Securities category: 3176 books

Cover of 創業投資聖經:Startup募資、天使投資人、投資契約、談判策略全方位教戰法則
by 布萊德.費爾德 Brad Feld, 傑生.孟德森 Jason Mendelson
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 7, 2016

《華爾街日報》暢銷榜、 長踞亞馬遜網路書店創投類冠軍 美國《企業家》雜誌年度必讀   正是這套夢幻法則,造就矽谷成為創業家與投資家的天堂樂園!   Twitter 前CEO 迪克‧科斯特洛:「我創業的時候怎麼會沒有這本書呢?」   作者布萊德.費爾德與傑生.孟德森   以超過18年、數百次參與創業投資的經驗,傳授給讀者:   ‧撰寫投資條件書的藝術   ‧討論參與創業投資各個面向的參與者   ‧如何融資並了解投資協議的具體條款   ‧融資時的談判技巧、法律問題   以及所有創業者、投資人應該知道並熟記的所有知識與技巧   繁體中文版獨家加注台灣「在地觀點」!   (由之初創投合夥人詹德弘撰寫)   本書從創業投資條件最簡單的來龍去脈說起,先介紹參與創投交易的各方人馬。接著談到如何籌錢,包括判斷應該籌多少錢,還有踏上籌資道路之前,需要哪些東西。這部分會講到許多創投人士決定投資時所遵照的程序。   再來是深入創投投資條件的細項,此處分成三章:牟利的條件、控制權的條件、其餘條件。我們在細項條件,力求觀點平衡,加上策略的輔佐,以圖公道地做生意。   後續會談到條件,有談可轉換證券的方法,再公開創投商人的手法,包含動機和報酬;接著會討論現實結構面如何影響一家公司籌資成敗,或在投資作成事後影響創投人士、創投廠商、創業人士三者的關係。   本書會初步講到談判,及特定策略在創投界是加分還是扣分,因為這在募資的過程中至關重要。我們也有意幫創業人士避免常見的錯誤或圈套,同時圓滿完成創投融資的交易。   世上沒有所謂標準的創投融資,各項議題會考量公司不同階段籌資納入考量。   本書特別用一章是講創業人士要知道的其他重要投資條件:向你收購公司的合同意向書。   最後以數個新創公司大多會面臨到的法律層面問題作結。本書也許沒辦法像論文那樣洋洋灑灑,羅列所有創業須知,不過已納入數個作者認為創業理當注意的重點。 名人推薦   英文版推薦序   前Twitter...
Cover of Invest Like a Guru

Invest Like a Guru

How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing

by Charlie Tian
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2017

Adopt the investment strategy that built Warren Buffett's fortune Invest Like a Guru provides an invaluable resource for high-quality-focused value investing, with expert insight and practical tools for implementation. Written by the man behind, this book expands on the site's...
Cover of Pattern, Price and Time

Pattern, Price and Time

Using Gann Theory in Technical Analysis

by James A. Hyerczyk
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2009

An updated look at applying W. D. Gann's controversial trading concepts to all major markets W. D. Gann continues to be one of the most controversial figures in technical analysis. Despite his detractors, his theories remain fundamentally solid, and have been successfully adapted by several...
Cover of The Billion Dollar Mistake

The Billion Dollar Mistake

Learning the Art of Investing Through the Missteps of Legendary Investors

by Stephen L. Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2009

Important investment lessons gleaned from the mistakes of accomplished professional investors and billionaire businessmen The Billion Dollar Mistake is an up-close account of the career-defining mistakes that some of the world's most brilliant billionaire investors have made, and a revealing...
Cover of The Dao of Capital

The Dao of Capital

Austrian Investing in a Distorted World

by Mark Spitznagel
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2013

As today's preeminent doomsday investor Mark Spitznagel describes his Daoist and roundabout investment approach, “one gains by losing and loses by gaining.” This is Austrian Investing, an archetypal, counterintuitive, and proven approach, gleaned from the 150-year-old Austrian School of economics,...
Cover of Investing in Renewable Energy

Investing in Renewable Energy

Making Money on Green Chip Stocks

by Jeff Siegel, Chris Nelder
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2008

Investing in Renewable Energy puts the depletion of finite resources such as oil, natural gas, and coal in perspective, and discusses how renewable energy solutions–from solar and wind to geothermal and biofuels–will usher in a new generation of wealth for investors and a new way of life for everyone....
Cover of Family Fortunes

Family Fortunes

How to Build Family Wealth and Hold on to It for 100 Years

by Bill Bonner
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2012

Selected as one of Motley Fool’s “5 Great Books You Should Read” Advice on managing your wealth from bestselling author Bill Bonner From trusted New York Times bestselling author Bill Bonner comes a radical new way to look at family money and a practical, actionable guide to getting...
Cover of Stock Market Investing: 25 Tips for Beginners
by Giovanni Rigters
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2018

You’ve been thinking about investing in the stock market, but don’t know where to begin. There is too much information about investing and it is quite daunting if you don’t know where to start. This is where 25 tips on investing for beginners comes in to play. We will look at common topics...
Cover of Inversión extranjera, derramas tecnológicas y desarrollo industrial en México
by David Romo Murillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Este trabajo analiza el problema de la inversión extranjera directa en México, que se considera como el flujo de capital más estable y que presenta, respecto a otras fuentes de financiamiento externo, un potencial mayor para alentar el desarrollo del país. El estudio del impacto de esta clase...
Cover of Cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrency, #1

by Tim Mathis
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2018

A cryptocurrency (also known as crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies...
Cover of Warren Buffett: Learn the Best Leadership Lessons for Entrepreneurs from Buffett
by Vernon Fox
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2015

When Warren Buffett talks, people listen. He can send a message through an open door and does not have to push the message through a wall. Leadership is crucial to any successful business and good leadership is what Warren Buffett is all about. This is what makes Warren Buffett Book become best seller all the time. 
Cover of Fibonacci Trading, Chapter 15 - The Ideal Trade Setup
by Carolyn Boroden
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2008

This chapter comes from Fibonacci Trading, which shows you how to identify numeric clusters and measure timing signals, in order to achieve the highest rate of profitable trades. Filled with real-world trading situations, the book combines classic trading concepts and Fibonacci analysis to enable you to take advantage of the naturally occurring and recurring patterns within the market.
Cover of Fibonacci Trading, Chapter 9 - Choosing the Swings for Analysis
by Carolyn Boroden
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2008

This chapter comes from Fibonacci Trading, which shows you how to identify numeric clusters and measure timing signals, in order to achieve the highest rate of profitable trades. Filled with real-world trading situations, the book combines classic trading concepts and Fibonacci analysis to enable you to take advantage of the naturally occurring and recurring patterns within the market.
Cover of Understanding Wall Street
by Jeffrey B. Little
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2003

One of history's top-selling investment guides--800,000 copies sold!--is now updated for a new generation of investors Praise for previous editions of Understanding Wall Street: "One of those rare publications that delivers exactly what it promises . . .consistently good." --Barron's "Among...
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