Special Needs category: 986 books

Cover of The Lives They Left Behind

The Lives They Left Behind

Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic

by Darby Penney, Peter Stastny
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

“The Lives They Left Behind is a deeply moving testament to the human side of mental illness, and of the narrow margin which so often separates the sane from the mad. It is a remarkable portrait, too, of the life of a psychiatric asylum-the sort of community in which, for better and for worse, hundreds...
Cover of The Boy in the Moon

The Boy in the Moon

A Father's Journey to Understand His Extraordinary Son

by Ian Brown
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2011

A New York Times Top 10 Book of 2011 "[A]n intimate glimpse into the life of a family that cares around the clock for a disabled child, that gets so close to the love and despair, and the complex questions the life of such a child raises...It is a beautiful book, heartfelt and profound,...
Cover of The Autism Sourcebook

The Autism Sourcebook

Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, Coping, and Healing--from a Mother Whose Child Recovered

by Karen Siff Exkorn
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Practical advice and information from the world's foremost experts on autism -- and a mother's own hard-won lessons from helping her son recover from the disorder When Karen Siff Exkorn's son, Jake, was diagnosed with autism, she struggled to pull together comprehensive information about the...
Cover of Parenting the Strong-Willed Child: The Clinically Proven Five-Week Program for Parents of Two- to Six-Year-Olds, Third Edition
by Rex Forehand, Nicholas Long
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2010

A clinically proven, five-week program for improving your child's behavior Rex Forehand, Ph.D. and Nicholas Long Ph.D. have helped thousands of parents achieve discipline using positive reinforcement, without yelling or harming the child's self-esteem. Their clinically proven, five-week program...
Cover of 101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders
by Tara Delaney
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2009

LEARNING THROUGH PLAY One of the best ways for children with autism, Asperger's, and sensory processing disorders to learn is through play. Children improve their motor skills, language skills, and social skills by moving their bodies and interacting with their environment. Yet the biggest...
Cover of The Gifted Child
by John E. Efiong
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

Gifted children can drive you crazy with their ‘troubles’. They appear higher than their class and can pose challenges to their slow-learning mates. Early in life, these children begin to make choices which would affect their future. The choices when guided early enough would lead to satisfying and...
Cover of 我所受的傷
by 葉揚
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 28, 2019

曾以暢銷書《親愛的彼得先生》一書,以幽默筆觸描繪一家點點滴滴人氣作家葉揚,初次寫出自己內心的創傷,將去年失去孩子的心情撰寫下來,以真誠的筆觸,紀錄了一年的心情,還有對年少時光的反思,讓閱讀者同感身受,感動不已。 如果妳坐下來,跟那個曾經受過傷的自己,一起坐在沙灘上,妳會跟她說什麼? 我想我會跟她說,謝謝妳,沒有那麼拚命的妳,我就到不了這裡。 雖然帶著一點荒蕪,人生還是可以走下去。 因為人生注定是要超過那片荒蕪的。 ☆ 二○一八年一月,她發現自己懷孕了。 工作正步上軌道,而她的先生也是初戀男友,那位喜歡穿著花花襯衫的彼得,正在一間咖啡廳等他下班,她在上甜點時把驗孕棒拿出來,兩人都很開心地,迎來這一刻。 時間不能再更完美了,第二胎寶寶將在大兒子羅比上幼兒園後的兩個月到來,她覺得自己的人生簡直是教科書題材,她想,「倒楣的女人都會恨我的。」 可那不過,是個錯覺。 故事在幾個月後轉到了另一面。 才剛在網路上公布喜訊的她,從醫生的口中知道,她的寶寶,也許不該誕生在這世界上,寶寶因為天生染色體有問題,有「愛德華氏症」必須引產。 當必須揮手跟寶寶道別的那天,在面對寶寶必須離開的過程裡,她對生命,有了另一個新的選擇、新的體認。 生命有些相遇,說了再見之後,可以再重逢嗎? 那些無以名狀的悲傷,是怎麼慢慢地,慢慢地回到該走的軌道上。 這本書,獻給每一個,在生活中受過傷,卻還是試著往前的女子。 獻給每一個,即便心裡破了洞,還是懂得欣賞人生的美好片段;在每次噙著淚水時,卻仍舊望著滿天星空,期盼找到出口的妳。 本書節錄金句: 關於受傷—— 「我不應該受傷。我不應該受苦。」 這個思考是對現實的扭曲,只會讓受傷更加痛苦,而只要抗拒受苦,悲傷的過程就會更加漫長。 所謂幸福與成就—— 原來所謂成就,所謂幸福,不是龐然大物,不是煙火表演,也不是兩千公斤的恐龍。成就用一眼看不清楚,幸福的感覺也沒有什麼過癮,更像一瓶白開水,插了一支吸管,一次一小口,味道很淡,可以分很多次喝。 ■媽媽是什麼—— 所謂的媽媽是什麼呢? 不過就是,不愛沒事,一旦愛下去,就會愛得俗氣而且全面的女人。 ■關於婚姻—— 所有的婚姻都有這麼一個時刻——妳的另一半給出無語問蒼天的建議,他覺得自己很有道理,妳只能咻咻咻地對天空揮拳。 用力多揮幾拳,就不會那麼生氣了。 ■結婚後的愛情—— 親情是老後的愛情。 它有一種本領,心胸寬大,不看外貌就能維持下去。 ■關於夢想—— 如果說,夢想終歸是個詐騙案,就讓我在那個騙局裡傻笑,覺得很榮幸,也不是太壞的事情,經過的時候請放輕腳步,千萬不要,千萬不要把我吵醒了。 ■大人的世界—— 大人就是這樣吧,你很害怕,你很無助,可是你長大了不能隨便把心裡的話跟別人說,只好都跟搜尋引擎傾訴。 ■孩子教我的事—— 過去那年,我親眼見著自己的孩子,一點機會都沒有,連活一秒都沒有辦法,便匆匆死了,我便想到,這一生,我是因為受到多少的厚愛,才能活下來的。 ■我常常忍不住看著葉揚,她太漂亮又太愛傻笑了。 然後我會覺得,壞事發生在好人身上,其實是一件大事。 因為她會讓傷痛長出安慰。 ——大A...
Cover of Cool, Calm, and Confident

Cool, Calm, and Confident

A Workbook to Help Kids Learn Assertiveness Skills

by Lisa M. Schab, LCSW
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2009

Self-assured, assertive kids are not only less likely to be picked on by their peers, they're also less likely to bully others. But it's not always easy for children to find a healthy middle ground between passivity and aggression. If your child is a frequent target for bullies, or has begun to tease...
Cover of Living with Dyspraxia

Living with Dyspraxia

A Guide for Adults with Developmental Dyspraxia - Revised Edition

by Mary Colley
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2006

This book provides a diverse range of basic information and practical advice for adults with dyspraxia. Colley is able to describe in detail the impact that coordination and motor learning difficulties can have on many everyday activities, including cooking, shopping, sewing, gardening and swallowing...
Cover of Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes

Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes

A Story about Losing with Grace

by Jane Whelen-Banks
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2008

Liam loves playing games. His favourite game is 'Woof Woof' which he loves to play with Daddy. When Liam collects all the bones and Daddy loses, he says 'Good game Liam'. When Daddy wins, he gets to shout 'Woof Woof â?? I win!'. Liam does not like it when he doesn't win. In Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes,...
Cover of Three Times the Love

Three Times the Love

Finding Answers and Hope for Our Triplets with Autism

by Lynn Gaston, Randy Gaston
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2009

The powerfully moving story of one family's journey toward healing their triplet sons with autism Lynn and Randy Gaston were overjoyed to discover they were having triplets after many arduous years of trying to conceive. But at eighteen months, the boys began exhibiting odd new behaviors-among...
Cover of The Explosive Child

The Explosive Child

A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children

by Ross W Greene PhD
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2014

A groundbreaking approach to understanding and parenting children who frequently exhibit severe fits of temper and other intractable behaviors, from a distinguished clinician and pioneer in this field. What’s an explosive child? A child who responds to routine problems with extreme frustration—crying,...
Cover of I Am Intelligent

I Am Intelligent

From Heartbreak to Healing--A Mother and Daughter's Journey through Autism

by Peyton Goddard, Dianne Goddard
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

This riveting memoir of extreme loss and unimaginable gain recounts the story of a child who, although unable to expressherself, lives fully aware of her limiting circumstances. Robbed of speech and bodily control, and despite her loving parents’ best efforts to help her, Peyton Goddard suffered neglect...
Cover of I Am in Here

I Am in Here

The Journey of a Child with Autism Who Cannot Speak but Finds Her Voice

by Elizabeth M. Bonker, Virginia G. Breen
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2011

She looked into my eyes and blinked hers slowly and deliberately, like a stroke victim, to show me that although she couldn't speak, she understood what I was saying to her. I stroked her hair softly. 'I know you're in there, honey,' I told her. 'We'll get you out.'" Despite the horror of seeing...
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