華特.班雅明Walter Benjamin: 122 books

Book cover of Paris: Capitale du XIXe siècle
by Walter Benjamin
Language: French
Release Date: April 27, 2019

L'objet de ce livre est une illusion exprimée par Schopenhauer, dans cette formule que pour saisir l'essence de l'histoire il suffit de comparer Hérodote et la presse du matin. C'est là l'expression de la sensation de vertige caractéristique pour la conception que le siècle dernier se faisait...
Book cover of Ricordare il futuro

Ricordare il futuro

Scritti sull’Eingedenken

by Ernst Bloch, Walter Benjamin
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Il concetto benjaminiano di “Eingedenken”, che compare in alcuni passaggi decisivi delle tesi Sul concetto di storia, ha alle spalle una storia misconosciuta che la presente antologia intende fi nalmente illuminare. Fu Ernst Bloch nello Spirito dell’utopia (1918) a insistere su un atto capace...
Book cover of Every Waking Hour

Every Waking Hour

An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians

by Walter R. Strickland II, Benjamin T. Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2016

Pastors and chaplains aren't the only ones in ministry--every Christian is called to be a minister through his or her work in the world. But in order to fully understand what this entails, we must look to the Bible and develop a fuller understanding of work as any way we interact with God's creation....
Book cover of Say It Plain

Say It Plain

A Century of Great African American Speeches

by Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Mary McLeod Bethune
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2006

A moving portrait of how black Americans have spoken out against injustice—with speeches by Thurgood Marshall, Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, and more. In “full-throated public oratory, the kind that can stir the soul”, this unique anthology collects the transcribed speeches of the...
Book cover of Soul@Work


Kraftvolle Unternehmen. Kraftvolle Führungskräfte. Kraftvolle Mitarbeiter

by Susanne Alff-Petersen, Michael Blochberger, Anselm Grün
Language: German
Release Date: February 24, 2015

Der von Katharina Maehrlein und ihrer Initiative "Stark wie Bambus" organisierte erste Soul@Work-Kongress zur Prävention von psychischen Erkrankungen am Arbeitsplatz im Frühjahr 2014 war ein großer Erfolg. Zahlreiche inspirierende Fachvorträge von Pater Anselm Grün, Walter Kohl, Professor...
Book cover of Civic Media

Civic Media

Technology, Design, Practice

by Peter Levine, Ethan Zuckerman, W. Lance Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

Examinations of civic engagement in digital culture—the technologies, designs, and practices that support connection through common purpose in civic, political, and social life. Countless people around the world harness the affordances of digital media to enable democratic participation,...
Book cover of Ecological Thought in German Literature and Culture
by Aaron S. Allen, Martin Bemmann, Hannes Bergthaller
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2017

The volume offers a survey of the contribution of German literature and culture to the evolution of ecological thought. As the field of ecocritical theory and practice is rapidly expanding towards transnational and global dimensions, it seems nevertheless necessary to consider the distinct manifestations...
Book cover of Game Development Tool Essentials
by Paula Berinstein, Remi Arnaud, Alessandro Ardolino
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2014

Game Development Tool Essentials provides must-have tips and tricks from industry professionals for strengthening and streamlining your game tools pipeline. Everyone knows the game tools pipeline is important, but in the current environment of shrinking budgets and increased time pressure, developers...
Book cover of Gotthardfantasien


Eine Blütenlese aus Wissenschaft und Literatur

by Thomas Fries, Elke Shoghig Hartmann, Jens Herlth
Language: German
Release Date: May 11, 2016

Wiege der Eidgenossenschaft, militärisches Réduit, Transitort, technisches Experimentierfeld, Fiktionsmaschine: Der Gotthard setzt Fantasien frei, und zwar nicht nur im Jahr der Eröffnung des Basistunnels, sondern schon seit mehr als zwei Jahrhunderten. Experten aus Politik-, Geschichts-, Kultur-...
Book cover of Wörterbuch alttestamentlicher Motive
by Sigrid Hodel-Hoenes, Robert Rollinger, Manfred Oeming
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Das »Wörterbuch alttestamentlicher Motive« erleichtert das Verständnis der alttestamentlichen Texte und erschließt die Bedeutung ihrer Themen und Motive. Rund 120 Artikel beschreiben die altorientalischen Wurzeln zu jedem Motiv und erwähnen die Wirkungsgeschichte, die zumeist über das Neue...
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