My Feelings category: 4877 books

Cover of Horrid Henry's Joke Book
by Francesca Simon
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Warning: Too rude for parents and for slimy toad little brothers! These are Horrid Henry's very own jokes: the jokes that grossed out Mom and Dad... that made Aunt Ruby run home... that sent Miss Battle-Axe screaming from class. Be horrid! Read Henry's jokes. Then tell them to the world!
Cover of Help Yourself for Teens

Help Yourself for Teens

Real-Life Advice for Real-Life Challenges

by Dave Pelzer
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2005

As featured on Oprah Dave Pelzer, author of the acclaimed, best-selling books A Man Named Dave and Help Yourself, continues his tireless crusade against despair with Help Yourself for Teens, an uplifting new book written specifically for young adults. Sharing stories of his own adolescent...
Cover of Hoy estoy... Celoso
by Clara Peñalver, Nune Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 21, 2015

Hoy estoy... Celoso es un libro de la serie «Hoy estoy...», una colección de cuentos para trabajar las emociones con los más pequeños. Una historia sencilla, dulce y tierna para ayudar a nuestros hijos a gestionar y superar los CELOS. Llamamos «celos» a esa reacción de miedo...
Cover of Wide Awake

Wide Awake

Buddhism for the New Generation

by Diana Winston
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2003

Many of today's teenagers are tired of the pressure to compete and consume-and are looking for a different way to live their lives. This book offers an alternative: the 2,500-year old practice of Buddhism. Written in a style that will have immediate appeal to young "seekers" and those...
Cover of You Have a Brain

You Have a Brain

A Teen's Guide to T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G.

by Ben Carson, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

Eight proven principles to help you overcome your self-doubt, conquer your fear of the future, reverse negative thoughts about yourself, and hurdle any other obstacles standing between you and your dreams. But instead of letting his circumstances control him, Dr. Carson took control of his...
Cover of Southpaw


Winning Season

by Rich Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2007

Jimmy Fleming throws left, hits right and left, and is hoping to become Hudson City’s newest pitcher.Having moved from Pennsylvania, he’s looking forward to making some new friends and playing the sport he loves. But while he makes the team, things don’t go the way he’d hoped. His teammates...
Cover of Abe Lincoln
by Sterling North
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2012

Abraham Lincoln was born to a poor family on the American frontier. He was a hard worker, but he wanted more than a farmer’s life. As he learned about the issues of his day, Abe longed to be a lawmaker himself, so he ran for the state legislature. Soon the farm boy would become the brilliant orator...
Cover of Hope Nation

Hope Nation

YA Authors Share Personal Moments of Inspiration

by Angie Thomas, Jason Reynolds, Nicola Yoon
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2018

**★ "This amazing outpouring of strength and honesty offers inspirational personal accounts for every reader who wonders what to do when everything seems impossible." --Booklist, starred review A 2019 Texas Topaz Reading List Selection A Junior Library Guild Selection** Hope...
Cover of No te calles

No te calles

Seis relatos contra el odio

by Fa Orozco, Benito Taibo, Javier Ruescas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Si ves que alguien comete una injusticia a tu lado... ¿Qué haces? NO MIRES HACIA OTRO LADO. Y si eres tú el que la ha cometido, ¿tratas de compensarlo? LUCHA CONTRA EL ODIO. Todos los días vivimos y escuchamos historias de discriminación hacia el indefenso,...
Cover of Queer. La guía LGBT para adolescentes
by Kathy Belge, Marke Bieschke
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 19, 2015

En Queer Kathy Belge ofrece a sus lectores información honesta, relatos de la vida personal de los autores, hechos puntuales y sucesos que han marcado la historia de la comunidad LGBT. Queer ha sido pensado para los adolescentes a partir de los 15 años de la comunidad LGBT. Kathy Belge...
Cover of Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts

Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts

A History of Burial

by Penny Colman
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 1997

Drawing on extensive historical and anthropological research, personal accounts, and interviews with people who work in the funeral industry, Penny Colman examines the compelling subjects of death and burial across cultures and societies. The text, enriched with stories both humorous and poignant,...
Cover of El amor inteligente
by Enrique Rojas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 5, 2011

El amor inteligente tiene tres notas básicas en su sinfonía: corazón, cabeza y espiritualidad, sin olvidar que lo cotidiano nunca es banal ni insignificante. El mejor amor se echa a perder si no se cuida a base de pequeños detalles. El doctor Enrique Rojas nos deleita en esta obra, ampliada con...
Cover of How to Be You

How to Be You

Stop Trying to Be Someone Else and Start Living Your Life

by Jeffrey Marsh
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2016

Too short. Too weird. Too quiet. Not true. Let Internet superstar Jeffrey Marsh help you end those negative thoughts and discover how wonderful you are. An interactive experience, How to Be You invites you to make the book your own through activities such as coloring in charts, answering questions...
Cover of 我所受的傷
by 葉揚
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 28, 2019

曾以暢銷書《親愛的彼得先生》一書,以幽默筆觸描繪一家點點滴滴人氣作家葉揚,初次寫出自己內心的創傷,將去年失去孩子的心情撰寫下來,以真誠的筆觸,紀錄了一年的心情,還有對年少時光的反思,讓閱讀者同感身受,感動不已。 如果妳坐下來,跟那個曾經受過傷的自己,一起坐在沙灘上,妳會跟她說什麼? 我想我會跟她說,謝謝妳,沒有那麼拚命的妳,我就到不了這裡。 雖然帶著一點荒蕪,人生還是可以走下去。 因為人生注定是要超過那片荒蕪的。 ☆ 二○一八年一月,她發現自己懷孕了。 工作正步上軌道,而她的先生也是初戀男友,那位喜歡穿著花花襯衫的彼得,正在一間咖啡廳等他下班,她在上甜點時把驗孕棒拿出來,兩人都很開心地,迎來這一刻。 時間不能再更完美了,第二胎寶寶將在大兒子羅比上幼兒園後的兩個月到來,她覺得自己的人生簡直是教科書題材,她想,「倒楣的女人都會恨我的。」 可那不過,是個錯覺。 故事在幾個月後轉到了另一面。 才剛在網路上公布喜訊的她,從醫生的口中知道,她的寶寶,也許不該誕生在這世界上,寶寶因為天生染色體有問題,有「愛德華氏症」必須引產。 當必須揮手跟寶寶道別的那天,在面對寶寶必須離開的過程裡,她對生命,有了另一個新的選擇、新的體認。 生命有些相遇,說了再見之後,可以再重逢嗎? 那些無以名狀的悲傷,是怎麼慢慢地,慢慢地回到該走的軌道上。 這本書,獻給每一個,在生活中受過傷,卻還是試著往前的女子。 獻給每一個,即便心裡破了洞,還是懂得欣賞人生的美好片段;在每次噙著淚水時,卻仍舊望著滿天星空,期盼找到出口的妳。 本書節錄金句: 關於受傷—— 「我不應該受傷。我不應該受苦。」 這個思考是對現實的扭曲,只會讓受傷更加痛苦,而只要抗拒受苦,悲傷的過程就會更加漫長。 所謂幸福與成就—— 原來所謂成就,所謂幸福,不是龐然大物,不是煙火表演,也不是兩千公斤的恐龍。成就用一眼看不清楚,幸福的感覺也沒有什麼過癮,更像一瓶白開水,插了一支吸管,一次一小口,味道很淡,可以分很多次喝。 ■媽媽是什麼—— 所謂的媽媽是什麼呢? 不過就是,不愛沒事,一旦愛下去,就會愛得俗氣而且全面的女人。 ■關於婚姻—— 所有的婚姻都有這麼一個時刻——妳的另一半給出無語問蒼天的建議,他覺得自己很有道理,妳只能咻咻咻地對天空揮拳。 用力多揮幾拳,就不會那麼生氣了。 ■結婚後的愛情—— 親情是老後的愛情。 它有一種本領,心胸寬大,不看外貌就能維持下去。 ■關於夢想—— 如果說,夢想終歸是個詐騙案,就讓我在那個騙局裡傻笑,覺得很榮幸,也不是太壞的事情,經過的時候請放輕腳步,千萬不要,千萬不要把我吵醒了。 ■大人的世界—— 大人就是這樣吧,你很害怕,你很無助,可是你長大了不能隨便把心裡的話跟別人說,只好都跟搜尋引擎傾訴。 ■孩子教我的事—— 過去那年,我親眼見著自己的孩子,一點機會都沒有,連活一秒都沒有辦法,便匆匆死了,我便想到,這一生,我是因為受到多少的厚愛,才能活下來的。 ■我常常忍不住看著葉揚,她太漂亮又太愛傻笑了。 然後我會覺得,壞事發生在好人身上,其實是一件大事。 因為她會讓傷痛長出安慰。 ——大A...
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