文少輝(Jackman): 54 books

Book cover of Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry
by L. M. Jackman, S. Sternhell
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2013

Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry, Second Edition focuses on the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to problems in organic chemistry and the theories involved in this kind of spectroscopy. The book first discusses the theory of nuclear...
Book cover of Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
by Jackman, W. J., author
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2015

First published in 1912. A Practical Book Which Shows ... How to Build and Navigate the Modern Airship. According to the Preface: "This book is written for the guidance of the novice in aviation--the man who seeks practical information as to the theory, construction and operation of the modern flying...
Book cover of Ireland's Ancient East
by Neil Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

From medieval Carlingford in Louth to Blarney Castle in Cork, discover the top 100 places to visit in Ireland’s Ancient East. Wander through time at sites such as Clonmacnoise, Newgrange and the Rock of Cashel, as well as at hidden gems like Athassel Priory in Tipperary, Loughcrew Passage Tombs...
Book cover of Adapting War Horse

Adapting War Horse

Cognition, the Spectator, and a Sense of Play

by Toby Malone, Christopher J. Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2016

This book analyses the success and adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel War Horse to stage, radio, live events, and feature film, in different cultures, on tours, and in translation.  In under a decade, War Horse has gone from obscure children’s novel to arguably one of the world’s...
Book cover of The Message of John's Letters
by David Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2014

Book cover of Forty-Dollar Buttboy
by Jackman Hill
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2011

Travis is a hot college sophomore who loves the ladies, week-end parties, and getting stoned most evenings with his buddies at the dorm?your basic all-around frat dude. But he also has a secret about the special times he shared in high school with one of his fellow jocks. When a summertime romance with...
Book cover of Bluescreen Compositing

Bluescreen Compositing

A Practical Guide for Video & Moviemaking

by John Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2007

Master the art and technique of blue and greenscreen compositing with this comprehensive how-to course in creating effective and realistic composited scenes in video formats. You get clear, understandable explanations of the different types of keying techniques and how they work, including real-world...
Book cover of Time Probe
by Bette Jackman LoBue
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Time Probe is a spy thriller set in Washington, DC, and its environs. Themes include commitment, unity, loyalty, betrayal, and self-discovery. The Project Archives team consists of four very diverse people who must learn to work together for the survival of all and the security of the national treasures...
Book cover of 日本鐵道繪旅行
by 文少輝(Jackman), 傅美璇(Erica)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 4, 2013

最美的日本繪旅行、最完美的鐵道路線! 此生一定要去的日本鐵道旅行!   含蓋:關東及東海、京都、福井及石川、東北地區、北海道、名古屋及岡山、九州   內容:夏季祭典+鐵道風景+博物館+鐵路便當+手繪散步路線+必玩必看必住的精采介紹   作者再一次的日本鐵道旅行,精采呈現最完整好玩的日本!   跟著日本人玩祭典,吃著日本風味十足的鐵道便當,跟著日本人坐在榻榻米上的火車一起欣賞美景,鐵道旅行,是最能深刻體會日本風情的旅行方式。   作者精采美麗的手繪,看遍日本的大小風光,你可以隨意從一段鐵道之旅開始,也可以從頭到尾瀏覽關東關西不同的人文、風俗、景色。它也是很好的日本鐵道旅遊指南,讓你可以隨時準備出發去日本,玩一次不一樣的日本旅行。 **  一定要去看一次的祭典**   除了吃清甜好吃的青森蘋果,250年歷史的青森祭典,讓你體會「橫眉豎眼、瞪大眼、張大嘴」的震撼情境,久久無法忘懷! **  跟著櫻桃小丸子一起上課**   電視場景中的熟悉畫面,一一在眼前展開,你可以穿著小丸子的制服,真的小玉、小丸子一起走路上學,遇到和藹的爺爺友藏,在裡面玩得不亦樂乎!還有許多紀念商品。 **  陸地上的海島**   獲得國際大獎的「金澤21世紀美術館」,這座由妹島和世與西澤立衛合作完成的美術館,顛覆你對空間的想像,正圓形的建築物,裡頭有座不思議的游泳池,是到日本一定要看的美術館之一。 **  野生動物的鐵道路線**   釧路濕原慢車號,此列車會在重要的景點放慢速度,讓遊客盡情享受野生動物的天堂,這是日本最大的濕原,你可以看見日本國寶動物、豐富多樣的植物,橫過湖泊與河川,是一條最美的鐵道路段。 本書特色:   ※  ...
Book cover of 西班牙繪旅行
by 文少輝(Jackman)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Book cover of 邊旅行,邊畫畫:線條寫生,30個一次就上手的技巧,輕鬆畫出旅途中的每一刻
by 文少輝(Jackman)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 3, 2014

Book cover of La Famille Winter
by Clifford JACKMAN
Language: French
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Un western à la Sam Peckinpah retraçant l'épopée d'une famille de bandits impitoyables, depuis sa genèse durant la guerre civile jusqu'à sa dissolution à la fin du XIXe. Durant trois décennies, la famille Winter traverse les territoires sauvages de l'Amérique, servant et combattant tout à...
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