彼得.勒朗吉斯Peter Lerangis: 52 books

Book cover of Seven Wonders Book 2: Lost in Babylon
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2013

Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the New York Times bestselling epic adventure Seven Wonders! Lost in Babylon is the second book in a seven-book series by master storyteller Peter Lerangis. This sequel to the bestselling The Colossus Rises chronicles Jack McKinley and his friends as they carry...
Book cover of Rewind
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

A mysterious camera gives Adam the chance to change the past In the dead of a Vermont winter, Adam, Edgar, and Lianna skate onto the pond to practice hockey. Suddenly, a crack in the ice sends the two boys tumbling into the frozen water. When he wakes up, Adam remembers nothing—and his best...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Book 4: The Curse of the King
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2015

Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the New York Times bestselling epic adventure Seven Wonders! The Curse of the King is the fourth book in a five-book series by master storyteller Peter Lerangis. This sequel to The Tomb of Shadows, Lost in Babylon, and The Colossus Rises chronicles the adventures...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Book 3: The Tomb of Shadows
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the New York Times bestselling epic adventure Seven Wonders! The Tomb of Shadows is the third book in a seven-book series by master storyteller Peter Lerangis. This sequel to the bestselling Lost in Babylon and The Colossus Rises chronicles the adventures...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Book 5: The Legend of the Rift
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2016

Percy Jackson meets Indiana Jones in the final installment of the New York Times bestselling epic adventure Seven Wonders! Jack, Marco, Cass, and Aly’s quest to find the seven magic orbs buried beneath each of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World has hit a perilous snag. King Uhla’ar...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Journals: The Select
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2012

From the lost Journals of the Seven Wonders saga comes the story of Burt Wenders—one of the first of the chosen kids to be marked as "The Select." In this thrilling prequel to Book 1, delve into the mystery and the magic of Seven Wonders, the brand-new adventure series from Peter Lerangis, the bestselling...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Journals: The Key
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2015

Discover the history behind the mystery of the New York Times bestselling Seven Wonders series in this original novella. Follow the tale of Aliyah and Osman, twin treasure hunters pressed into a life of crime. For them, every day is another desperate death-defying adventure until they stumble...
Book cover of Seven Wonders Journals: The Promise
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2016

From the lost Journals of the New York Times bestselling Seven Wonders series comes the story of how Atlantis came to rest at the bottom of the sea. Follow the threads of history back to ancient times. Two Atlantean princes, Karai and Massarym, obsessed with power and terrified of the mysterious...
Book cover of Antarctica: Escape from Disaster
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

Trapped in Antarctic ice, Jack Winslow and his sons fight to get home It has been nearly a year since Jack Winslow and his two sons, Colin and Andrew, set out to conquer Antarctica. While Colin and most of the crew stayed behind on the ship, Andrew made a dash for the South Pole, nearly dying...
Book cover of Antarctica: Journey to the Pole
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

A father and his sons embark on a perilous trek to the ends of the earth It is May 1909, and the race to the South Pole is on. For years, Jack Winslow has dreamed of conquering the frozen wasteland, but just before he sets sail, his wife dies suddenly. Rather than cancel the voyage, he brings...
Book cover of The 39 Clues Book 3: The Sword Thief
by Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2011

Kid-favorite Peter Lerangis takes on Book 3 in the high-octane 39 Clues series, and it might be the most thrill-packed yet! JOIN ANYTIME TO PLAY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN! ATTENTION! Amy and Dan Cahill have been located once again, this time in the company of the notoriously unreliable Alistair Oh. Could...
Book cover of La marque de l'élu

La marque de l'élu

Nouvelle gratuite série Les 7 merveilles

Language: French
Release Date: December 19, 2013

Découvrez une nouvelle haletante , préquel du premier tome de la série " Les 7 Merveilles " : Le réveil du colosse, et plongez dans l'univers palpitant et magique de Peter Lerangis ! 1894. Burt, un jeune garçon de 13 ans, part précipitamment en mission archéologique avec son père....
Book cover of Somebody, Please Tell Me Who I Am
by Harry Mazer, Peter Lerangis
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2012

A soldier returns home from Iraq forever changed in this poignant and pivotal novel from award-winning authors–one a veteran. Ben lives a charmed life—effortlessly landing the lead in the high school musical, dating the prettiest girl in school. When he decides to enlist in the army, no...
Book cover of 超能冒險5:時空裂縫
by 彼得.勒朗吉斯(Peter Lerangis)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 4, 2016

◆榮登紐約時報青少年圖書系列暢銷排行榜(同《波西傑克森》、《移動迷宮》、《分歧者》) ◆全球銷售突破500萬本、作品授權28種語言,紐約時報暢銷作者全新青少年奇幻冒險系列!完美結合古代「七大奇蹟」與「亞特蘭提斯」神祕傳說! ◆美國亞馬遜讀者4.5顆星熱烈好評! ◆《波西傑克森》作者雷克.萊爾頓大力推薦! 「超能冒險」系列精彩完結! 選民只剩下不到幾個月的時間可活,還有三顆救命魔球下落未明,他們能及時找到嗎? 時空裂縫開啟,魔獸現形肆虐, 亞莉下落不明,魔球仍未找全, 傑克該如何突破這個困境,延續選民的性命? 解開封印的亞特蘭提斯國王為回到過去的榮光, 利用力量魔球不擇手段地開啟時空裂縫,頓時魔力湧出,地動天搖, 各種魔獸從裂縫中蜂湧而出,長嘴神獸、猴怪、人形蝙蝠怪…… 傑克等人為阻止這股力量大肆擴散,撼動世界,想盡辦法關閉裂縫, 卻沒想到消失在裂縫中的不只有魔獸——還有亞莉! 亞莉生死未明,選民的死亡時間滴答倒數,情況更加嚴峻, 傑克一行人馬不停蹄地趕往最後兩處七大奇蹟遺跡尋找魔球, 不料卻遇上存在幾千年的亞馬遜女戰士軍團與狩獵女神, 面對戰力強大的女戰士,傑克等人能否力挽狂瀾,奪回魔球與亞莉? 【「超能冒險」系列特色】 ★透過驚險刺激的奇幻冒險故事,認識不可不知的古代文明 西元前2世紀,古希臘哲學家費羅(Philo...
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