Ethnic Tribal category: 190 books

Cover of Rastafari Reasoning and the RastaWoman

Rastafari Reasoning and the RastaWoman

Gender Constructions in the Shaping of Rastafari Livity

by Jeanne Christensen
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2014

*Rastafari Reasoning and the RastaWoman:*Gender Constructions in the Shaping of Rastafari Livity examines the complex ways that gender and race shaped a liberation movement propelled by the Caribbean evolution of an African spiritual ethos. Jeanne Christensen proposes that Rastafari represents the...
Cover of The Faces of the Gods

The Faces of the Gods

Vodou and Roman Catholicism in Haiti

by Leslie G. Desmangles
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2000

Vodou, the folk religion of Haiti, is a by-product of the contact between Roman Catholicism and African and Amerindian traditional religions. In this book, Leslie Desmangles analyzes the mythology and rituals of Vodou, focusing particularly on the inclusion of West African and European elements in...


Guida pratica agli errori piu comuni e a come rimediare.

Language: Italian
Release Date: July 12, 2014

Questo piccolo saggio nasce con la finalità di far riflettere il lettore appassionato di sciamanesimo su alcuni tra i piu comuni errori, derivanti dal gap culturale tra il praticante occidentale e il corpus di conoscenze originarie di altri popoli e nazioni. Vengono altresì descritte tecniche specifiche per rendersi conto delle proprie lacune e porvi rimedio.
Cover of Notes On The Folklore Of The Fjort
by R. E. Dennett
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2012

Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort by R. E. Dennett "Notes on the Folklore of the Fjort... contains more than 30 traditional stories from French Congo which were collected by the Folklore Society of London." Ever since the Folk-Lore Society did me the honour to ask me to write...
Cover of The Mandaeans—Baptizers of Iraq and Iran
by Karen Baker
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2017

The secrets of a complex belief system that have sustained the Mandaeans in their centuries-old native lands in Iraq and Iran have been collapsing before their eyes. This little-known Gnostic sect has been hidden from global awareness until now. With a passion for the obscure, Karen Baker has delved...
Cover of Schwarze Sonne Afrika: Mythen, Märchen und Magie

Schwarze Sonne Afrika: Mythen, Märchen und Magie

Illustrierte Sammlung der schönsten afrikanischen Volkserzählungen und Sagen

by Leo Frobenius
Language: German
Release Date: July 6, 2014

Dieses eBook: "Schwarze Sonne Afrika: Mythen, Märchen und Magie" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Leo Frobenius (1873-1938) war ein deutscher Ethnologe. Von 1904 bis 1935 unternahm er verschiedene Forschungsexpeditionen...
Cover of Queering Black Atlantic Religions

Queering Black Atlantic Religions

Transcorporeality in Candomblé, Santería, and Vodou

by Roberto Strongman
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2019

In Queering Black Atlantic Religions Roberto Strongman examines Haitian Vodou, Cuban Lucumí/Santería, and Brazilian Candomblé to demonstrate how religious rituals of trance possession allow humans to understand themselves as embodiments of the divine. In these rituals, the commingling of humans...
Cover of I Only Walk on Water When It Rains
by Patty L. Luckenbach
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2016

Only Walk on Water When It Rains is a guide for mystical cosmic consciousness and questing for unity in the wilderness. It is wisdom through stories and conversation with the great Bear Spirit. The stories and conversation reveal astonishing magic, mystery, miracles and magical song. Meister Eckhart...
Cover of Creative Encounters, Appreciating Difference

Creative Encounters, Appreciating Difference

Perspectives and Strategies

by Sam Gill
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2018

Across the world from personal relationships to global politics, differences—cultural, religious, racial, gender, age, ability—are at the heart of the most disruptive and disturbing concerns. While it is laudable to nurture an environment promoting the tolerance of difference, Creative Encounters,...
Cover of Memoirs of Furuq and Channeling High level Magic
by Orunmilas Servant
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

In this third and final installment to his series on life in service to the Orishas, author Orunmilas Servant channels and transcribes the thoughts of several of his Egguns, the joyful occult spirits who guide him and accompany him on his journey through Freemasonry, Santeria, and other spiritual...
Cover of Fighting Slavery in the Caribbean

Fighting Slavery in the Caribbean

Life and Times of a British Family in Nineteenth Century Havana

by Luis Martinez-Fernandez
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2015

This volume presents a social history of life in mid-19th-century Cuba as experienced by George Backhouse (and his wife, Grace), who served on the British Havana Mixed Commission for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. Documented with extracts from the Backhouse's correspondence, diaries and other...
Cover of Rastafari and the Arts

Rastafari and the Arts

An Introduction

by Darren J. N. Middleton
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2015

Drawing on literary, musical, and visual representations of and by Rastafari, Darren J. N. Middleton provides an introduction to Rasta through the arts, broadly conceived. The religious underpinnings of the Rasta movement are often overshadowed by Rasta’s association with reggae music, dub, and...
Cover of Paroles de paix en terre autochtone

Paroles de paix en terre autochtone

Culture, valeurs et traditions mohawks

by Guylaine Cliche
Language: French
Release Date: May 25, 2016

«L'espoir réside dans la flamme que les communautés autochtones biocentriques maintiennent allumée. […] Je vois la promesse de cette flamme nous guider vers un avenir où nous reviendrons à l'harmonie avec le monde naturel.» -Capitaine Paul Watson Vibrant plaidoyer en faveur d'un monde meilleur,...
Cover of Le tsiny et le tody dans la pensée malgache
by Richard Andriamanjato
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2013

Deux rites, ou plutôt deux manières d’être individuelles et collectives qui soudent entre eux, à travers les générations, les Malgaches en les ancrant dans un temps mythique, à la fois singulier et complexe.D’un côté, le « Tsiny » (traduit par « censure » ou « blâme »), une sorte...
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