Motivational category: 14833 books

Cover of Your First Year in Network Marketing

Your First Year in Network Marketing

Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams!

by Mark Yarnell, Rene Reid Yarnell
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2010

How to Keep the Dream Alive! Network marketing is one of the fastest-growing career opportunities in the United States. Millions of people just like you have abandoned dead-end jobs for the chance to achieve the dream of growing their own businesses. What many of them find, however, is that the first...
Cover of Bargaining for Advantage

Bargaining for Advantage

Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People

by G. Richard Shell
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2006

BRAND NEW FOR 2019: A fully revised and updated edition of the quintessential guide to learning to negotiate effectively in every part of your life "A must read for everyone seeking to master negotiation. This newly updated classic just got even better."—Robert Cialdini, bestselling...
Cover of The Science of Selling

The Science of Selling

Proven Strategies to Make Your Pitch, Influence Decisions, and Close the Deal

by David Hoffeld
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

The Revolutionary Sales Approach Scientifically Proven to Dramatically Improve Your Sales and Business Success Blending cutting-edge research in social psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics, The Science of Selling shows you how to align the way you sell with how our brains naturally...
Cover of Leadership Presence
by Kathy Lubar, Belle Linda Halpern
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2004

BRING THE TECHNIQUES OF THE STAGE TO THE BOARDROOM. For more than a decade, Belle Linda Halpern and Kathy Lubar have applied the lessons and expertise they have learned as performing artists to the work of their company, The Ariel Group. Halpern and Lubar have helped tens of thousands of executives...
Cover of How to Sell Anything to Anybody
by Joe Girard, Stanley H. Brown
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 1978

"Salesmen are made, not born. If I did it, you can do it." -- Joe Girard In his fifteen-year selling career, author Joe Girard sold 13,001 cars, a Guinness World Record. He didn't have a degree from an Ivy League school -- instead, he learned by being in the trenches every day that...
Cover of Piense y Hagase Rico: Edicion Diamante

Piense y Hagase Rico: Edicion Diamante

Obra original, revisada y actualizada para los triunfadores de hoy

by Napoleon Hill
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2015

**Piense y Hágase Rico: Edición Diamante ** Resulta increíble la sencillez y accesibilidad con que “el secreto” para obtener todo lo que deseamos en nuestras vidas es explicado y se encuentra ahora en sus manos. La monumental obra de Napoleon Hill, Piense y Hágase Rico ha sido...
Cover of The Inner Dominatrix Guide: Become a Badass in Business
by Dana Pharant
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Learning to become a Dominatrix challenged me to stand in a place of power, not power over as you would assume, but power with and through, willing to push people past what they thought were their limitations and into seeing themselves as much more than they ever considered to be possible. It taught...
Cover of On Success: A Woman's Perspective
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2011

Cover of Find Your Extraordinary

Find Your Extraordinary

Dream Bigger, Live Happier, and Achieve Success on Your Own Terms

by Jessica DiLullo Herrin
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2016

In this Wall Street Journal bestseller, Jessica Herrin, serial entrepreneur and founder and CEO of the Stella & Dot Family Brands, shows how the classic traits of successful entrepreneurs are ones each one of us can develop--and use not only to create a company, but also to create an extraordinary...
Cover of Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius

Fund Your Dreams Like a Creative Genius

A Guide for Artists, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, and Kindred Spirits

by Brainard Carey
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2018

How to Get Others to Support Your Vision If you have a dream that needs backing, be it an art project, an invention, or even a business, this is the book for you. Brainard Carey offers advice with solid examples of how building relationships with sponsors, investors, grant-makers, and patrons...
Cover of Lo que saben sobre el liderazgo las personas exitosas

Lo que saben sobre el liderazgo las personas exitosas

Consejos de la autoridad en liderazgo No. 1 de Estados Unidos

by John C. Maxwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 3, 2016

#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell responds to the most popular questions he's received to help readers achieve greater success. John Maxwell, America's #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge...
Cover of El poder de su liderazgo

El poder de su liderazgo

Haga la diferencia con otros

by John C. Maxwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 10, 2017

Todos queremos vivir una vida que importe y hacer una diferencia en el mundo en que vivimos. Pero, ¿cómo logramos eso? En EL PODER DE SU LIDERAZGO, John Maxwell demuestra lo que puede suceder al combinar la pasión personal y el liderazgo de una manera que va más allá del mero éxito. Al encontrar...
Cover of Billion Dollar Lessons

Billion Dollar Lessons

What You Can Learn from the Most Inexcusable Business Failures of the Last 25 Ye ars

by Paul B. Carroll, Chunka Mui
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2008

”This book is your chance to learn from others’ mistakes.”-- Entrepreneur In the 1960s, IBM CEO Tom Watson called an executive into his office after his venture lost $10 million. The man assumed he was being fired. Watson told him, “Fired? Hell, I spent $10 million educating you. I...
Cover of 逆風無畏



by 崔家蓉
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 7, 2016

上海、台灣、美國,一個戰亂年代, 也是一個懷抱夢想不放棄,不被環境決定命運的時代。 他堅定樂觀, 乘風破浪,即便從清寒出發,也能跨越時代的困境。 他感恩給予,重視傳承,建立全球首屈一指的永續航運集團。 他打破了哈佛近四百年的歷史,捐贈了首座以華人命名的高階經理人才培訓中心。 他在歐巴馬宴請習近平的國宴中,是第一組走入會場的貴賓。 他是美國第一位華裔部長趙小蘭的父親, 他就是華裔航運鉅子、福茂集團創辦人趙錫成。 從今日的光耀回溯,趙錫成長於戰火紛亂的時代,一九四九年從上海到了台灣,二十九歲成為台灣當時上最年輕的遠洋輪船長,三十歲成為台灣甲級船長特種考試的狀元。然而他卻放棄高薪赴美深造,在美國白天處理船務,晚上到餐廳端盤子,曾被多所大學拒收,仍堅持苦讀。 趙錫成到美國僅僅六年的時間,就成立了福茂公司,他買船、造船,至今仍是美國在中國造船市場的第一大買家,擁有龐大的環保散貨輪船隊,與美中台三地的領導人交好。他注重家庭教育,結合中西文化的價值與優點,教育六位女兒,個個卓越出色。他感恩給予,在教育領域捐出逾數千萬美元。設立專助華裔學生的「趙朱木蘭獎學基金」,並在哈佛商學院興建「趙朱木蘭中心」,每年超過一萬名國際高階管理人才在此交流。在台灣,為了鼓勵航運相關科系學生開闊視野,他每年提供獎學金資助績優畢業生赴美深造,並進入福茂集團實習。 環境永遠充滿挑戰,趙錫成面對生存的壓力、語言的障礙、文化的衝擊、精神的孤獨,但是他堅定樂觀,永不放棄,在極度競爭的美國主流文化的世界裡,開創自己的價值與地位。就算時代環境再艱難,他全力以赴,永無止境地實現了與時俱進的自我。 重量推薦 「失敗後站起的力量,美國夢的最佳典範。」第四十四任美國總統 歐巴馬(Barack...
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