娜歐蜜.諾維克Naomi Novik: 33 books

Book cover of His Majesty's Dragon

His Majesty's Dragon

A Novel of Temeraire

by Naomi Novik
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2006

“Just when you think you’ve seen every variation possible on the dragon story, along comes Naomi Novik. . . . Her wonderful Temeraire is a dragon for the ages.”—Terry Brooks Aerial combat brings a thrilling new dimension to the Napoleonic Wars as valiant warriors rise to Britain’s...
Book cover of The Mythic Dream
by John Chu, Leah Cypess, Indrapramit Das
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2019

An all-new anthology of eighteen classic myth retellings featuring an all-star lineup of award-winning and critically acclaimed writers. Madeleine L’Engle once said, “When we lose our myths we lose our place in the universe.” The Mythic Dream gathers together eighteen stories that reclaim...
Book cover of Lightspeed Magazine, August 2013
by John Joseph Adams, Naomi Novik, Alastair Reynolds
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

Lightspeed is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy,...
Book cover of Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 98 (July 2018)
by John Joseph Adams, James Beamon, Genevieve Valentine
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2018

LIGHTSPEED is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. In its pages, you will find science fiction: from near-future, sociological soft SF, to far-future, star-spanning hard SF--and fantasy: from epic fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, and contemporary urban tales, to magical realism, science-fantasy,...
Book cover of Uncanny Magazine Issue 22
by Lynne M. Thomas, Michael Damian Thomas, Naomi Novik
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2018

The May/June 2018 issue of Hugo Award-winning Uncanny Magazine. Featuring new fiction by Naomi Novik, Katharine Duckett, Marina J. Lostetter, Kelly Robson, A. Merc Rustad, and C.L. Clark, reprinted fiction by Aliette de Bodard, essays by Greg Pak, Briana Lawrence, Kelly McCullough, and Elsa...
Book cover of Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 95
by Neil Clarke, James Patrick Kelly, Naomi Novik
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

Clarkesworld is a Hugo Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. Each month we bring you a mix of fiction (new and classic works), articles, interviews and art Our August 2014 issue contains: Original Fiction by James Patrick Kelly ("The Rose Witch"), Caroline...
Book cover of Will Supervillains Be on the Final?
by Naomi Novik
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2013

**From the New York Times bestselling author of the Temeraire novels comes the first graphic novel in a thrilling new saga about the next generation of high-flying costumed crusaders   HEROISM 101  ** As universities go, Liberty Vocational is the private college of choice for budding superheroes...
Book cover of 盤根之森
by 娜歐蜜.諾維克(Naomi Novik)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 7, 2018

◆即將由簽下《魔戒》與《哈利波特》的電影公司華納兄弟改拍電影, 由《艾倫秀》主持人艾倫.狄珍妮擔任製作 ◆眾多媒體票選為年度最佳小說之一 (NPR BuzzFeed Tor.com BookPage Library Journal Publishers Weekly) ◆Goodreads近四萬則五星好評,亞馬遜網書四顆半星好評 ◆單本完結獨立作 ◆台大外文系教授——趙恬儀老師——專文推薦 愛、仇恨、思念、嫉妒,都是會生根的, 直到長成一片森林,孕育出吃人的妖獸和腐敗的果實, 森林朝四面八方伸出根鬚和觸手,渴望吞噬整個世界。 而抵擋在森林與世界中間的,是一隻惡龍和一名女巫。 ★...
Book cover of Crucible of Gold

Crucible of Gold

A Novel of Temeraire

by Naomi Novik
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2012

“An absorbing adventure.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)   Former Aerial Corps captain Will Laurence and his faithful dragon, Temeraire, have been put out to pasture in Australia—and it seems their part in the war has ended just when they are needed most. The French have invaded Spain,...
Book cover of Drachensieg



by Naomi Novik
Language: German
Release Date: March 27, 2017

Ein furchtloser Feuerreiter und sein Drache treten Napoleon entgegen: Die letzte Schlacht um die Freiheit beginnt! Der Russland-Feldzug war für Napoleons Armee vernichtend. Doch auch die Russen und ihre Verbündeten wurden stark geschwächt. Kapitän Will Laurence und sein Drache Temeraire...
Book cover of Die Feuerreiter Seiner Majestät 02
by Naomi Novik
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2012

Die zweite Folge der unvergesslichen neuen Drachensaga! Kaum haben Captain Will Laurence und sein gewaltiger Drache Temeraire ihre erste Bewährungsprobe bestanden, da erscheint eine chinesische Delegation am britischen Königshof und fordert die Rückgabe Temeraires. Als Laurence sich weigert,...
Book cover of Drachenfeind



by Naomi Novik
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2014

Er vergaß den Freund, doch niemals ihre Freundschaft. Nach einem Schiffsunglück hat Kapitän Will Laurence alles verloren. Doch sein größter Verlust ist ihm nicht einmal bewusst. Denn durch den Unfall hat er keine Erinnerung mehr an seine Zeit als Feuerreiter oder an seinen Drachen Temeraire....
Book cover of Die Feuerreiter Seiner Majestät 01
by Naomi Novik
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2012

Eine faszinierende neue „All-Age“-Fantasy-Saga voll dramatischer Drachenkämpfe, Magie und großer Gefühle! Als die HMS Reliant eine französische Fregatte aufbringt, kann Captain Will Laurence noch nicht ahnen, wie sehr sich sein Leben bald schon ändern wird. Denn die Fregatte hat eine...
Book cover of Die Feuerreiter Seiner Majestät 03
by Naomi Novik
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2012

Die dritte Folge des neuen großartigen „All-Age“-Abenteuers! Captain Will Laurence und sein Drache Temeraire werden ins ottomanische Imperium abkommandiert. In Istanbul warten drei Dracheneier auf sie, die die beiden Gefährten sicher und vor dem Ausschlüpfen nach Britannien bringen müssen...
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