Industrial Health Safety category: 514 books

Cover of Critical Infrastructure Protection in Homeland Security, Enhanced Edition
by Ted G. Lewis PhD
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2014

"...excellent for use as a text in information assurance or cyber-security courses...I strongly advocate that professors...examine this book with the intention of using it in their programs." (Computing, March 22, 2007) "The book is written as a student textbook,...
Cover of Bodyspace


Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work, Third Edition

by Stephen Pheasant, Christine M. Haslegrave
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2018

In the 20 years since the publication of the first edition of Bodyspace the knowledge base upon which ergonomics rests has increased significantly. The need for an authoritative, contemporary and, above all, usable reference is therefore great. This third edition maintains the same content and structure...
Cover of The Art of Learning

The Art of Learning

Neural Networks and Education

by Francis T.S. Yu, Edward H. Yu, Ann G. Yu
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2018

This book presents the idea that innovative ways of teaching and learning are very essential to retention and growth. Presented in 15 sections, the book starts with the common sense training on education and moves on to neural network operation. Throughout the book, the art of learning, associative,...
Cover of Designing for Older Adults

Designing for Older Adults

Principles and Creative Human Factors Approaches, Third Edition

by Sara J. Czaja, Walter R. Boot, Neil Charness
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Winner of the 2019 Richard M. Kalish Innovative Publication Book Award 2019 – Gerontological Society of America This new edition provides easily accessible and usable guidelines for practitioners in the design community for older adults. It includes an updated overview of the demographic...
Cover of The History of Human Factors and Ergonomics
by David Meister
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2018

Human factors/ergonomics (HFE) as a discipline has grown by accretions rather than having been developed systematically and deliberately. Therefore, this book's goal creates a formal conceptual structure for HFE. It is intended as a contribution to cultural history because (a) ours is a technological...
Cover of La prevenzione dei rischi e la tutela della salute in azienda
by Francesco Basenghi, Luigi Enrico Golzio, Alberto Zini
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 11, 2010

Realizzato in collaborazione con CIPRAL - Centro interdipartimentale sulla prevenzione dei rischi negli ambienti di lavoro Il manuale è concepito per tutti coloro che in azienda sono coinvolti a vario titolo nella prevenzione dei rischi riguardanti la SICUREZZA DEL LAVORO ovvero i rischi da...
Cover of Lavoro in sicurezza
by ALESSANDRA PERA (a cura di)
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 29, 2017

Il sapere attorno all’argomento “salute e sicurezza sul lavoro” rappresenta un bisogno ed un risultato per l’uomo della contemporanea società globale: i rischi che corre “l’uomo che lavora” sono estremamente diversi, e per molti aspetti più complessi, rispetto alla società industriale...
Cover of Comunicare il rischio

Comunicare il rischio

Strategie e strumenti

Language: Italian
Release Date: July 10, 2015

Non c’è sicurezza senza informazione. Sembrerebbe un concetto scontato. Ma non è affatto così perché, nella pratica quotidiana, la comunicazione è spesso l’anello più debole nella catena della prevenzione degli incidenti. Di qui l’importanza di questo volume che consente al lettore di...
Cover of Appunti di fisica delle esplosioni
by Fidelibus Antonio
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 23, 2016

Il libro illustra un modello semplificato per la valutazione di sovrapressioni generate da esplosioni di miscele ATEX. E' utilissimo per la valutazione degli effetti delle esplosioni e quindi per la valutazione quantitativa delle aree di danno e del rischio residuo, laddove esista un pericolo di esplosione....
Cover of Aldi - Einfach billig

Aldi - Einfach billig

Ein ehemaliger Manager packt aus

by Andreas Straub
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2012

Aldi – das ist das Vorbild aller Discounter und für viele Kunden inzwischen Kult. Aldi setzt Maßstäbe. Seine Gründer wurden zu den reichsten Deutschen. Ganz im Stillen. Denn noch nie gelang ein tiefer Blick hinter die Kulissen. Der ehemalige Aldi-Süd-Manager Andreas Straub bricht jetzt die...
Cover of Inside Aldi & Co.
by Andreas Straub
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Andreas Straub deckt in diesem Buch auf: Mit Frischhaltefolie wurden Auszubildende im Aldi-Zentrallager an einen Pfosten gefesselt, um sie zu disziplinieren. Was ist los im deutschen Einzelhandel? Nach seinem Bestseller "Aldi - Einfach billig" über Arbeitsdruck, Einschüchterungen, Willkür...
Cover of Santé et bien-vivre au travail
by Laurence Breton-Kueny, Roseline Desgroux
Language: French
Release Date: March 16, 2015

Si de plus en plus d’entreprises ont commencé à s’intéresser à la question de la santé de leurs salariés, au-delà de leurs obligations légales, c’est parce qu’elles ont pris conscience qu’en prenant soin de l’autre, chacun était...
Cover of Das Gefahrstoffbuch

Das Gefahrstoffbuch

Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen nach REACH und GHS

by Herbert F. Bender
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2013

Der Umgang mit Chemikalien und anderen gefährlichen Stoffen ist in Beruf und Gewerbe streng reglementiert – durch die EU und ergänzende nationale Gesetze. Vorschriften zu kennen reicht jedoch nicht aus, um Gefahren für Beschäftigte und Umwelt auszuschließen. Was in den Gesetzeskommentaren...
Cover of Prevenção de incêndios
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 29, 2018

O fogo aparece na história do homem como elemento indispensável à sua sobrevivência e ao seu progresso. Entretanto, o fogo também pode desencadear sinistros, que vão de pequenos focos até o aniquilamento de cidades inteiras. Para ter o fogo ao nosso lado e a nosso serviço é necessário conhecer...
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