Securities category: 3176 books

Cover of The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty

The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty

Answers to Your Most Important Money Questions

by Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Joanne Cuthbertson
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Here at last are the hard-to-find answers to the dizzying array of financial questions plaguing those who are age fifty and older. The financial world is more complex than ever, and people are struggling to make sense of it all. If you’re like most people moving into the phase of life where...
Cover of Trading ETFs

Trading ETFs

Gaining an Edge with Technical Analysis

by Deron Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2010

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of stocks that trades on an exchange with the same simplicity and liquidity of an individual stock. By the end of 2007, 546 ETFs were trading on U.S. exchanges and some 450 were in registration. The total asset growth of ETFs has been equally impressive, doubling...
Cover of 年年翻倍!多空都贏的飆股投資法
by 股市阿水
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2019

28歲從職場退休、35歲財富自由! 曾經在股市賠光資產,他痛定思痛, 以工程師的精密思維與反覆試驗, 耗費心血研究出最佳賺錢方程式: 大盤紅綠燈判斷法、阿水一式、阿水二式, 並幫助許多人找到最適合自己的投資法! ◎「你想不想聽一種技法,簡單易懂,還可以操作一輩子?」 ◎「我的學員中,如果專職操作,增值標準是一年翻一倍。」 ◎「一個正常的上班族,要是採用我的技法還賺不到第一桶金,絕對是你沒有學好、沒有用心學。」 阿水非常重視C/P值。小時候家境曾由富轉債,所以只要有時間,他就會思考「如何在最短時間內賺最多的錢」。工作一年後,他開始投資股票,學了財務報表、技術分析、權證,還學了許多大師的選股方法,也懂得在上沖下洗時靈活運用不同招式,卻依然成為股市落水狗,4年慘賠近300萬。 本來沮喪到不敢再碰股票,直到有天被電影「洛基六:勇者無懼」激勵,重拾信心,決定開發一個「高C/P值的股票投資方式」:平日不需要花太多時間選股、確定可以使用一輩子。 經過長時間摸索,他透過「布林通道」理出頭緒,研發出獨有的選股方式:「阿水一式」,將之高度精進並系統化之後,以200多萬選股操作:第一年翻到近500萬!第二年,1000萬!第三年,2000萬!第五年,4000萬! 阿水從2015年正式開班授課至2018年為止,經由他的技法選出的,竟都是每月漲最多的飆股,同時還經過台股1600檔以上的回測證明。這一套技法不怕騙線,而且再多人使用也不會失靈。藉由本書,阿水將獨門技法不藏私的呈現,內容真金不怕火煉,希望你讀了之後,不再跌跌撞撞,能找到最適合自己的投資法。 **★大盤紅綠燈判斷法:**多年操作經驗觀察出漲跌機率,將大盤的多空趨勢化成「紅、綠、不明」3個燈號。 ★阿水一式:做多!三招就能使用一輩子,並教你擁有「一眼瞬選飆股」的神奇技法。 ★阿水二式:掌握關鍵四要素,檢視個股是否可做空,穩穩賺之外,還幫股票做健檢。 ────────│6萬網友感激推薦!│──────── ★★★★★精準分析如股市明燈! ★★★★★不只教表面功夫,而是從最根本的觀念進行教學。 ★★★★★專業投資心法將一般投資人的10年血淚史都寫出來了! ★★★★★透過簡單技術分析,就可明確知道買賣點。 ★★★★★水哥的分析幫我度過不少股市危機。 ★★★★★說明得很清楚,而且有見地,幫我釐清許多重要觀念。 ★★★★★讓我快狠準的精確挑飆股。 ★★★★★分析詳細又客觀,跟市場上許多自稱老師的人風格截然不同,很中肯。 本書獻給── **  不想再被股票漲跌操弄的你;** **  不想再當股票盲(忙)人的你;** **  下列情況有任何一點符合,阿水的技法就非常適合你:** ◎...
Cover of Flipping Gold for Fast Cash - The Quick & Dirty Guide to Flipping Scrap Gold for Massive Profits ... Starting Tonight!
by Matt Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

How to Buy & Sell Gold : The Quick & Dirty Guide to Flipping Scrap Gold for Massive Profits .. Starting Tonight! is a conversational step-by-step guide to getting a gold-flipping business started right away. Inside you'll discover why buying scrap gold is a great business, the minimal equipment you'll...
Cover of Bank Valuation and Value Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk, 2nd Edition
by Jean Dermine
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2014

The professional resource every investment banker must have—the definitive guide to complying with the brand-new Basel III requirements Anchored in the fields of economics and finance, Bank Valuation and Value Based Management, Second Edition details asset-liability management and provides...
Cover of Rich Habits Poor Habits

Rich Habits Poor Habits

Discover why the rich keep getting richer and how you can join their ranks

by Michael Yardney, Tom Corley
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2016

This book is your chance to learn the specific Rich Habits you must have in order to succeed as well as the Poor Habits that you must avoid at all costs. Read it to unlock the secrets to success and failure, based on Tom Corley's five years' study of the daily activities of 233 rich people and 128...
Cover of Mastering the Trade, Second Edition: Proven Techniques for Profiting from Intraday and Swing Trading Setups
by John F. Carter
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2012

The essential guide to launching a successful career in trading—updated for today’s turbulent markets “Mastering the Trade is an excellent source for a basic understanding of market action, be it day and/or longer-term trend trading. A programmer will have a field day with the many ideas...
Cover of Basic Candlestick Chart Investing
by Michael C. Thomsett
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2010

This is the eBook version of the printed book. This Element is an excerpt from Trading with Candlesticks: Visual Tools for Improved Technical Analysis and Timing (013138094X) by Michael C. Thomsett. Available in print and digital formats.   The simple introduction to candlestick charting: what candlesticks...
Cover of The Alternative Answer

The Alternative Answer

The Nontraditional Investments That Drive the World's Best Performing Portfolios

by Bob Rice
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

The first book to explain the new world of alternative investing, showing how anyone can use nontraditional options to significantly increase returns and lower risks The world's elite investors have long relied on alternative investments to produce superior returns. Until now, these strategies...
Cover of El pequeño libro de la inversión en bolsa
by José Antonio Madrigal Hornos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 11, 2017

En este libro va a encontrar 101 consejos y claves imprescindibles para la inversión en bolsa de la mano de alguien con una metodología de inversión que le ha aportado beneficios de forma constante, por ser sencilla, lógica y con un pensamiento a largo plazo. Durante la última década,...
Cover of Forex para Principiantes

Forex para Principiantes

Aprende a ganar dinero con forex

by Isabel Nogales Naharro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 6, 2015

VIVIR DEL FOREX ES POSIBLE y ¡¡ ALTAMENTE LUCRATIVO!!.... Si tienes un BUEN MAESTRO que te guíe en el proceso. La mayoría de gente que se inicia en la inversión en los mercados financieros, lo hace de forma poco meditada y sin muchos conocimientos previos. Aprenden a base de tropiezos, influenciados...
Cover of Secrets of Winning Powerball
by V.T.
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2014

Want to know why some people can win lotto, or powerball? Luck? Maybe. But there's more than that. Over the years, many lottery winners have shared their secrets on picking the winning numbers. They monitor the pattern, frequency and bet on those numbers. There have been records that some...
Cover of The Dhandho Investor

The Dhandho Investor

The Low-Risk Value Method to High Returns

by Mohnish Pabrai
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2011

A comprehensive value investing framework for the individual investor In a straightforward and accessible manner, The Dhandho Investor lays out the powerful framework of value investing. Written with the intelligent individual investor in mind, this comprehensive guide distills the Dhandho...
Cover of Buffett Beyond Value

Buffett Beyond Value

Why Warren Buffett Looks to Growth and Management When Investing

by Prem C. Jain
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2010

A detailed look at how Warren Buffett really invests In this engaging new book, author Prem Jain extracts Warren Buffett's wisdom from his writings, Berkshire Hathaway financial statements, and his letters to shareholders and partners in his partnership firms-thousands of pages written over...
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