Or Industrial Buildings category: 915 books

Cover of Les pyramides d’Égypte revisitées
by Moustafa Gadalla
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2018

Cet ouvrage comprend sept parties richement illustrées, pour un total de 18 chapitres. La Partie I: Vue d’ensemble comprend les deux chapitres 1 et 2 suivants: Le Chapitre 1: Le contexte fournit une brève présentation des «théories» courantes et des contre-arguments s’appuyant...
Cover of L’architecture métaphysique des anciens Égyptiens
by Moustafa Gadalla
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2019

Applications de la géométrie sacrée et mysticisme des nombres dans les temples égyptiens pour produire de l'énergie cosmique. Cette édition traduite en français vous révèle  la connaissance qu’avaient les anciens Égyptiens de la proportion harmonique, de la géométrie sacrée,...
Cover of Dal Foro Mussolini al Foro Italico
by Caterina Capalbo
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 10, 2015

Il libro spiega come e perché si costruì sulla riva del Tevere, ai piedi di monte Mario, un complesso monumentale dotato di impianti sportivi all’avanguardia per il nuoto, il calcio, il tennis, l’atletica con lo scopo di formare lo spirito combattivo e fortificare la razza. Il foro Mussolini,...
Cover of Das große Buch der Linachtalsperre

Das große Buch der Linachtalsperre

Wilfried Dold | Bernward Janzing | Werner Seim

by Wilfried Dold, Werner Seim, Bernward Janzing
Language: German
Release Date: May 5, 2015

Die Linachtalsperre der Stadt Vöhrenbach im Schwarzwald ist ein einzigartiges technisches Kulturdenkmal. Erbaut in den Jahren 1921 - 1925, wurde das Bauwerk in den Jahren 2005 - 2007 reaktiviert. Die aufwendige Sanierung durch ein internationales Spezialistenteam rettete die erste und heute einzige...
Cover of Modern London

Modern London

An illustrated tour of London's cityscape from the 1920s to the present day

by Lukas Novotny
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2018

From the art deco factories of the 1920s through to the skyscraper boom of the twenty-first century, Modern London takes you on an illustrated tour of the capital’s ever-changing landscape.   Shaped variously by war, economics, population growth and design trends, the city has been moulded by some...
Cover of Bosa medievale

Bosa medievale

Il castello e la chiesa palatina

by Fernanda Poli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2014

Il libro fornisce una rilettura aggiornata sulla fortificazione della città di Bosa e sulla chiesa castellana, cappella palatina dei giudici d’Arborea, sotto il profilo architettonico e artistico. Particolare attenzione e rilievo sono stati posti sulla presenza all’interno del sacro edificio...
Cover of Eine neue Betrachtung der ägyptischen Pyramiden
by Moustafa Gadalla
Language: German
Release Date: May 13, 2017

Diese erweiterte Ausgabe des Buches besteht aus sieben durchgehend illustrierten Teilen mit insgesamt 18 Kapiteln. Teil I: Überblick besteht aus den folgenden zwei Kapiteln – 1 und 2: Kapitel 1: Der Hintergrund liefert eine kurze Einführung über die allgemeinen “Theorien” und...
Cover of Die altägyptische metaphysische Architektur
by Moustafa Gadalla
Language: German
Release Date: May 13, 2017

Dieses Buch ist in zwei Teile gegliedert, die insgesamt 8 Kapitel. Teil I: Architektonische Konzepte – Funktion und Form besteht aus zwei Kapiteln 1 und 2: Kapitel 1: Der Architekturkanon wird den tief verwurzelten ägyptischen Glauben des „wie oben so unten“ behandeln und dessen Anwendung auf...
Cover of Limpieza en colegios
by Equipo Vértice
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2012

A través de los capítulos que vienen marcados en este libro, destinado principalmente a la formación, se aprenderán las normas básicas de utilización de los diferentes productos de limpieza y los tipos de maquinaria y útiles que se pueden emplear en la limpieza.Se darán pistas de cómo adquirir...
Cover of Construction Equipment Management
by John E. Schaufelberger, Giovanni C. Migliaccio
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2019

This revised and updated edition of Construction Equipment Management fills a gap on this subject by integrating both conceptual and hands-on quantitative knowledge on construction equipment into a process that facilitates student learning. The first six chapters summarize interdisciplinary...
Cover of Preventing Workplace Incidents in Construction

Preventing Workplace Incidents in Construction

Data Mining and Analytics Applications

by Imriyas Kamardeen
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2019

The construction industry is vital to any national economy; it is also one of the industries most susceptible to workplace incidents. The unacceptably high rates of incidents in construction have huge socio-economic consequences for the victims, their families and friends, co-workers, employers and...
Cover of Dreamers and Designers

Dreamers and Designers

The Shaping of West Vancouver

by Francis Mansbridge, John Moir
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2018

West Vancouver is a community defined by its geography, bordered on three sides by the ocean, backed by mountainous wilderness and threaded by creeks and ravines. This setting gives the region a distinct identity, attracting people from all over the world with the prospect of stunning scenery and...
Cover of Carmarthen Castle

Carmarthen Castle

The Archaeology of Government

by Neil Ludlow
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Carmarthen Castle was one of the largest castles in medieval Wales. It was also one of the most important, in its role as a centre of government and as a Crown possession in a region dominated by Welsh lands and Marcher lordships. Largely demolished during the seventeenth century, it was subsequently...
Cover of Healthcare Architecture as Infrastructure

Healthcare Architecture as Infrastructure

Open Building in Practice

Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2018

Architects and healthcare clients are increasingly coming to recognize that, once built, healthcare facilities are almost immediately subject to physical alterations which both respond to and affect healthcare practices. This calls into question the traditional ways in which these facilities are...
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