Grandparenting category: 214 books

Cover of Charlie, Dare to Dream!

Charlie, Dare to Dream!

Charlie's Fables, #2

by D. C. Gomez
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2019

During his school career day, Charlie's good friend Joey makes an unconventional announcement about what he wants to do when he grows-up, forcing Charlie to question his own ideas. With his grandma's help, Charlie learns that it's okay to challenge yourself, and perceived conditions are no match for...
Cover of Letters from my Grandfather

Letters from my Grandfather

Timeless Wisdom For a Life Worth Living

by Tim Jordan
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2018

Where should I go to university? What should I major in? What job should I choose? What’s my purpose? Young adults from high school into their mid-20s get stressed out with making decisions about these issues. They get stuck in their fear about making a bad choice that will irrevocably mess up their...
Cover of Camp Granny
by Sharon Lovejoy
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

"For green grandparents everywhere and the young lives they touch." —RICHARD LOUV, AUTHOR OF LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS Make leaf rubbings, blow jumbo bubbles, bake Moon Pizzas, create a firefly lantern. More than an activity book, CAMP GRANNY is an interactivity book, filled with 130 projects...
Cover of Porque importan los Niños
by Johann Christoph Arnold
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 2, 2015

Criar a un niño nunca ha sido más difícil. Si alguna vez dudas de tí mismo o te preguntas si vale la pena, lee este pequeño libro. Si te preocupas que tu familia no capea las tormentas de la vida o si tienes miedo de perder a tus hijos a la cultura dominante, léelo de nuevo. Porque importan...
Cover of Grandma, Can We Talk?
by Summit Crossroads Press
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2017

In “Grandma, Can We Talk?” Dr. Roger McIntire offers advice for grandparents experiencing those awkward moments with their grandchild when the topic of conversation has run dry. Strategies for dealing with topics from sex to friends, school, and dangerous habits can help Grampa or Grandma encourage...
Cover of Geschichte der Gefühle: Was unsere Großeltern empfanden (GEO eBook Single)
Language: German
Release Date: January 20, 2015

Eine Familientragödie vor mehr als 100 Jahren, erschütternd und rätselhaft - auch weil nie wieder über sie gesprochen wurde. Lässt sich trotzdem verstehen, was damals passiert ist, und vor allem: warum? Johanna Romberg hat sich, mithilfe einer neuen Wissenschaft, auf den Weg gemacht, ein bislang...
Cover of Bits of Life
by Bitsy Bowman
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2018

One day, while Bitsy and I were living in Wichita, Kansas, I came home for lunch to find a round, black and charred spot on the kitchen floor. Of course, I knew what had happened. Bitsy was a smoker then and she had emptied a hot ash tray into the kitchen waste basket, caught it on fire and burned...
Cover of Option B

Option B

Wie wir durch Resilienz, Schicksalsschläge überwinden und Freude am Leben finden

by Sheryl Sandberg, Adam Grant
Language: German
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Das neue Buch von Spiegel-Bestseller-Autorin Sheryl Sandberg: Nach Lean In schreibt sie zusammen mit dem Psychologie-Professor Adam Grant darüber, wie wir Schicksalsschläge überwinden können. "Option A gibt es nicht mehr. Also lasst uns das Beste aus Option B machen. Ich werde immer um Option...
Cover of Grannie, Grandpa and Me
by Julia Royston
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2015

Many grandparents, aunts, distant relatives, foster parents and other guardians issued by the state, raising    today’s children.  Some of these people are long past the retirement age and should be taking cruises, vacations in the summer or moved to warmer climates enjoying their latter years...
Cover of Юности честное зерцало
by Коллектив авторов
Language: Russian
Release Date: March 10, 2017

«Юности честное зерцало» — книга начала XVIII века, состоящая из двух частей. Первая часть включает азбуку и таблицы слогов, в то время как вторая является собственно...
Cover of Come una bolla
by Giovanna Avignoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 2, 2016

La crescita e l’evoluzione del proprio corpo cambia inevitabilmente il punto di vista del mondo esterno che assume trasformazioni tali da rendere la realtà ingannevole. Il senso di angoscia e le rassicuranti certezze quotidiane, le visioni che si confondono con i sogni e la paura del futuro provocano...
Cover of Avete un compito grande
by Aldo Maria Valli
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 9, 2015

«Ai nonni, che hanno ricevuto la benedizione di vedere i figli dei figli, è affidato un compito grande: trasmettere l’esperienza della vita e condividere con semplicità la loro saggezza, e la stessa fede: l’eredità più preziosa!». Papa Francesco ha parlato spesso dei nonni, del loro ruolo...
Cover of Nonni, che fortuna!
by Gilberto Gillini, Mariateresa Zattoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 20, 2012

Il libro riporta il profilo dei nonni di oggi e si affrontano diversi punti utili alla famiglia e ai nonni stessi per vivere al meglio le relazioni con i figli e i nipoti. Ad esempio quando i nonni si mettono in mezzo tra genitori e nipoti; quando i nonni rivendicano diritti educativi; quando spalleggiano...
Cover of Mamme cattivissime?
by Elisabeth Badinter
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 1, 2011

Una madre felice è necessariamente una donna felice? Esiste veramente quell'istinto materno che fa sì che la donna si realizzi solo in quanto madre? Sembra di sì, almeno stando all'immagine che oggigiorno viene veicolata del sesso femminile e non solo da televisione e pubblicità, ma anche da saggi...
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