Corporate History category: 769 books

Cover of Adaptive Business Model. L’Olivetti dopo Adriano. Una storia italiana di resilienza e un modello per le startup
by Mario Citelli, Elserino Piol
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 14, 2016

Adriano Olivetti è scomparso nel 1960, ma il suo mito di imprenditore illuminato sopravvive tanto da essere stato, e continuare a essere, il protagonista di diverse fiction e innumerevoli libri e saggi. Nessuno di questi però ricorda come i germi innovativi introdotti da lui nell’azienda gli siano...
Cover of The Economics of International Environmental Cooperation
by Tomasz Zylicz
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2015

The Economics of International Environmental Cooperation looks at environmental issues calling for international cooperation, such as river management, transboundary air pollution and climate. It analyses methods used to reduce free-riding in protecting the commons and discusses agreements considered...
Cover of Markteintrittsstrategien bei Innovationen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Preis- und Werbestrategien
by Carsten Legler
Language: German
Release Date: August 23, 2018

Der Autor untersucht mittels eines kontrolltheoretischen Simulationsmodells das strategische Verhalten neu gegründeter Unternehmen (Innovatoren), die einen Branchenwettbewerb mit etablierten Unternehmen (Imitatoren) erwarten. Als Steuerungsvariablen dienen dem Innovator der Absatzpreis der Produktinnovation...
Cover of Die Ullstein Buchverlage

Die Ullstein Buchverlage


Language: German
Release Date: November 18, 2016

Willkommen in der Friedrichstraße Vor über hundert Jahren wurde der Ullstein Verlag in Berlin gegründet. Liberalität, Toleranz, Weltoffenheit - dieser Dreiklang prägte den Geist des alten Ullstein-Hauses. Er bleibt Leitmotiv für die Ullstein Buchverlage, die wir Ihnen auf den folgenen Seiten vorstellen möchten.
Cover of The Dynamics of Interfirm Relationships

The Dynamics of Interfirm Relationships

Markets and Organization in Japan

by Yondo Kim
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2015

The goal of this pathbreaking volume is to relativize the experience of Japanese industries in terms of both location and time, exploring its similarities and differences with other countries and its unique relationship with the “global standard” of company performance set by US firms. By examining...
Cover of Organizing Global Technology Flows

Organizing Global Technology Flows

Institutions, Actors, and Processes

Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2013

Research on the international transfer of technology in economics and management literature has primarily focused on the role of countries and that of companies, in particular multinational enterprises (MNEs). Similarly, economic and business historians have tended to view international technology...
Cover of Business Environment
by Hiriyappa .B, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2018

Business Environment can use as a manual for how to develop and analysis of business in a complex, critical, dynamic and progressive competitive environment. It is ideal for self- study and context includes the analysis of business and its components. This book is specially designed for those...
Cover of The Economics of Quality, Grades and Brands (Routledge Revivals)
by Peter Bowbrick
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

Virtually every decision to produce, buy or sell is influenced by quality, yet until this book was first published in 1992, there had been very little attempt to produce a comprehensive and practical theory for this. Here, Peter Bowbrick brings together different traditions of quality analysis from...
Cover of La industria del gas en Cádiz
by Mercedes Fernández-Paradas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 8, 2015

En este libro se narra la historia del gas en la ciudad de Cádiz, desde la puesta en marcha del alumbrado público por gas manufacturado hasta la llegada del gas natural.La autora no se limita a seguir el trazado de la red desde la fábrica de gas, sino que nos da a conocer cómo era la ciudad y...
Cover of ¡Trato hecho!

¡Trato hecho!

Los pactos secretos que deciden cómo es el mundo

by Jacques Peretti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 5, 2018

¿Y si la forma en la que entendemos el mundo está equivocada? ¿Y si lo que condiciona nuestras vidas no son los políticos o determinados eventos conocidos, sino los pactos secretos hechos por gente de la cual nunca has escuchado hablar?Este libro cuenta la historia de los principales pactos que...
Cover of The Rip Curl Story

The Rip Curl Story

50 years of perfect surf, international business, wild characters and the search for the ultimate ride

by Tim Baker
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2019

The Rip Curl Story is the remarkable tale of two young surfers - Doug 'Claw' Warbrick and Brian Singer - who pursued an audacious dream to make a living in pursuit of the ultimate ride. The brand they built, Rip Curl, not only satisfied their own surf wanderlust, but also inspired countless...
Cover of Rupture, vous avez disrupture?

Rupture, vous avez disrupture?

Le futur est déjà derrière nous

by Alexandre Rispal, Annabel Ringrave, Yves Krief
Language: French
Release Date: June 5, 2015

Ce millénaire va vite, presque même trop vite, tout change sans arrêt. Les responsables : la révolution digitale, celle du Web 2.0 et des médias sociaux, celle de la consommation collaborative ; sans oublier le big data, les objets connectés. Hier le progrès était linéaire ... ou du moins...
Cover of Billion Dollar Kibble

Billion Dollar Kibble

Nutro's Story of Pioneering Among Giants

by Christie Cooper, Mary Hooks
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2017

This book is a tribute to all those who worked in the company in its' early development. It also aims to inspire solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small and medium sized companies to understand the strategies and culture of an icon in the making. It may also be inspiration for a large corporation looking...
Cover of Avoiding the Arrogance Cycle

Avoiding the Arrogance Cycle

What Every Investor Needs To Know To Protect Their Assets From The Next Big Bubble

by Michael Farr
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2012

What is the arrogance cycle? We’ve just lived through it. As market bubbles build, our confidence level rises (dis)proportionately. Everyone wants in on the action. We want to believe Wall Street, and once we do, the inevitable happens. Like Dr. Frankenstein breathing life into inanimate flesh,...
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