丹尼爾.艾伯罕Daniel Abraham: 36 books

Book cover of Game of Thrones - Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Bd. 4
by George R. R. Martin, Daniel Abraham
Language: German
Release Date: June 17, 2015

Die große Comic-Adaption von George R. R. Martins Bestseller-Fantasy-Epos aus Büchern und TV! Die Lennisters ziehen gegen Robb Stark in den Krieg, schlechte Nachrichten machen die Runde bis Winterfell und zur Mauer - Jon Schnee bricht seinen Eid! Und während am anderen Ende der Welt Träume in Flammen...
Book cover of Game of Thrones - Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, Bd. 1
by George R. R. Martin, Daniel Abraham
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2014

Das Lied von Eis und Feuer! Jeder spricht über die Roman-Reihe. Jeder schaut die TV-Serie. Nun wird George R. R. Martins episches Fantasy-Meisterwerk aufwendig in Comic-Form adaptiert! Die Schlachten und Intrigen um den Eisernen Thron bekommen so auf majestätische Art und Weise neues Leben eingehaucht. Doch Vorsicht: Der Winter naht!
Book cover of The Spider's War
by Daniel Abraham
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2016

The epic conclusion to The Dagger and The Coin series, perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin. Lord Regent Geder Palliako's great war has spilled across the world, nation after nation falling before the ancient priesthood and weapon of dragons. But even as conquest follows conquest, the final...
Book cover of The King's Blood
by Daniel Abraham
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2012

WAR AND MADNESS CAST SHADOWS OVER THE LANDS DRAGONS ONCE RULED. Geder Palliako's star is rising. He is a hero of Antea, protector to the crown prince, and darling of the court. But storms from his past are gathering, and with them, a war that will change everything. Cithrin bel Sarcour...
Book cover of The Widow's House
by Daniel Abraham
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2014

THE RISE OF THE DRAGON AND THE FALL OF KINGS Lord Regent Geder Palliako's war has led his nation and the priests of the spider goddess to victory after victory. No power has withstood him, except for the heart of the one woman he desires. As the violence builds and the cracks in his rule begin...
Book cover of The Price of Spring

The Price of Spring

Book Four of The Long Price Quartet

by Daniel Abraham
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2009

Fifteen years have passed since the devastating war between the Galt Empire and the cities of the Khaiem in which the Khaiem's poets and their magical power known as "andat" were destroyed, leaving the women of the Khaiem and the men of Galt infertile. The emperor of the Khaiem tries...
Book cover of George RR Martin's Wild Cards
by Daniel Abraham, George R. R. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2011

In 1946, an alien virus is accidentally unleashed that changes the world forever. Most of those infected die horribly, said to have drawn the Black Queen as their fated card. Ninety percent of those who survive mutate into Jokers - deformed, broken, hated, and feared. But a handful are lucky enough...
Book cover of Hunter's Run
by Gardner Dozois, Daniel Abraham, George R. R. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

Running from poverty and hopelessness, Ramón Espejo boarded one of the great starships of the mysterious, repulsive Enye. But the new life he found on the far-off planet of São Paulo was no better than the one he abandoned. Then one night his rage and too much alcohol get the better of him. Deadly...
Book cover of 刀光錢影5:蜘蛛戰爭(完結篇)


The Dagger and The Coin 5: The Spider’s War

by 丹尼爾.艾伯罕(Daniel Abraham)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 27, 2016

◆雨果獎、星雲獎、世界奇幻獎提名、美國 Syfy 頻道當紅影集「太空無垠」原創作者 ◆丹尼爾.艾伯罕生涯奇幻史詩代表作! ◆刀光錢影系列雋永磅礡大完結! ◆「冰與火之歌」作者喬治.馬汀:我夢想中的奇幻大作 「獨特精妙,智慧超卓,絕無僅有的奇幻史詩寫作經典,它為奇幻文學豎立了優秀典範。」 --Mr....
Book cover of 刀光錢影4:寡婦之翼
by 丹尼爾.艾伯罕(Daniel Abraham)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 6, 2015

◆ 作者曾獲雨果獎、星雲獎、世界奇幻獎提名,得到喬治.馬汀、《風之名》作者派崔克.羅斯弗斯及普立茲小說獎得主朱諾.狄亞茲推崇。 ◆作者為奇幻經典暢銷大作《冰與火之歌》作者喬治.馬汀之得意門生,『刀光錢影』系列亦是啟發自此一系列。 ◆「漫長的代價」奇幻四部曲已售出英國、德國、法國、荷蘭、義大利、俄國、波蘭、捷克和中國(上海萬語)版權。 《冰與火之歌》作者喬治.馬汀:我夢想中的奇幻大作! 金錢、權力、欲望蠱惑人心界限, 失控的夢魘來襲挑動,烽火狼煙一觸即發! 「這部作品讓艾伯罕穩坐喬治.馬汀接班人的寶座。」--《Grasping...
Book cover of Planetenjäger
by George R.R. Martin, Gardner Dozois, Daniel Abraham
Language: German
Release Date: June 26, 2017

Ramon Espejos Leben verläuft bei Weitem nicht so wie geplant. Nicht nur, dass er auf einem kaum erschlossenen Kolonieplaneten gestrandet ist. Er muss auch noch vor der Justiz in die Wildnis flüchten, weil er im Streit um eine Frau seinen Gegner getötet hat. Dort wird er von einem bislang unbekannten...
Book cover of Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 1

Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 1

La Saison de l'ombre

by Daniel ABRAHAM
Language: French
Release Date: March 24, 2011

La cité de Saraykeht rayonne sur le monde grâce à son immense port. Son gouverneur tout-puissant, le Khai, dirige les poètes, disciples d'un ordre quasi religieux formés à un art magique : donner forme à des andats, créatures semblables aux humains dotées de pouvoirs précieux. Heshai, vieil...
Book cover of Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 4

Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 4

La saison de la paix

by Daniel ABRAHAM
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2011

Quinze ans ont passé depuis la guerre qui a ravagé les Cités du Khaiem. Les andats ont été détruits, laissant les femmes du Khaiem et les hommes de Galt stériles. L'Empereur Otah tente de former une alliance en mariant son fils à la fille d'un seigneur galtique, espérant ainsi donner vie...
Book cover of Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 3

Les Cités de Lumière - Tome 3

La saison de la guerre

by Daniel ABRAHAM
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2011

L'Empire galtique a de tout temps convoité les richesses du Khaiem, mais le pouvoir des andats avait jusque-là réussi à le dissuader d'attaquer. Balasar Gice, l'impitoyable général en chef de l'armée de Galt n'a qu'une obsession : les empêcher de détruire le monde, comme ils l'ont déjà...
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