朱立安.巴吉尼Julian Baggini: 29 books

Book cover of Philosophy: All That Matters
by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2012

In this book: 'Philosophy is like fish: best presented without too much adornment; hard to get just right and easy to ruin.' What's the point of it all? In Philosophy: All That Matters, bestselling philosopher Julian Baggini shows how abstract ideas feed into the most important existential...
Book cover of The Shrink and the Sage
by Julian Baggini, Antonia Macaro
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2012

Based on their Financial Times Weekend column, philosopher Julian Baggini and his psychotherapist partner Antonia Macaro offer intriguing answers to life's questions. Can infidelity be good for you? What does it mean to stay true to yourself? Must we fulfil our potential? Self-help with a distinctly...
Book cover of What's It All About?

What's It All About?

Philosophy and the Meaning of Life

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2005

What is the meaning of life? It is a question that has intrigued the great philosophers--and has been hilariously lampooned by Monty Python. Indeed, the whole idea strikes many of us as vaguely pompous, a little absurd. Is there one profound and mysterious meaning to life, a single ultimate purpose...
Book cover of Do You Think What You Think You Think?

Do You Think What You Think You Think?

The Ultimate Philosophical Handbook

by Julian Baggini, Jeremy Stangroom
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2007

Explore the gray areas in your gray matter with philosophical brainteasers from armchair philosopher and bestselling author of The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten, Julian Baggini. Is your brain ready for a thorough philosophical health check? Julian Baggini, the author of the international...
Book cover of Freedom Regained

Freedom Regained

The Possibility of Free Will

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2015

It’s a question that has puzzled philosophers and theologians for centuries and is at the heart of numerous political, social, and personal concerns: Do we have free will? In this cogent and compelling book, Julian Baggini explores the concept of free will from every angle, blending philosophy,...
Book cover of The Edge of Reason

The Edge of Reason

A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2016

An urgent defense of reason, the essential method for resolving—or even discussing—divisive issues Reason, long held as the highest human achievement, is under siege. According to Aristotle, the capacity for reason sets us apart from other animals, yet today it has ceased to be a universally admired...
Book cover of Welcome To Everytown

Welcome To Everytown

A Journey Into The English Mind

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2013

What do the English think? Every country has a dominant set of beliefs and attitudes concerning everything from how to live a good life, how we should organize society, and the roles of the sexes. Yet despite many attempts to define our national character, what might be called the nation's philosophy...
Book cover of The Duck That Won the Lottery

The Duck That Won the Lottery

100 New Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2009

From the author of the "hugely entertaining"(Publishers Weekly) The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten, lessons in debunking the faulty arguments we hear every day This latest book from the pop philosophy author of The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten tackles an endlessly fascinating area of popular debate-the...
Book cover of The Ego Trick
by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2011

Are you still the person who lived fifteen, ten or five years ago? Fifteen, ten or five minutes ago? Can you plan for your retirement if the you of thirty years hence is in some sense a different person? What and who is the real you? Does it remain constant over time and place, or is it something...
Book cover of The Big Questions: Ethics
by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2012

'The Big Questions' series is designed to let renowned experts confront the 20 most fundamental and frequently asked questions of a major branch of science or philosophy. In 'The Big Questions: Ethics' Julian Baggini, one of Britain's best-known philosophers, condenses complex, contemporary...
Book cover of The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten

The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten

100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher

by Julian Baggini
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2006

Perfect for gifting to lovers of philosophy or mining intelligent ice-breaker topics for your next party, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten offers one hundred philosophical puzzles that stimulate thought on a host of moral, social, and personal dilemmas. Taking examples from sources as diverse as Plato...
Book cover of 如果沒有上帝,想做什麼都可以?:20個倫理學大哉問
by 朱利安‧巴吉尼(Julian Baggini)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 19, 2017

**當代最暢銷的天才型哲普作家朱利安‧巴吉尼,向人類拋出20個倫理學大疑問:不管是家庭與性愛,還是戰爭與恐怖主義?請問你如何回答? 安樂死該合法化嗎?墮胎是一種謀殺嗎? 性是道德議題嗎?吸毒是永遠不被認可的嗎? 究竟在怎樣的狀況下,我們該為自己的行為負責?** 根據蓋洛普民調,約有38%-45%美國人認為「沒有什麼道德價值可言」。 BBC也有一項民調,顯示83%的人同意「英國的道德正在向下沉淪」。 但現今走進任何大型超市,都可發現大量「倫理」產品,從公平交易食品到生態友善的清潔劑都有。大多數企業都有倫理規章與「企業社會責任」主管。英國對海外援助的金額,在2013年達到史上最高,約國內生產毛額的0.7%。 在這個媒體不斷宣稱道德淪喪、但大家卻比以往更加要求倫理責任的社會裡,往往發現自己面臨的局面比以往更加險惡,我們得要在自己以及他人加諸的判斷與偏頗的地雷區裡匍匐前進,好找出什麼才是「該做『對』的事」。 在《如果沒有上帝,想做什麼都可以?:20個倫理學大哉問》裡,英國暢銷書作家與哲學家巴吉尼,檢視20個含蓋生活各個面向的關鍵倫理議題,不管是家庭與性愛,還是戰爭與恐怖主義,每個問題都與人類切身相關。 巴吉尼客觀地解釋偉大哲學家的觀點,也遵循他個人的論證,引導讀者明白他個人的判斷與偏頗,同時也讓他人的看法有發揮的空間。希望讀者看過本書後,能更明白自己的判斷與偏頗,或是透過古今各偉大倫理學家的觀點來加以改變。例如: ‧吸毒該不該除罪,要如何從法律與道德來思考? ‧隨機殺人事件中的犯案者以精神失常來辯護,站得住腳嗎? ‧宗教對墮胎與同性戀議題的態度翻轉,難道上帝是所有人中最極端的道德相對主義者? ‧美國總統否認氣候變遷而退出巴黎協定,我們可以提出有力的反制理由嗎? ‧罹患罕見疾病的英國男嬰小查理事件中,難道父母沒有權利維護孩子的生命權? 人類在生活中隨時都可能要面對道德與倫理的兩難,即使該捐多少錢贊助慈善行動,都牽涉到人的道德判斷。巴吉尼在《如果沒有上帝,想做什麼都可以?》這本書裡,引導大家以更有助益的方式來思考這些兩難,擺脫囿限在「手段—目的」之間的狹隘思考,以更寬廣的視野來正確界定問題。 巴吉尼並不想在書中「解決」所有重大的倫理兩難,甚至認為人類根本不需要任何道德法則,因為倫理的一個深層真相在於:人類追求的價值往往相互衝突,但這並不是因為其中一個是錯的、而另一個是對的,其中突顯的是如何權衡取捨。 巴吉尼認為,與其提供是否符合道德的精準答案,直視不確定性與模糊地帶,才更能在論辯中得出最明確且確定的結論。真正的道德論證,個人必須親自面對這些議題,而不是一連串標準立場的集結。 作者/譯者簡介 作者:朱利安‧巴吉尼(Julian...
Book cover of Cognition Switch #5
by Ed Simon, Michael Strauss, Raja Halwani
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

Cognition Switch: An Artefact for the Transmission of New Ideas Issue #5: April 2019 Featuring Ideas by: Michael Strauss, Ed Simon, Raja Halwani, Robert Noggle, Archie Brown, Michael Robertson, Nancy Weiss Malkiel, Peter Levine, Laurie Gwen Shapiro, Julian Baggini, Christopher Kavanagh, and Johanna Hanink
Book cover of Cómo piensa el mundo

Cómo piensa el mundo

Una historia global de la filosofía

by Julian Baggini
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 9, 2019

En Cómo piensa el mundo, Julian Baggini recorre el planeta para ofrecernos un mapa tremendamente extenso del pensamiento humano. Nos muestra cómo distintas ramas de la filosofía florecieron simultáneamente en China, la India y la antigua Grecia, creciendo a partir de mitos e historias locales,...
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