艾蜜莉.布朗忒 Emily Brontë: 130 books

Book cover of Brontë Sisters: Complete Poems
by Brontë Sisters, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2018

CONTENTS Pilate's Wife's Dream. Faith and Despondency. A Reminiscence. Mementos. Stars. The Philosopher. The Arbour. Home. The Wife's Will. Remembrance. Vanitas Vanitatum, Omnia Vanitas. The Wood. A Death-Scene. Song. The Penitent. Music on Christmas Morning. Frances. Anticipation. Stanzas. Gilbert....
Book cover of Brontë Sisters: Complete Poems
by Brontë Sisters, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2018

CONTENTS Pilate's Wife's Dream. Faith and Despondency. A Reminiscence. Mementos. Stars. The Philosopher. The Arbour. Home. The Wife's Will. Remembrance. Vanitas Vanitatum, Omnia Vanitas. The Wood. A Death-Scene. Song. The Penitent. Music on Christmas Morning. Frances. Anticipation. Stanzas. Gilbert....
Book cover of Brontë Sisters: Complete Poems
by Brontë Sisters, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2019

CONTENTS Pilate's Wife's Dream. Faith and Despondency. A Reminiscence. Mementos. Stars. The Philosopher. The Arbour. Home. The Wife's Will. Remembrance. Vanitas Vanitatum, Omnia Vanitas. The Wood. A Death-Scene. Song. The Penitent. Music on Christmas Morning. Frances. Anticipation. Stanzas. Gilbert....
Book cover of Brontë Sisters: Complete Poems
by Brontë Sisters, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2018

CONTENTS Pilate's Wife's Dream. Faith and Despondency. A Reminiscence. Mementos. Stars. The Philosopher. The Arbour. Home. The Wife's Will. Remembrance. Vanitas Vanitatum, Omnia Vanitas. The Wood. A Death-Scene. Song. The Penitent. Music on Christmas Morning. Frances. Anticipation. Stanzas. Gilbert....
Book cover of Romantic Classics: Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights
by Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2013

Three classics of English literature in one single volume. Pride and Prejudice: The novel centers on Elizabeth Bennet, the second of the five daughters of a country gentleman. Jane Bennet, the eldest daughter, is distinguished by the kindness of her attitudes; Elizabeth Bennet, the second daughter,...
Book cover of The Greatest Books of All Time Vol. 2 (Dream Classics)
by Emily Brontë, James Joyce, Leo Tolstoy
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2017

The Greatest Books of All Time Vol. 2 contains the following 10 Masterpieces : A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll *Anna Karenina *- Leo Tolstoy Great Expectations - Charles Dickens *Gulliver's Travels *- Jonathan Swift Heart...
Book cover of Wuthering Heights (Collins Classics)
by Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2010

HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘Is Mr. Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not, is he a devil?’ Set on the bleak moors of Yorkshire, Lockwood is forced to seek shelter at Wuthering Heights, the home of his new landlord, Heathcliff. The intense...
Book cover of Wuthering Heights
by Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights tells the story of the ill-fated love of Catherine Earnshaw for the dark and brooding Heathcliff, and is set on the bleak Yorkshire moors where Heathcliff acts out his cruel revenge against Edgar and Isabella Linton. This book is considered by many to be the most passionate and original novel in English literature.
Book cover of Les Grands Classiques de la Littérature Sentimentale
by Gustave Flaubert, Emily Brontë, Georges Sand
Language: French
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Nous vous proposons de redécouvrir les chefs-d’œuvre classiques de la littérature sentimentale française et étrangère. Dans ce premier volume, les textes complets, revus et corrigés de La Chartreuse de Parme de Stendhal (1839), Les Hauts de Hurlevent (1847) d'Emily Brontë, Elle et Lui de...
Book cover of Cime tempestose
by Emily Brontë
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 15, 2014

Nell'inquietante, selvaggia brughiera dello Yorkshire una passione distruttiva travolge la vita di due esistenze in conflitto: Heathcliff, misterioso trovatello, non si rassegna a perdere la sua Catherine, la cercherà e l'amerà sempre. A un primo livello di lettura, il romanzo disintegra il mito...
Book cover of The Complete Poems
by Emily Brontë
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2006

The poems of Emily Jane Brontë are passionate and powerful works that convey the vitality of the human spirit and of the natural world. Only twenty-one of her poems were published during her lifetime - this volume contains those and all others attributed to her. Many poems describe the mythic country...
Book cover of Cime tempestose
by Emily Brontë
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 31, 2010

L’aspro realismo della vita quotidiana si fonde, nel capolavoro di Emily Brontë, con suggestioni simboliche inquietanti e spunti di eccezionale intensità emotiva. Lo sfondo del romanzo è la solitaria brughiera dello Yorkshire; in primo piano due famiglie, che esprimono gli opposti mondi della...
Book cover of Les Hauts de Hurlevent
by Emily Brontë
Language: French
Release Date: February 13, 2015

Les Hauts de Hurlevent, traduit en 1925 par Frédéric Delebecque, est l'unique roman de la poétesse et romancière britannique Emily Brontë (1818 – 1848).   Ce livre est considéré comme un classique de la littérature anglaise. On peut...
Book cover of Sturmhöhe


Historischer Roman

by Emily Brontë
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2017

Schauplatz des Romans ist das Hochmoor von Yorkshire. Auf einer stürmischen Anhöhe liegt der Heidhof der Familie Earnshaw, die ein Findelkind aufnimmt ... Die Geschichte der Familie Earnshaw und der benachbarten Familie Linton wird in Emily Brontës weltberühmten und bereits mehrfach verfilmten Roman über drei Generationen hinweg erzählt.
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