喬治.歐威爾 George Orwell: 87 books

Book cover of 1984



by George Orwell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 16, 2013

Nieuwspraak, Big Brother, het vocabulaire uit 1984 is in onze taal opgenomen en een eigen leven gaan leiden. De roman van George Orwell uit 1949 over de strijd van Winston Smith, ambtenaar op het ministerie van Waarheid, tegen de alles doordringende Partij, en zijn gedoemde liefde voor Julia heeft...
Book cover of Keep the Aspidistra Flying
by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2018

"Keep the Aspidistra Flying", first published in 1936, is a socially critical novel by George Orwell. It is set in 1930s London. The main theme is Gordon Comstock's romantic ambition to defy worship of the money-god and status, and the dismal life that results. (Wikipedia)
Book cover of The Clergyman's Daughter
by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2018

A Clergyman's Daughter is a 1935 novel by English author George Orwell. It tells the story of Dorothy Hare, the clergyman's daughter of the title, whose life is turned upside down when she suffers an attack of amnesia. (Wikipedia)
Book cover of Burmese Days
by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2018

Burmese Days is a novel by British writer George Orwell. It was first published in the United Kingdom in 1934. It is a tale from the waning days of British colonialism, when Burma was ruled from Delhi as a part of British India – "a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj." (Wikipedia)
Book cover of Los días de Birmania
by George Orwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 10, 2011

Una novela de intrigas en la Birmania británica de la mano de un grande de las letras inglesas. El protagonista de Los días de Birmania, el señor Flory, es el representante de una empresa maderera relegado a una remota provincia. Su apertura de miras hacia los nativos lo acerca al doctor...
Book cover of Rebelion en la granja
by George Orwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 5, 2014

Quizá la empresa mas difícil de acometer sea la de hacernos conscientes. El mundo en que vivimos parece decididamente abocado a distraernos, a impedirle a los individuos un momento de lucidez para mirar su entorno, observar cómo funciona la sociedad. Los verdaderos poderes del visionario de Orwell...
Book cover of Que no muera la aspidistra
by George Orwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 6, 2014

Escrita con su mejor vena satírica, George Orwell nos cuenta en esta novela la historia de Gordon Comstock, un poeta frustrado que un buen día decide combatir el tentador poder del dinero viviendo en las más míseras condiciones. Gordon Comstock es un poeta frustrado dispuesto a llevar sus...
Book cover of La hija del clérigo
by George Orwell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 10, 2011

La hija del clérigo es una de las novelas menos conocidas de George Orwell, pero sin duda una de las mejores y más experimentales. Ambientada en la década de los años treinta, cuenta la dura vida de la hija de un clérigo, maltratada y condenada a ser una criada hasta que un brusco cambio...
Book cover of Coming up for Air
by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2018

Coming Up for Air is a novel by George Orwell, first published in June 1939, shortly before the outbreak of World War II. It combines premonitions of the impending war with images of an idyllic Thames-side Edwardian era childhood. The novel is pessimistic, with its view that speculative builders,...
Book cover of 向加泰隆尼亞致敬
by 喬治.歐威爾 George Orwell
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 18, 2014

喬治.歐威爾親身參戰紀實 世人了解西班牙內戰的第一手敘事 奠定歐威爾為「歐洲永恆的良心」之重要代表作 書籍簡介: 一九三六年,西班牙內戰爆發,這是一場由佛朗哥將軍與西班牙共產黨領導的共和軍之間的內戰,共和軍這一方除了在當地募兵,還招募了幾千名國際志願軍。英國作家喬治.歐威爾為了實踐他內心對社會主義的支持,便帶著一股成人就義的浪漫,加入了這場戰爭。他在前線待了六個月,直到在韋斯卡前線的一場戰事中,他的喉部中槍為止。待他回英休養後,便動手寫下關於這場內戰的作品。 本書以直率的口吻,忠實紀錄著他在西班牙戰場所經歷的種種,包括共和軍說穿了只是一群烏合之眾,前線的寒冷比敵人更可怕,僅是用「投降就有奶油吐司可以吃」這樣的話語就能招降敵人……。在歐威爾幽默的筆觸下,西班牙人的隨興風格和戰場上物資及軍事訓練的缺乏,總...
Book cover of 1984


in der Übersetzung von Michael Walter

by George Orwell
Language: German
Release Date: August 12, 2011

"Freiheit bedeutet die Freiheit, zu sagen, daß zwei und zwei vier ist. Gilt dies, ergibt sich alles übrige von selbst." Der Klassiker über einen allmächtigen Überwachungsstaat ist und bleibt beklemmend aktuell: Mit 1984 schuf George Orwell eines der einflußreichsten Bücher des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Book cover of Animal Farm

Animal Farm

A Fairy Story

by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2009

George Orwell’s famous satire of the Soviet Union, in which “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
Book cover of Birmaanse dagen
by George Orwell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 24, 2018

De Engelse houthandelaar Flory behoort tot de kleine blanke elite in het stadje Kyauktada in Opper-Birma. In de verzengende tropenhitte wordt hij steeds meer bevangen door walging van zichzelf en de andere Britten, die hun dagen verdoen in de Europese Club – hét broeinest van de koloniale onderdrukking...
Book cover of Homage to Catalonia / Down and Out in Paris and London
by George Orwell
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2016

Homage to Catalonia is both a memoir of Orwell’s experience at the front in the Spanish Civil War and a tribute to those who died in what he called a fight for common decency. Down and Out in Paris and London chronicles the adventures of a penniless British writer who finds himself rapidly descending...
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