鮑布‧伍華德 Bob Woodward: 26 books

Book cover of All the President's Men
by Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2007

“The work that brought down a presidency...perhaps the most influential piece of journalism in history” (Time)—from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, #1 New York Times bestselling authors of The Final Days. The most devastating political detective story of the century: two Washington Post...
Book cover of Maestro


Greenspan's Fed and the American Boom

by Bob Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2000

In eight Tuesdays each year, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan convenes a small committee to set the short-term interest rate that can move through the American and world economies like an electric jolt. As much as any, the committee's actions determine the economic well-being of every American....
Book cover of The Final Days
by Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2013

“An extraordinary work of reportage on the epic political story of our time” (Newsweek)—from Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Pulitzer Prize-winning coauthors of All the President’s Men. The Final Days is the #1 New York Times bestselling, classic, behind-the-scenes account of Richard...
Book cover of Medo: Trump na Casa Branca
by Bob Woodward
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 12, 2018

Com detalhes sobre a rotina de Trump, diálogos e documentação inédita, MEDO é o mais íntimo retrato já publicado de um presidente em seus primeiros anos no cargo. MEDO: TRUMP NA CASA BRANCA, de Bob Woodward – um dos mais destacados repórteres políticos de todos os tempos –, é um livro...
Book cover of John Belushi: Chi tocca muore
by Bob Woodward
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 10, 2012

Trentatré anni senza mai uscire di scena: una vita breve ma intensa quella di John Belushi, comico e bluesman, un corpo che faceva ridere e un'anima che avrebbe voluto piangere. Vitale, ribelle e sensibile, Belushi fu un talento naturale scoperto dal cabaret, lanciato dalla rivoluzione televisiva del...
Book cover of Plan of Attack
by Bob Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2004

Plan of Attack is the definitive account of how and why President George W. Bush, his war council, and allies launched a preemptive attack to topple Saddam Hussein and occupy Iraq. Bob Woodward's latest landmark account of Washington decision making provides an original, authoritative narrative of...
Book cover of The Brethren

The Brethren

Inside the Supreme Court

by Bob Woodward, Scott Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2011

The Brethren is the first detailed behind-the-scenes account of the Supreme Court in action. Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong have pierced its secrecy to give us an unprecedented view of the Chief and Associate Justices—maneuvering, arguing, politicking, compromising, and making decisions that affect every major area of American life.
Book cover of Obamas Kriege

Obamas Kriege

Zerreißprobe einer Präsidentschaft

by Bob Woodward
Language: German
Release Date: February 28, 2013

BARACK OBAMA - Hoffnung, Aufbruch, Krisen, Alltag – Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz Barack Obama begann seine Präsidentschaft als neuer Superstar der internationalen Politik, ersehnt von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt als Hoffnungsträger und Heilsbringer. Inzwischen ist er auf dem Boden der...
Book cover of The Agenda

The Agenda

Inside the Clinton White House

by Bob Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2007

The Agenda is a day-by-day, often minute-by-minute account of Bill Clinton's White House. Drawing on hundreds of interviews, confidential internal memos, diaries, and meeting notes, Woodward shows how Clinton and his advisers grappled with questions of lasting importance -- the federal deficit, health...
Book cover of 恐懼:川普入主白宮
by 鮑布‧伍華德 (Bob Woodward), 林添貴
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2019

「真正的力量是——其實我不願意用這個字——恐懼。」 ──唐納**‧**川普,2016年3月31日競選美國總統期間接受訪談時所說。   中二治國?全世界最強大的行政權集體神經崩潰? 只有伍華德才能寫出來的川普總統內幕故事 歷經尼克森至歐巴馬八任總統淬鍊出來的權威報導能力,伍華德以前所未有的細節繼續揭露川普總統白宮的慘烈生活,並且精確描繪他如何針對國內外重要政策做出決定。 伍華德從數百小時訪談第一手消息來源的紀錄、會議筆記、私人日記、檔案及文件中汲取材料。本書以每天的工作細節、對話和文件紀錄追蹤各重大國際議題,從北韓、阿富汗、伊朗、中東、北約組織、中國到俄羅斯,無所不包。它也深度報導與川普相關的美國議題,尤其是貿易與關稅爭端、移民、稅法、巴黎氣候協定和2017年在夏綠蒂維爾市發生的種族暴動事件。 《恐懼》對川普的律師和「通俄門事件」特別檢察官穆勒之間的談判,提供鮮明的細節,首度鋪陳出逐次會議的經過及策略。它也揭露川普白宮的資深官員如何聯手從總統橢圓形辦公室桌上偷走命令的草稿,阻止他下達可能傷害重要情報的指令。 伍華德說:「這不啻是行政上的政變,是世界上最強大國家行政權的神經崩潰。」 各界推薦 王健壯...
Book cover of Veil


The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987

by Bob Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2007

Veil is the story of the covert wars that were waged in Central America, Iran and Libya in a secretive atmosphere and became the centerpieces and eventual time bombs of American foreign policy in the 1980s.
Book cover of The Commanders
by Bob Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2007

It is impossible to examine any part of the war on terrorism in the twenty-first century without seeing the hand of Dick Cheney, Colin Powell or one of their loyalists. The Commanders, an account of the use of the military in the first Bush administration, is in many respects their story—the intimate...
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