麥可.路易士 Michael Lewis: 146 books

Book cover of Magpies and Magic 2 : The Great Escape
by Timothy Michael Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2016

Faced with Princess Candera’s kidnap by the Asperian Secret Service, our heroes attempt to undertake a daring mission to free her. However their usual level of incompetence quickly strikes and they too find themselves imprisoned in Minaturia’s most fearsome prison Ultricon. No one has ever...
Book cover of Bibelverse für jeden Anlass

Bibelverse für jeden Anlass

1000+ Verse für 100+ Situationen

by Michael Lewis
Language: German
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Was sagt die Bibel über die Liebe? Über Scheidung? Über Eifersucht? Über Freundschaft? Über Glücksspiel? Über "Mobbing? "Bibelverse für jeden Anlass" enthält über 1.000 Bibel-Verse für 100+ realen Situationen. "Zuletzt, meine...
Book cover of Moneyball


De kunst een ongelijk spel te winnen

by Michael Lewis
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 2, 2012

Billy Beane wil met zijn honkbalteam de Major League winnen, maar zijn budget is minuscuul vergeleken met dat van andere teams. Beane komt met een origineel plan. Waar anderen hoge bedragen neertellen voor spelers met een hoog slaggemiddelde of veel binnengeslagen punten, graaft hij dieper in de statistieken...
Book cover of 第五風暴:一個失控政府,一場全球災難
by 麥可.路易士 Michael Lewis
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 1, 2019

★麥可.路易士曾出版多本暢銷著作如《橡皮擦計畫》《大賣空》《魔球》等,擁有龐大中文讀者。 ★書中有第一手政壇內幕,非常精彩。 ★歐巴馬+蜜雪兒已經與Netflix簽約,買下本書改編版權! 榮登暢銷榜!入選年度好書!歐巴馬+蜜雪兒與Netflix第一部簽約著作! 政府失能,一場無法想像的危機 剛動完手術的麥可.路易士,躺在床上看電視。他的暢銷書《橡皮擦計畫》才剛出版,正在想下一本書要寫什麼。 後來他看到新聞說,川普提名前德州州長裴瑞(Rick...
Book cover of 魔球:逆境中致勝的智慧


Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

by 麥可.路易士 Michael Lewis
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 5, 2014

Book cover of Applied Regression

Applied Regression

An Introduction

by Colin Lewis-Beck, Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Known for its readability and clarity, this Second Edition of the best-selling Applied Regression provides an accessible introduction to regression analysis for social scientists and other professionals who want to model quantitative data. After covering the basic idea of fitting a straight line to...
Book cover of One World: A View of Seven Continents
by Michael S. Lewis M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2008

Photography has been a passion, as has travel, for Michael S. Lewis M.D. for 30 years. The result is One World: a View of Seven Continents. Comprised of 234 magnificent full-color photographs, this book draws viewers into a world of exotic and ordinary places, architectural wonders, vast and small landscapes,...
Book cover of Protecting Heritage in the Caribbean
by Richard T. Callaghan, Michael P. Pateman, Daniel Torres Etayo
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2011

Heritage preservation is a broad term that can include the protection of a wide range of human-mediated material and cultural processes ranging from specific artifacts, ancient rock art, and features of the built environment and modified landscapes. As a region of multiple independent nations and...
Book cover of Applied Regression

Applied Regression

An Introduction

by Colin Lewis-Beck, Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2015

Known for its readability and clarity, this Second Edition of the best-selling Applied Regression provides an accessible introduction to regression analysis for social scientists and other professionals who want to model quantitative data. After covering the basic idea of fitting a straight line to...
Book cover of Remaking the News

Remaking the News

Essays on the Future of Journalism Scholarship in the Digital Age

by Victor Pickard, Eugenia Mitchelstein, Rodney Benson
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2017

Leading scholars chart the future of studies on technology and journalism in the digital age. The use of digital technology has transformed the way news is produced, distributed, and received. Just as media organizations and journalists have realized that technology is a central and indispensable...
Book cover of From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience
by Nicolas Brunel, John Rinzel, Jonathan Rubin
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2016

A comprehensive, integrated, and accessible textbook presenting core neuroscientific topics from a computational perspective, tracing a path from cells and circuits to behavior and cognition. This textbook presents a wide range of subjects in neuroscience from a computational perspective. It...
Book cover of The Oath
by Michael L. Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

The polished veneer of a boys’ boarding school in Northern England masks a cadre of wickedness. Seniors viciously torment any junior they deem unfit. Jonathan Simon, in his first term at Blackleigh School in 1955, is warned: 1) There are three monsters in his dorm: seniors Flicker, Sleeth, and Tunk;...
Book cover of The New Rules of Retail

The New Rules of Retail

Competing in the World's Toughest Marketplace

by Robin Lewis, Michael Dart
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2010

The retail world is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Rapidly evolving technology, globalization, and a saturated marketplace offer consumers instant access to thousands of equally compelling products and services, creating unprecedented levels of expectation. The impact of these changes is...
Book cover of Adventures of Li'l Mikey

Adventures of Li'l Mikey

The Greatest Big Showdown Legend

by Dr. Michael Rena Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2017

The Adventures of Lil Mikey is filled with nonstop action and adventure for everyone who enjoys literature not just for the purpose of entertaining, persuading, or informing; but also to challenge them to think and always make the right decision. The Adventures of Lil Mikey chronicles the development...
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