Jazz Blues category: 910 books

Cover of The Changes

The Changes

Guide Tones for Jazz chords, Lines and Comping for Guitar

by Sid Jacobs
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2018

The Changes: Guide Tones for Jazz Chords, Lines, and Comping is offered for beginning to advanced players as a way to visualize guide tones on the fretboard. From these shapes lines can be created for soloing and voicings can be built for comping and chord melody. Most importantly, the changes of...
Cover of Favorite American Rags & Blues for Fiddle
by Stacy Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2018

A meticulous collection of recordings, square and contra dances, fiddle contests, jam sessions and individual fiddlers. This magnificent book is meant to provide a snapshot of what American fiddlers were playing and listening to in the latter part of the 20th Century. Bowings, fingerings, and guitar...
Cover of 50 Frasi Bebop

50 Frasi Bebop

Chitarra Jazz

by Alessio Menconi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 19, 2017

50 frasi di Alessio Menconi, per apprendere e sviluppare il fraseggio nel Jazz ed approfondire il linguaggio Bebop. Con videolezioni, partiture, tablature e analisi dettagliata delle frasi, in collaborazione con Andrea Golembiewski. Frasi sugli accordi maggiore, minore e settima Licks sulle progressioni II-V-I Frasi Bebop con cromatismi ed aggiramenti
Cover of Jazz Guitar Structures
by Andrew Green
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

For guitarists, the technical learning curve for improvisation is fairly steep. For this reason, it is important to find multiple uses for the musical structures that you learn to execute. This approach decreases the learning curve considerably. This book and accompanying audio show you how to expand...
Cover of Sarò Franco
by Franco Cerri, Pierluigi Sassetti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 30, 2013

Franco Cerri è un musico di altri tempi. Ha l'età per andare in pensione e invece preferisce strapazzare ancora la sua Gibson L5, suonare con i suoi allievi, vivere di musica come ha sempre fatto, raccontarci il suo jazz. Desiderio allo stato puro, una forza che lascia spazio a pochi altri calcoli,...
Cover of Too Much UnConvenience
by Jr. Lincoln T. Beauchamp
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2017

Lincoln T Beauchamp, known artistically as Chicago Beau, was raised in an environment rooted in blues, literature, law, and travel.   An unlikely circumstance provided by his Great Migration, agrarian background parents. He is a musician, writer, publisher, and adventurer. He has published several...
Cover of Epistrophies
by Brent Hayes Edwards
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2017

Hearing across media is the source of innovation in a uniquely African American sphere of art-making and performance, Brent Hayes Edwards writes. He explores this fertile interface through case studies in jazz literature—both writings informed by music and the surprisingly large body of writing by jazz musicians themselves.
Cover of Cinema&Jazz
by Filomena Iavarone
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 23, 2016

Nel tentare un accostamento tra le due arti, oltre a comprendere una breve analisi comparata della storia del cinema e della storia del jazz, evidenzia il carattere sociologico che costituisce uno dei punti focali intorno a cui prende vita tutto il libro.
Cover of Jazz Guitar Technique

Jazz Guitar Technique

Breaking the Skill Barrier

by Andrew Green
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2018

When improvising, what your mind hears is more often than not determined by what your body can reproduce on your instrument. Much of your conception as an improviser is determined by your technique. If you can't play certain types of ideas, you are simply not going to conceive of them while you are...
Cover of Intents and Purposes

Intents and Purposes

Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Improvisation

by Eric Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2019

How do we define improvised music? What is the relationship of highly improvised performances to the work they are performances of? How do we decide what are the important parts of an improvised musical work? In Intents and Purposes, Eric Lewis uses a series of case studies to challenge assumptions...
Cover of Jazz Violin
by Matt Glaser, Stephane Grappelli
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 1981

Over 25 transcribed solos. Original interviews and tips on improvising from the masters. Plus complete analysis of each solo. Rare historical photos, and an informative discography.
Cover of Favorite Harmonica Songs
by Phil Duncan
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2019

This Qwikguide gives you easy access to playing harmonica. This book uses the 12 or 16-hole chromatic harmonica in the key of C, as well as the 10-hole diatonic in the key of C, in standard tuning and blues harp style. The tunes are written in standard notation and tablature (arrows and numbers) with...
Cover of Blues Violin for the Young Beginner
by Marty Laster
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2018

This book introduces children to bluesy violin techniques in a ground-breaking way that is both structured and fun. You will learn to slide the fingers using exercises and original composition that move from simple to intermediate levels. Suitable for adults as well. Comes with access to downloadable online audio.
Cover of Amari accordi
by Marcello Rosa
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 7, 2014

Questa non è un’autobiografia. Potremmo considerarlo un manuale di consultazione, utile per tutti quelli che vogliano saperne di più su quanto non si ha il coraggio di chiedere sul jazz di cosa nostra (e non è un refuso). In questo senso può essere addirittura considerato come un manuale di...
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