史蒂芬.茨威格Stefan Zweig: 690 books

Book cover of Chess
by Stefan Zweig
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2011

'... a human being, an intellectual human being who constantly bends the entire force of his mind on the ridiculous task of forcing a wooden king into the corner of a wooden board, and does it without going mad!' A group of passengers on a cruise ship challenge the world chess champion to a...
Book cover of María Estuardo
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Coronada reina de Escocia con apenas seis días, María Estuardo es uno de los personajes más enigmáticos y apasionantes de su tiempo. Su vida y sus desdichas han suscitado la curiosidad de multitud de estudiosos. Educada en Francia, refinada, culta y hermosa, su adhesión al catolicismo en la turbulenta...
Book cover of Değişim Rüzgarı
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Turkish
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Birinci Dünya Savaşını izleyen yıllarda, Avusturya'nın bir köyündeki postanede memur olarak iş bulan Christine Hoflehner'in önünde, renksiz ve yoksulluk dolu bir yaşam uzanmaktadır. Ancak Amerika'daki akrabalarından aldığı bir mektup tekdüze yaşamından çekip alır onu. Çalışmayı...
Book cover of Joseph Fouche - Bir Politikacının Portesi
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Stefan Zweig, Napoléon döneminin, önemi uzun süre göz ardı edilmiş bir kişiliği üzerine kaleme aldığı bu derinlikli karakter analiziyle bizlere bir kez daha hatırlatır: Özellikle politikanın etki alanında, tarihin seyrini belirleyen kişiler, göz önünde olan, aydınlık ideallerin...
Book cover of Amok and other Stories
by Stefan Zweig
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2007

A doctor in the Dutch East Indies torn between his medical duty to help and his own mixed emotions; a middle-aged maidservant whose devotion to her master leads her to commit a terrible act; a hotel waiter whose love for an unapproachable aristocratic beauty culminates in an almost lyrical death and...
Book cover of The Burning Secret
by Stefan Zweig
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2017

Burning Secret is a 1 short story by Stefan Zweig, about an American diplomat's son who befriends a mysterious baron while staying at an Austrian spa during the 1920s. This symbol-filled story, filmed with sensuous detail and nuance, is set in Austria in the 1920s. While being treated for asthma at a...
Book cover of İnsanlığın Yıldızının Parladığı Anlar - On Dört Tarihsel Minyatür
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

İnsanlığın Yıldızının Parladığı Anlar, insanlık tarihine yön vermiş belirleyici anlar üstüne kısa denemelerden oluşuyor. Stefan Zweig, çevrele-rindeki geçici koşulların dayattığı sınırları aşabilmiş Fatih Sultan Mehmed, Händel, Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Lenin gibi "yaratıcı...
Book cover of Vingt-quatre heures de la vie d'une femme
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Edition enrichie (Introduction, dossier sur Stefan Zweig) Scandale dans une pension de famille « comme il faut », sur la Côte d’Azur du début du siècle : Mme Henriette, la femme d’un des clients, s’est enfuie avec un jeune homme qui pourtant n’avait passé là qu’une journée…...
Book cover of Dostoïevski
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: January 11, 2019

Dans cette évocation biographique et personnelle de la figure et de l’œuvre de Dostoïevski, Stefan Zweig dresse le portrait de celui qui fut pour lui l'un des trois maîtres du XIXe siècle, avec Balzac et Dickens, que plus que nul autre il a aimé et médité. A travers ses propres impressions,...
Book cover of Joseph Fouché
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2015

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, a été relu et corrigé.  Joseph Fouché (1759-1820) a servi avec zèle la République, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Monarchie. Homme de l'ombre, disciple de Machiavel, Fouché...
Book cover of Fouché
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Joseph Fouché nacque nei pressi di Nantes nel 1759, divenne uno degli uomini più potenti della sua epoca e morì dimenticato nel 1820, in esilio a Trieste. Personalità sconcertante e inafferrabile, ha mantenuto il potere nel ventennio più tormentato della storia francese, dalla Rivoluzione alla...
Book cover of Freud
by Stefan Zweig
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 25, 2015

Nel 1931, quando questo libro viene pubblicato per la prima volta, la psicoanalisi è ormai una disciplina diffusa e apprezzata in varie parti del mondo, ma continua a destare scandalo, sospetto e polemiche. Raccontando la vita di Freud in parallelo alle evoluzioni della teoria e della pratica psicoanalitica,...
Book cover of Trois maîtres
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2013

" Du Joueur d'échecs à Combat avec le démon, l'œuvre entière de Stefan Zweig est fascinée par les grandes aventures de l'esprit humain, qu'elles le mènent vers la pensée, l'absolu, l'idéal ou la folie. C'est de la création romanesque que nous parle ici le grand écrivain autrichien,...
Book cover of Amok
by Stefan Zweig
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Edition enrichie (Préface, notes, dossier sur Stefan Zweig) La passion en ce qu’elle a d’irrésistible et de semblable à la folie : c’est le thème central de ces trois récits publiés en 1922 par le grand écrivain autrichien, auteur du Joueur d’échecs et de La Confusion des sentiments. L’...
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