Graphic Art Design category: 1547 books

Cover of CreateSpace Quick & Easy Self-Publishing Manual
by Ronald E. Newton
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2016

This book is crafted for the new author venturing in to paperback publishing. Some benefits of this book are: * Clearing the forest of trees of information you don't need * Understanding CreateSpace’s role versus the traditional publisher's * Selecting your book size intelligently * Why not...
Cover of Iterate


Ten Lessons in Design and Failure

by John Sharp, Colleen Macklin, Tuba Ozkan
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2019

How to confront, embrace, and learn from the unavoidable failures of creative practice; with case studies that range from winemaking to animation. Failure is an inevitable part of any creative practice. As game designers, John Sharp and Colleen Macklin have grappled with crises of creativity,...
Cover of The Designer's Guide to Presenting Numbers, Figures, and Charts
by Sally Bigwood, Melissa Spore
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

Numbers can tell an exciting story. The trick is to know what story to tell and make it understandable. This compact, practical guide will show everyone who must design numeric data how to transform raw data into readable, relevant information. The Designer’s Guide to Presenting Numbers,...
Cover of Things That Keep Us Busy

Things That Keep Us Busy

The Elements of Interaction

by Erik Stolterman, Lars-Erik Janlert
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2017

An investigation of interactivity, interfaces and their design, and the webs of complex interactions that result. We are surrounded by interactive devices, artifacts, and systems. The general assumption is that interactivity is good—that it is a positive feature associated with being modern,...
Cover of Made to Play!

Made to Play!

Handmade Toys and Crafts for Growing Imaginations

by Joel Henriques
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2011

Delight young children and encourage play through unique handmade toys. From sewn and stuffed musical instruments to interlocking paper building blocks and wooden animal figurines, the projects in this book are meant to encourage open-ended play. Organized by kid-loving subjects, the toys here follow...
Cover of See for Yourself

See for Yourself

A Visual Guide to Everyday Beauty

by Rob Forbes
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2015

This accessible handbook from design guru Rob Forbes uncovers the beauty in the commonplace and reveals how visual thinking can enrich our lives. In friendly text complemented by photographs taken on his travels around the world, Forbes explains how to appreciate the design elements that surround...
Cover of Teaching projects in product design
by Julián Pérez, Fernando;Espinach Orús, Xavier;Verdaguer Pujadas
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

El disseny d'un nou producte implica un procés de recerca d'idees i solucions que han de ser acompanyats per un conjunt de múltiples habilitats i coneixements disciplinaris. Depenent de la complexitat del producte, pot donar-se fins i tot que necessiti la creació d'equips de treball molt heterogenis....
Cover of Le Mouvement Arts & Crafts
by Oscar Lovell Triggs
Language: French
Release Date: May 10, 2014

« N’ayez rien dans vos maisons que vous ne considérez pas utile ou croyez être beau. » Cette citation de William Morris pourrait résumer à elle seule les Arts & Crafts, mouvement unique qui, en Angleterre, provoqua une véritable réforme des arts appliqués. Fondés par John Ruskin, puis...
Cover of Manuale del perfetto web designer con Joomla

Manuale del perfetto web designer con Joomla

Ottieni e gestisci gli strumenti indispensabili per la tua carriera

by Carlotta Silvestrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2014

Volevo scrivere qualcosa di più di un semplice manuale. Volevo offrire ai professionisti del web quel faro nella nebbia che aiutasse ad approdare in un porto sicuro, approfondendo tutte le conoscenze indispensabili per essere ottimi web designer. Ho illuminato tutti gli angoli della professione:...
Cover of La decorazione della casa
by Edith Wharton, Ogden Jr. Codman
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2012

Scritto in collaborazione con l’architetto Ogden Codman Jr e pubblicato nel 1897, La decorazione della casa è il primo libro di Edith Wharton, tuttora considerato uno dei testi fondamentali del design di interni. Nel libro viene tracciata un’ampia panoramica, arricchita da moltissime illustrazioni...
Cover of Webgrids -Structure et typographie de la page Web
by Anne-Sophie Fradier
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Au service du texte, du message et de l'utilisateur, la typographie a pour objectifs la lisibilité, l'intelligibilité et l'esthétique des contenus. Bénéficiant de siècles de recherches et d'expérimentations, elle a un rôle essentiel à jouer sur le web, un support jeune qui doit encore gagner...
Cover of Betrachtungen zu Grafik-Design
by Thomas Biedermann
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2010

Eine Zusammenstellung von Artikeln über die Tätigkeit als Grafik-Designer – die Dos und Don’ts, die Fallstricke und Highlights. Alles, was den Berufsalltag erhellt! Die ganze Bandbreite, die Sie angestellt oder freiberuflich in Agenturen und Verlagen erleben können. Schauen Sie herein. Es wird Sie sicherlich interessieren!
Cover of Arts & Crafts
by Oscar Lovell Triggs
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2014

„Bewahren Sie nichts in Ihren Häusern auf, was Sie nicht als nützlich erachten oder wirklich schön finden.“ Allein dieses Zitat von William Morris könnte schon als erklärende Zusammenfassung der Arts and Crafts-Bewegung dienen, die in England eine Reform des Kunstgewerbes hervorrief. Diese...
Cover of Design della complessità
by Don Norman
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Secondo la visione corrente e accreditata la complessità è una complicazione, un sinonimo di disordine. Norman è invece convinto che la complessità sia insita nel mondo, sociale e naturale. Come tale deve dunque essere considerata una caratteristica fondante e ineliminabile della modernità, una...
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