史考特.亞當斯Scott Adams: 77 books

Book cover of Random Acts of Management: A Dilbert Book
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

In Random Acts of Management, cartoonist Scott Adams offers sardonic glimpses once again into the lunatic office life of Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, and others, as they work in an all-too-believably ludicrous setting filled with incompetent management, incomprehensible project acronyms, and minuscule...
Book cover of Don't Stand Where the Comet Is Assumed to Strike Oil
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2012

Confined to their cubicles in a company run by idiot bosses, Dilbert and his white-collar colleagues make the dronelike world of Kafka seem congenial." -New York TimesWhy is Dilbert such a phenomenon? People see their own dreary, monotonous lives brought to comedic life in the ubiquitous strip....
Book cover of Excuse Me While I Wag: A Dilbert Book
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

Cubicle-dwelling business people the world over have been knowingly nodding, faithfully push-pinning their favorite strips to their cube walls, and--most of all--belly laughing out loud ever since Dilbert first arrived on the scene. In this collection, Excuse Me While I Wag, Dilbert and his look-alike...
Book cover of Another Day in Cubicle Paradise
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

When Dilbert first appeared in newspapers across the country in 1989, office workers looked around suspiciously. Was its creator, Scott Adams, a pen name for someone who worked amongst them? After all, the humor was just too eerily funny and familiar. Since then, Dilbert has become more than a cartoon...
Book cover of It's Not Funny If I Have to Explain It: A Dilbert Treasury
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2012

Office workers, cubicle squatters, and corporate drones everywhere read Dilbert in their morning papers and see their own bosses and coworkers in the frames of the strip, enacting on newsprint the weird rituals and bizarre activities that are conducted each day in the American workplace. The characters'...
Book cover of Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard to Verify: A Dilbert Book
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2011

Inside Your Accomplishments Are Suspiciously Hard to Verify, Adams tackles the subjects of Elbonian slave labor, faulty product recalls, less-than-anonymous employee surveys, and more.If you've ever looked among your co-workers and thought, I hope feral cats eat every one of you, or briefly...
Book cover of Freedom's Just Another Word for People Finding Out You're Useless: A Dilbert Book
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

No office can function without a little humor and craziness. Adams turns mundane office issues into excruciatingly funny office moments.In Freedom's Just Another Word for People Finding Out You're Useless, fans get a hilarious collection of great Dilbert strips that are anything but useless....
Book cover of Cómo fracasar en casi todo y aun así triunfar

Cómo fracasar en casi todo y aun así triunfar

Algo así como la historia de mi vida

by Scott Adams
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Una autobiografía del creador de DILBERT • Un libro con todo el humor del dibujante de la famosa tira cómica • Con toda la seriedad de alguien que, a pesar de todo, ha conseguido triunfar. Este no es un libro de consejos. Si aceptas consejos de un humorista es probable que no termines bien....
Book cover of Optimism Sounds Exhausting
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2015

Dilbert, the cubicle-dwelling drone, is at his satirical best with this new collection of cartoons. Dilbert has managed to keep up with technology like iPads and Twitter over the years, as well as advanced systems like the Disaster Preparedness Plan that has its followers eating the crumbs from their...
Book cover of Dilbert Gets Re-accommodated
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2017

When confronted by unjust systems of corporate domination, whenever and wherever they may be, Dilbert boldly . . . gets “re-accommodated.” The legendary gang of coworkers is back for more unprofessional development, jargon freestyle, and elaborate work-avoidance schemes. Management fudges...
Book cover of I'm No Scientist, But I Think Feng Shui Is Part of the Answer
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

What do the arts of yoga, feng shui, and Irish dance have in common?   They can’t save you from a gnawing dissatisfaction with your job. Luckily, our favorite office cog has a few tricks up his sleeve. Armed with a wearable brain stimulator and ingestible nanorobots, Dilbert discovers how to outpace...
Book cover of Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2018

Dilbert is the cubicle-bound star of the most photocopied, pinned-up, downloaded, faxed, and e-mailed comic strip in the world. As fresh a look at the inanity of office life as it brought to the comics pages when it first appeared in 1989, this new Dilbert collection comically confirms to the...
Book cover of 超越邏輯的情緒說服:不靠事實、不必精準,照樣讓人點頭如搗蒜!
by 史考特.亞當斯(Scott Adams)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 8, 2018

◆亞馬遜網路書店、《紐約時報》分類榜TOP1暢銷書 ◆《羅輯思維》第五季精選推薦 無論你想在任何情境說服他人,或是想避免被他人輕易說服, 本書都是充滿睿智建議與實用工具的策略武器! 「不管你信不信,我反正是信了!」 在沒人關心事實的世界,如何讓人願意相信你? 第一本又酸又實用的核彈級說服術! 當《精準預測》的作者奈特.席佛(Nate...
Book cover of I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring
by Scott Adams
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2013

The boss. Everyone has one, and all of every boss's worst traits are embodied in The Boss in Dilbert.In I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring, the ongoing torture that The Boss wreaks on his helpless underlings is played out in full. From a total lack of mentoring skills to clueless budget requests and...
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