Lakes Ponds category: 88 books

Cover of One Night in the Everglades
by Laurel Larsen
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2012

Follow two scientists as they spend a night in the Everglades collecting water samples, photographing wildlife, and sloshing through marshes in an attempt to understand this mysterious ecosystem. Part of a long-term effort to return the Everglades to a natural state after a century of development,...
Cover of Fly Fishing the Southern Rockies

Fly Fishing the Southern Rockies

Small Streams and Wild Places

by Paul B. Downing
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2016

Fishing small streams in the southern Rocky Mountains. Discover the tiny streams tucked in among the famous rivers you read about. Paul takes you to his favorite special places, offering detailed instructions on where/when to go and how to fish them. Paul B. Downing, author of Handbook of Western...
Cover of Ökologie: Naturwunder Moor (GEO eBook Single)
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Moore sind Horte der Stabilität und federn bislang alle Umweltveränderungen lässig ab. Wie schaffen sie das nur? Eine Annäherung an ein matschiges Phänomen Die großen Themen der Zeit sind manchmal kompliziert. Aber oft genügt schon eine ausführliche und gut recherchierte GEO-Reportage, um sich...
Cover of Natur: Pilze - die unglaublichen Alleskönner
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2016

Pilze werden uns helfen, die Welt zu retten. Sagt Paul Stamets, der leidenschaftlichste unter den Fungi-Forschern. Er könnte recht behalten Die großen Themen der Zeit sind manchmal kompliziert. Aber oft genügt schon eine ausführliche und gut recherchierte GEO-Reportage, um sich wieder auf die Höhe...
Cover of Gauzy
by David Bradford Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2013

    Gauzy is a fun poem inspired by the water lily paintings of Monet, not the crisp ones, but the ones where sky and water mix, where surface becomes color becomes reflection. I repeat the poems words and phrases, in different combinations, attempting to evoke the impression of imagery,...
Cover of The Case for Grassroots Collaboration

The Case for Grassroots Collaboration

Social Capital and Ecosystem Restoration at the Local Level

by William Marshall Leavitt, William Allen Gibson, Shana Campbell Jones
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2013

The nation’s approach to managing environmental policy and protecting natural resources has shifted from the national government’s top down, command and control, regulatory approach, used almost exclusively in the 1970s, to collaborative, multi-sector approaches used in recent decades to manage...
Cover of Zanzare in Appenino - I culicidi di alta quota in provincia di Modena
by Anna Medici
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 20, 2012

L’importanza delle zanzare è enorme se si pensa alle malattie che queste possono trasmettere: malaria (che ancora miete milioni di vittime nelle aree tropicali), filariosi (dovuta a diverse specie di Nematodi) e numerosi virus quali febbre gialla, dengue ed encefaliti. Un possibile vettore di patogeni,...
Cover of Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands, 2nd edition
by Sylvan T. Runkel, Dean M Roosa
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Originally published in 1999, Wildflowers and Other Plants of Iowa Wetlands was the first book to focus on the beauty and diversity of the wetland plants that once covered 1.5 million acres of Iowa. Now this classic of midwestern natural history is back in print with a new format and all-new photographs,...
Cover of Wetlands


An Introduction

by Theda Braddock, Dianne Hennessey
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Wetlands are a vital natural resource and an integral part of the ecosystem. Yet they are also fraught with contention. Landowners, developers, ecologists, policymakers, and the courts must all navigate a complex landscape that requires knowledge not only of the relevant science of wetlands, but also...
Cover of Le Léman et sa vie microscopique
by Gérard Balvay, Jean-Claude Druart
Language: French
Release Date: July 9, 2007

Depuis la parution de l'ouvrage Le Léman. Monographie limnologique, dans les années 1900, ce livre constitue la première synthèse sur l’évolution à long terme des connaissances sur ses micro-organismes planctoniques et les modifications de certains paramètres physico-chimiques. Ces données...
Cover of Die geheimnisvolle Welt der Aale
by Leonard Just
Language: German
Release Date: July 26, 2012

Die geheimnisvolle Welt  der Aale; sie steht im Zentrum meiner Arbeit. Ich werde versuchen einige Geheimnisse dieser einzigartigen Tierart zu lüften, sodass diese Welt am Ende nicht mehr voller Geheimnisse sondern voller faszinierender Erkenntnisse ist.
Cover of Der Trasimeno See fischt wieder
by Associazione Controsguardi
Language: German
Release Date: October 26, 2012

Das Projekt „Der Trasimeno See fischt wieder“ entsteht mit dem Ziel, das Fischerhandwerk an diesem See Umbriens, sowohl in kultureller als auch in konkret operativer Hinsicht neu zu beleben. Dieses Vademekum ist das Ergebnis einer erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit verschiedener institutioneller Akteure...
Cover of L'eau dans l'espace rural

L'eau dans l'espace rural

Vie et milieux aquatiques

by François Papy, Charles Riou, Raymond Bonhomme
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Une synthèse accessible aux étudiants, enseignants, décideurs et tout citoyen, pêcheur ou non, inquiet de la dégradation des milieux aquatiques : rappel du fonctionnement des principaux écosystèmes aquatiques, analyse des relations vie piscicole/environnement aquatique (avec, pour exemple,...
Cover of Le lac d'Annecy et son plancton
by Gérard Balvay, Jean-Claude Druart
Language: French
Release Date: June 23, 2009

Le lac d'Annecy, de par sa superficie, est le deuxième lac entièrement français et l'un des lacs les plus propres au monde. Et pourtant, avant les années 1950, il est le déversoir naturel des eaux usées des communes qui le bordent et est menacé d'eutrophisation. Cette mort lente est évitée...
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