Communism Socialism category: 1567 books

Cover of The Left in History

The Left in History

Revolution and Reform in Twentieth-Century Politics

by Willie Thompson
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 1996

'Essential and rather chastening reading for anyone who believes left values need to have some effective public resonance and political impact and wants to learn from the few victories and many defeats experienced over the 20th century' Socialist History 'One of the most accurate, comprehensive and stimulating histories of the left' New Times
Cover of Germany: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution
by Rob Sewell
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2018

From 1918 to 1933 revolution and counter-revolution followed hot on each others’ heels. The barbarity of the Nazis is well-documented. Less well-known are the events that preceded Hitler’s rise to power. Rob Sewell gives a picture of the tumultuous events - the 1918 revolution, the collapse of...
Cover of Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution
by Alan Woods
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2018

There have been many books and potted histories of the Russian Revolution, either written from an anti-Bolshevik perspective, or its Stalinist mirror image, which paint a false account of the rise of Bolshevism. For them, Bolshevism is either a historical "accident" or "tragedy."...
Cover of Marxism and Anarchism
by Alan Woods
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2018

“The millions of people who have come out onto streets and squares around the world in recent years to oppose the policy of cuts and austerity do not trust politicians and trade union leaders. This shows a revolutionary instinct. Those who sneer at the movement as “merely spontaneous” display...
Cover of The Ideas of Karl Marx
by Alan Woods
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2018

Two hundred years after the birth of the great revolutionary Karl Marx, across the world, the capitalist system is in crisis and the working class are moving into action to change their lives. In ruling class circles, no longer do they snidely declare the death of Marx. On the contrary, there is fear...
Cover of Cities and Stability

Cities and Stability

Urbanization, Redistribution, and Regime Survival in China

by Jeremy Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2014

China's management of urbanization is an under-appreciated factor in the regime's longevity. The Chinese Communist Party fears "Latin Americanization" -- the emergence of highly unequal megacities with their attendant slums and social unrest. Such cities threaten the survival of nondemocratic regimes....
Cover of Turning Money into Rebellion

Turning Money into Rebellion

The Unlikely Story of Denmark's Revolutionary Bank Robbers

by Gabriel Kuhn
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

In May of 1989, on a quiet street in Copenhagen, police discovered an apartment that had served for years as a hideaway for Denmark’s most notorious 20th-century bank robbers. The members, who belonged to a communist organization and lived modest lives in the Danish capital, had, over a period of...
Cover of Hurrah !!! ou la Révolution par les Cosaques
by Ernest Coeurderoy
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2014

 I.      Il y a trois ans bientôt, je me sentis pris de l’irrésistible besoin de résumer les impressions de ma jeunesse active. Je les publiai sous ce titre  : De la Révolution dans l’homme et dans la société. Dans cet ouvrage,...
Cover of Caribbean Visionary

Caribbean Visionary

A. R. F. Webber and the Making of the Guyanese Nation

by Selwyn R. Cudjoe
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2008

Caribbean Visionary: A. R. F. Webber and the Making of the Guyanese Nation traces the life of Albert Raymond Forbes Webber (1880-1932), a distinguished Caribbean scholar, statesman, legislator, and novelist. Using Webber as a lens, the book outlines the Guyanese struggle for justice and equality in...
Cover of La Révolution des casseroles

La Révolution des casseroles

Chronique d'une nouvelle constitution pour l'Islande

by Jérôme Skalski
Language: French
Release Date: November 2, 2016

Histoire politique récente de l'IslandeSous forme de chroniques, Jérôme Skalski rend compte de la « Révolution des casseroles » en Islande. Suite au déclenchement de la crise financière internationale à l’automne 2008, l’Islande a choisi de tourner le dos à la « doctrine d’austérité...
Cover of L'imaginaire de la Commune
by Kristin Ross
Language: French
Release Date: January 21, 2015

L’Imaginaire de la Commune est autant un livre d’histoire des idées que d’histoire tout court. En exhumant l’originalité de la Commune, ses aspirations à un « luxe pour tous », Kristin Ross arrache la Commune de Paris à toute finalité étatiste, productiviste, d’un socialisme de caserne....
Cover of Le premier printemps de Prague
by Heda Margolius Kovály
Language: French
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Le premier printemps de Prague par Heda Margolius Kovály, traduit de l'anglais par Isabelle Chapman (74.000 mots et 8 photos) « ... une œuvre maitresse pour l’intime compréhension de notre époque. » — La Quinzaine Littéraire « Elle raconte l’ineffable avec des mots simples....
Cover of La gauche au Québec depuis 1945
by Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Ce dossier, coordonné par Marc Comby et Robert Comeau, réunit des éléments de l'histoire de la gauche au Québec depuis 1945 sans en constituer un bilan exhaustif. Il porte essentiellement sur les mouvements et organisations situés à la gauche du Parti québécois. De ce parti né en 1968 d'une...
Cover of Politique(s) de la décroissance

Politique(s) de la décroissance

Propositions pour penser et faire la transition

by Michel Lepesant
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2018

Un ouvrage fort et engagé qui plaide pour une entrée véritable dans la décroissance si souvent évoquée. Le mouvement de la décroissance se doit d’entrer dans une nouvelle phase. Il ne suffit plus de dénoncer l’impasse de la croissance, d’annoncer la catastrophe qui vient, de prophétiser...
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