Securities category: 3176 books

Cover of The Hedge Fund Mirage

The Hedge Fund Mirage

The Illusion of Big Money and Why It's Too Good to Be True

by Simon A. Lack
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2011

The dismal truth about hedge funds and how investors can get a greater share of the profits Shocking but true: if all the money that's ever been invested in hedge funds had been in treasury bills, the results would have been twice as good. Although hedge fund managers have earned some...
Cover of The Guru Investor

The Guru Investor

How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies

by John P. Reese, Jack M. Forehand
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2009

Today's investor is faced with a myriad of investment options and strategies. Whether you are seeking someone to manage your money or are a self-directed investor deciding to tackle the market on your own, the options can be overwhelming. In an easy-to-read and simple format, this book will...
Cover of Essentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets
by James Chen
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Comprehensive, accessible guide to technical analysis and market trading strategies Essentials of Technical Analysis for Financial Markets is an all-encompassing handbook on navigating the financial markets successfully using technical analysis. Clearly written, easy-to-understand, and straightforward,...
Cover of Small Stocks for Big Profits

Small Stocks for Big Profits

Generate Spectacular Returns by Investing in Up-and-Coming Companies

by George Angell
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2008

Praise for SMALL STOCKS for BIG PROFITS "George has done it again with Small Stocks for Big Profits. His in-depth experience is invaluable in helping traders explore stocks that are $5 or less, without getting caught up in the fly-by-night idea companies that plague this investment level....
Cover of Investing in Liquid Assets

Investing in Liquid Assets

Uncorking Profits in Today's Global Wine Market

by David Sokolin, Alexandra Bruce
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2008

Now more than ever, the value of Investment-Grade Wines (IGWs) and opportunities to invest in wine as an asset class are soaring. With a little research and a little risk, wine enthusiasts on every level will find it possible to gain big rewards in wine investment -- and there's never been a better...
Cover of Making Money with Binary Options Financial Trading
by Siobhan Ryan
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2012

Do you want to make some extra money? But you don't want to hold shares, bonds, options and so on. You like the extra bang for buck that spread betting gives you. But you don't like the extra risk involved. You know that markets can go up, down or sideways? Then that's all you need to make money with...
Cover of Develop Your Financial IQ

Develop Your Financial IQ

“Greatly Enhance Your Financial Sense In A Fun And Easy Way – And Take Control Of Your Finances Today!”

by Thrivelearning Institute Library
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2013

Cover of Trading In The Clouds: Trading Stocks Using the Ichimoku Method
by Mike Berry
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2010

Whether you are a professional trader or a new comer to investing, this book will allow you trade like the pros. It provides you with all of the information needed to easily understand stock trading using the Ichimoku method. After reading the book - and it is a quick read & learn - you...
Cover of Equity Valuation for Analysts and Investors
by James Kelleher
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2010

Create comprehensive stock valuation models--quickly and efficiently "This amazingly thorough book takes you through real-world financial modeling, provides concise techniques and methods for determining asset value, and offers a blended valuation approach that is responsive to changes in market...
Cover of Trading Price Action Trends

Trading Price Action Trends

Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader

by Al Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2011

A practical guide to profiting from institutional trading trends The key to being a successful trader is finding a system that works and sticking with it. Author Al Brooks has done just that. By simplifying his trading system and trading only 5-minute price charts he's found a way to capture...
Cover of Guía para invertir a largo plazo.

Guía para invertir a largo plazo.

La guía definitiva de estrategias que funcionan para ganar en Bolsa

by Jeremy J. Siegel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Clásico bestseller de la inversión en bolsa que será de gran ayuda para saber cómo invertir y tomar las mejores decisiones. Muchas cosas han cambiado desde la última edición de Guía para invertir a largo plazo. La crisis financiera, el mercado bursátil y el crecimiento ininterrumpido de los...
Cover of 風險之書:看人類如何探索、衡量,進而戰勝風險


Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk

by 彼得.伯恩斯坦
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 18, 2019

★投資/風險概念世紀經典★ ★投資人、金融保險界、經濟學、數學及資料科學領域必讀★ 宛如哈拉瑞《人類大歷史》風險版,精彩萬分! 橡樹資本創辦人霍華.馬克斯盛讚: 「伯恩斯坦是我最喜愛的投資哲學家!」 經濟學巨擘高伯瑞盛讚:「財金界史無前例佳作!」   「一本針對機率撰寫,充滿野心、可讀性又趣味盎然的入門書,   伯恩斯坦把人們從迷信與宿命論的桎梏框架中解放出來。」   ——《紐約時報》   風險管理是現今一項不可或缺的技能,分辨未來可能發生什麼事,從種種可能性當中作選擇的能力,在現代社會中處處可見:無論是投資者買股票,外科醫生動手術,工程師設計橋樑,企業家創業,太空人探索宇宙,政治家競選公職……都不可避免伴隨風險,風險管理已經成為挑戰和機遇的同義詞。   伯恩斯坦用精彩的歷史掌故和人物生平來追溯風險管理的起源:一位位天才以非凡的眼界,一步步如解謎般探索,教我們如何運用未來改善現在。他們讓世人了解風險的內幕,以及如何評估、衡量個中得失,把冒險變成帶動西方社會踏入現代的催化力量。從文藝復興時代的卡達諾開始,到巴斯卡、費瑪、伯努利、高斯……,直到近代發明投資組合的馬科維茨、選擇權定價公式的布萊克、休斯……他們就像漠視眾神禁令的普羅米修斯(Prometheus),深入幽冥,尋找把未來從敵人變成契機的光明。他們的成就改變了管理風險的態度,將人類好賭的天性化為積極開創未來的能量。   伯恩斯坦行雲流水的筆法,讓風險這項複雜的概念讀來趣味橫生:從機率理論、統計抽樣原理、預期壽命、常態分配、均值回歸、賽局理論……逐一量化風險,奠定今日在數學、統計學、物理學、經濟學、管理學等眾多領域根基,將「不確定」逐步「確定」,納入管理和控制,推動現代社會發展。   從頭理解人類探索、衡量風險的歷史,這樣的觀照會讓我們了解當下的立足點,在一場場冒險中掌握勝算。凱因斯說:「如果冒險對人類沒有誘惑力……所謂投資就無非是冷冰冰的謀略。」以「風險」為中心的理念,也提供人類前所未有的機會,追求更豐碩的回報--讓不敢冒任何風險的極端保守者、追尋高風險的投機客、不知風險的賭徒,皆能成為更理性成功的投資人。 本書特色 1.風險概念世紀經典,投資人、金融保險界、經濟學數學及資料科學領域必讀   「風險」是企業經營、股市投資、金融保險等一切行為得以建立的要素,也是化人類賭性為經濟成長、生活水準提高、科技發展的動力。所有財經、數據學科皆於焉建立。本書為投資人、金融保險界、經濟學數學及資料科學領域讀者不可錯過的經典之作。 2.述說人類探索風險的傳奇,指引你馴服風險之路   從文藝復興時代的卡達諾開始,到巴斯卡、費瑪、伯努利、高斯……,直到近代發明投資組合的馬科維茨、選擇權定價公式的布萊克、休斯,歷代數學家運用機率、抽樣原理、均值回歸、賽局理論等統計技術,看歷來天才們如何把風險從「受到損失的可能」變成「獲利的良機」。 3.精彩萬分,身歷其境的閱讀饗宴   小說般的筆法、史詩般的追尋,如哈拉瑞《人類大歷史》風險版般見證歷史脈動,讀者將與偉大思想家同歷一次次知性冒險。 名人推薦   高伯瑞(前美國經濟學會主席、經濟史學家)   霍華.馬克斯(橡樹資本創辦人、《投資最重要的事》作者)   王伯達(財經自媒體《王伯達觀點》)   財報狗(台灣最大的基本面資訊平台與社群)   綠角(「綠角財經筆記」部落格格主、財經作家)   蔡明興(富邦金控董事長)   馮勃翰(台灣大學經濟系副教授)   賴以威(台師大電機系助理教授、數感實驗室共同創辦人) 好評推薦   「伯恩斯坦是我最喜愛的投資哲學家。」──霍華.馬克斯(橡樹資本創辦人、《投資最重要的事》作者)   「伯恩斯坦藉著對風險史和目前風險表現的精彩了解,帶給我們這本財金界史前無例的佳作。我很留心地說:沒人該錯過這本書。」──高伯瑞(前美國經濟學會主席、經濟史學家)   「一本針對機率撰寫,充滿野心、可讀性又趣味盎然的入門書,伯恩斯坦把人們從迷信與宿命論的桎梏框架中解放出來。」──《紐約時報》   「一本非常有娛樂性,又而增廣見聞的書。」──《華爾街日報》   「《馴服風險》對風險建構了一個深具野心的論述,並確實的寫出來。」──美國《商業周刊》   「本書應該,也一定會被廣泛閱讀。」──《經濟學人》   「沒人能寫出如此迷人且趣味盎然的書,其重要性無與倫比。」──海爾布洛納(Robert...
Cover of The Little Book of Market Wizards

The Little Book of Market Wizards

Lessons from the Greatest Traders

by Jack D. Schwager
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2014

An accessible look at the art of investing and how to adopt the practices of top professionals What differentiates the highly successful market practitioners—the Market Wizards—from ordinary traders? What traits do they share? What lessons can the average trader learn from those who achieved...
Cover of Aprendiendo bolsa desde cero
by Germán Udiz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 28, 2019

Si tienes interés por conocer el funcionamiento de los mercados bursátiles, pero no te suena ni la teoría de dow, ni las OPS, ni sabes lo que son los gráficos de velas japones, este manual te será de utilidad para dar tus primeros pasos en el mundo de la bolsa.
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