦(繁體)
by 天行書苑
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  易經是中國結合文字與符號的傳統經典,在世界文明的神祕符號中,中國易經是唯一由歷代先聖賢哲詮釋而具有哲理,指引人生方向的典籍。遠古時代在混沌蒙昧中,古人無法解決生活難題,透過結繩紀事,以占筮獲得陰、陽爻交錯形成的卦象,驗證生活實際發生的歷程,加以紀錄分類,透過大數法則整理為民族集體生活經驗與符號連結,並歷經周文王、周公、孔子等古聖先賢淬煉易經哲思,以文字解析闡述,成為華夏重要經典的依據。  天行書苑敬凜於易經義理的深邃與天人相應的通達,於二年前藉由《天地之心解卦平台》,以國內、外真人實境生活發生的事件,從事業、感情、身體健康、整體運勢各層面之問題,持續進行數位占卦,多達上千則占例,從中選取對於現代生活具有高度參考價值的卦例,委請研究易經長達十餘年的圓外老師詳細解說,並經事後實際驗證,委由易蘭兒執筆,綜合易學名家見解,編輯彙整,輔以易經64卦的卦、爻辭精要解釋,於各卦列舉相關占卦實例,針對卦象解說卦辭,及卦象出現的動爻爻辭,分析易經設定的條件,假設啟動爻動機制將可能發生的後果及變化,給予占問者生活的取捨、人生的抉擇,期使透過易經卦例客觀地闡釋卦爻辭,彖傳的事理解析,暨佐以大象傳道德勸勉,作為易學同道的參酌與易學研究的基礎,以激發現代世人對於易經的興趣及易理的文化傳遞。var...
Cover of 高島斷易(繁體)
by 高島吞象
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

  本書之作者高島吞象為日本知名的易占學者,生於西元1832年之日本江戶京橋,年幼熟讀中國的四書五經,成年後在橫濱開設物產店,生意興隆,嗣因違規與外國人通商,被捕入獄,獄中七年專注研讀易經,玩象推占,深有體悟,出獄後,繼續經商,但改變經營方針,開設大型旅館,因而結識政界人士,時值日本明治時代,朝野社會進行重大改革,國內外發生經濟、外交、社會等鉅大衝擊,高島關注國事,屢獻計策,蒙日本政府採納,影響深遠,天皇感念高島之貢獻,首次賜賞平民高島嘉右衛門,並親訪高島家,引發各界矚目與尊崇。  明治九年(西元1876年)高島正式退休,專志於易學的研究與著述,提出許多著名的易占解釋,同步登載於日本報刊,並於明治十九年完成《高島斷易》鉅著,書中深刻解釋易經全文,並於每一卦每一爻列舉實際占卦之卦象、解說及事後驗證實況,卦象之特色為單爻爻變,同時敘述卦象反映之現實狀況,舉凡中日甲午戰爭、普法戰爭、外交談判,至名人顯貴之仕途機運,問戰征、營商、功名、家宅、疾病、婚嫁、生育,易占精妙神準,日人尊為「易聖」,其唯一著作《高島斷易》以各國多種文字流傳於世,深受易學界激賞與重視。var...
Cover of Body, Spirit, Soul

Body, Spirit, Soul

Ganzheitlich leichter leben

by Heike Malisic, Beate Nordstrand
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2017

Nachdem die Erfolgsautorinnen mit ihrem Bestseller "Lebe leichter" das Augenmerk vor allem auf das Wohlbefinden unseres Körpers gelegt haben, zeigen sie nun das größere Bild und ermutigen Sie dazu, ganzheitlich leichter zu leben. Denn Körper, Seele und Geist gehören zusammen. Das Herzstück...
Cover of Evolution Of An Eco~Bohemian

Evolution Of An Eco~Bohemian

Soil to Soul, #1

by Donna Maltz
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

THIS IS A PREVIEW ONLY OF A SECTION OF THE BOOK.  Thank you for taking the time to preview the Introduction and Evolution 1 ~ and for giving me feedback. Still working out the bugs and the root rot.  In total, there are SIX Evolutions. I'm in the final proof and design phase...
Cover of The Toltec Art of Life and Death

The Toltec Art of Life and Death

A Story of Discovery

by Don Miguel Ruiz, Barbara Emrys
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2015

A HarperElixir Book The beloved teacher of spiritual wisdom and author of the phenomenal New York Times and international bestseller The Four Agreements takes readers on a mystical Toltec-inspired personal journey, introducing us to a deeper level of spiritual teaching and awareness. In...
Cover of Sorcerer's Apprentice

Sorcerer's Apprentice

My Life with Carlos Castaneda

by Amy Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2013

Sorcerer’s Apprentice opens with Amy Wallace’s first meeting with Carlos Castaneda, the infamous anthropologist-turned-shaman, whose books described meetings with Yaqui Indian spiritual teacher don Juan. Castaneda’s rise was meteoric in the late 1960s as he wrote massive bestsellers, inspired...
Cover of Bruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon

Bruce Lee: Letters of the Dragon

An Anthology of Bruce Lee's Correspondence with Family, Friends, and Fans 1958-1973

by Bruce Lee
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

Letters of the Dragon: Correspondence, 1958-1973 is a fascinating glimpse of the private Bruce Lee behind the public image-a man with the patience and concern to dedicate as much effort to crafting a thoughtful personal answer to the letter of a young fan as to those from his old friends and associates;...
Cover of Words of the Dragon

Words of the Dragon

Interviews, 1958-1973

Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2017

Here they are, available for the first time in one collection, Bruce Lee's conversations with the press from 1958 to 1973. Words of the Dragon is an anthology of rare newspaper and magazine interviews with Bruce Lee, many not previously published in the United States, revealing new words and...
Cover of Before Cell Wars
by Amanda Miles
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2015

Before Cell Wars is a short three chapter children's book to introduce a new character inside the human body. This fictional story is set inside the veins and arteries and we follow the main character Bands, a newly made white blood cell, on his adventures. Find out what a white blood cell's...
Cover of I Am Jazz
by Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2014

The story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere "This is an essential tool for parents and teachers to share with children whether those kids identify as trans or not. I wish I had had a book like...
Cover of Spunky Little Monkey
by Bill Martin Jr., Michael Sampson
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2017

Sleepy little monkey won't get out of bed. Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said: "Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Gooseberry Pies -- Monkey needs some exercise!" Sleepy little monkeys everywhere will clap, stomp, shake, and cheer -- while chanting this rhythmic, energetic dance song based...
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