Ky: 69 books

Book cover of Lo scudo dell'illusione
by Miyazawa Kenji, Natsume Sōseki, Dazai Osamu
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Nella prima metà del XX secolo, in Giappone si è assistito a un fenomeno dal valore artistico incalcolabile. I più importanti e talentuosi scrittori dell’epoca, oggi noti a livello internazionale, si sono cimentati nella stesura di racconti fantastici esplorando tutte le potenzialità del genere...
Book cover of Ich wollte, es wäre Nacht: Kriminalroman
by Horst Bosetzky, -ky
Language: German
Release Date: November 25, 2018

Ich wollte, es wäre Nacht Horst Bosetzky schrieb als - ky Kriminalroman Der Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 245 Taschenbuchseiten. Man will es nicht glauben: Gottfried und Joana sitzen ganz schön in der Tinte, denn sie hatten sich bei dem pensionierten Beamten Dolgenbrodt eingenistet und ihm bei...
Book cover of Advent, Advent, die Firma brennt: Krimi
by Horst (-ky) Bosetzky
Language: German
Release Date: June 24, 2015

...Da hörte er Schreie. „Hilfe!“ und „Feuer!“ Sie kamen aus der Villa der VISOM, was für „Visionen und optimales Management“ stand. Eine Beraterfirma. Ab und an hielt er dort Vorträge. Jetzt sah er, dass es dort brannte. Ziemlich heftig bereits. Die Flammen schlugen vor allem aus dem...
Book cover of Stör die feinen Leute nicht: Krimi
by Horst (-ky) Bosetzky
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Die norddeutsche Kleinstadt Bramme wird von einer Clique um den Unternehmer Günther Buth beherrscht. Als Katja Marciniak aus Berlin nach Bramme zurückkehrt, will sie nicht nur ihre Diplomarbeit abschließen: Sie möchte auch ihren Vater finden – den Mann, der einst ihre Mutter vergewaltigt hat...
Book cover of Dear Stress, I‘m Breaking up with You
by Ky-Lee Hanson
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2017

We want it all as modern women today, don’t we? And more than ever we can have it all: success, a rewarding career, family, relationships, a social life. Perhaps you already do have it all… But at what expense? For most women, stress is at an all-time high as we endeavour to achieve it "all."...
Book cover of Paging Dr. G.
by ky perraun (Karen Peterson)
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Taking her cue from the confessionals, perraun examines the journey from illness and diagnosis to recovery, and charts the course of the relationship of client to psychiatrist, recognizing the pivotal role the physician plays in the reclamation of self,
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2017

This book is about a senior in high school named Stephen Cooper. He is not your average person. He is very different from everyone else because he likes pulling pranks on people. Are there consequences for his actions? If you would like to know what happens next to Stephen Cooper, please read the book.
Book cover of C#: A Beginner’s tutorial
by Jayden Ky
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Designed as a beginner's tutorial to the latest version of C#, this informative guide discusses the most important features of the language and teaches how to use the .NET Framework. Written with clarity and readability in mind, it introduces important programming concepts and explains the process of...
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2017

This book is about a girl who goes camping but ends up finding herself in a tricky situation. If you would like to know what happens next. Please read the book.
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2017

This book is a about a senior in high school named Lyon Blessing. He is on the wrestling team and he loves competition. After high school, he decided to become a soldier. Does he make it as a soldier or die? If you would like to know what happens next, please read the book.
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

This book is about a high school senior named Bryan Cobalt. When he was two year old, he lost his mother by a murderer. He lives his life wondering everyday about who killed his mother and why. Maybe he finds out or maybe he doesn't. If you would like to know what happens next, please read this book.
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2017

In Dralin City there was an angel created by God. For there to be good, there has to be bad. Since God created an angel, the Devil decided to create something of it's own. If you would like to know what the Devil made, please read the book.
Book cover of Invitation to Combinatorial Topology
by Maurice Fréchet, Ky Fan
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2012

An elementary text that can be understood by anyone with a background in high school geometry, Invitation to Combinatorial Topology offers a stimulating initiation to important topological ideas. This translation from the original French does full justice to the text's coherent presentation as well as...
Book cover of Love for an Addict: The Anatomy of Love and Addiction
by Barbara Fonger, Ky-Lee Hanson
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2017

I remember coming to Earth. I know this sounds crazy, but I do remember and I cannot deny it! I've never met anyone else who remembers coming to Earth, until a few years ago, when I came across a book written by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, wherein, he too remembered coming to Earth. God has always seemed so...
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