A A V V : 651 books

Book cover of Relaciones paterno-filiales.
by Francisco Javier Jiménez Muñoz, Carlos Lasarte Álvarez, Francesco Ruscello
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 8, 2014

En el presente volumen, segundo de los cuatro que publican las ponencias realizadas en el Congreso Internacional "Filiación, patria potestad y relaciones familiares en las sociedades contemporáneas" organizado por IDADFE y el Departamento de Derecho Civil de la UNED los días 4 a 6 de...
Book cover of Quasar 2

Quasar 2

Antología ci-fi

by Alejandro Taré, Cristina Gutiérrez, Cristina Martínez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 6, 2018

Estimado lector, volvemos una vez más llamando a su interés, a su conciencia. Si tiene este ejemplar entre las manos es gracias a cinco mujeres y seis hombres que, amantes de la literatura de ciencia ficción, han querido compartir sus relatos con todos nosotros. Los once relatos que componen esta...
Book cover of El sujeto sexuado: entre estereotipos y derechos

El sujeto sexuado: entre estereotipos y derechos

Memorias de la III Semana Cultural de la Diversidad Sexual

by Francisco Buchard Contreras, Edith Yesenia Peña Sánchez (coordinadora), María Consuelo Mejía Piñeros
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2019

Pareja heterosexual monogámica, familia, sentido patriarcal, sociedad, censura, persecución, discriminación sexista, prejuicios, actúan sin cesar y con distintos grados de violencia física, moral psicológica para imponer el estereotipo heterosexual-patriarcal.
Book cover of Medical Education: Theory and Practice E-Book
by Tim Dornan, PhD DM FRCP MHPE, Karen V. Mann
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2011

Medical Education: Theory and Practice is a new text linking the theory and the practice for graduate students and educators who want to go beyond the basics. The scholarship of medical education is, above all, a ‘practice’, but one that has a strong theoretical foundation. Neither theory nor...
Book cover of More Alternative Truths
by Bob Brown, Gwyndyn T. Alexander, Lou J. Berger
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2017

More Alternative Truths is an exploration of the potential consequences of today’s politics in our daily lives. More than our individual lives, but our American identity. This exploration defines this anthology.  So many of the stories ask what has America become?  What will it be in the...
Book cover of Multicellularity


Origins and Evolution

by Andrew H. Knoll, Daniel J.G. Lahr, A. Keith Dunker
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2016

Scholars consider the origins and consequences of the evolution of multicellularity, addressing a range of organisms, experimental protocols, theoretical concepts, and philosophical issues. The evolution of multicellularity raises questions regarding genomic and developmental commonalities...
Book cover of SIMON & ROSE: Mark Anderson's Story
by V.A. Dold
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2016

Simon Le Beau desperately wants two things: to help his fellow service veterans and have a baby with his beloved mate, Rose. His experience of being stuck in wolf form has spurred him into action. He has no idea how to start a charity, but he's determined to figure it out. And his friend, Mark, is...
Book cover of Amateur Night
by V.A. Gyna
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2011

Nick pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. "You were sensational, babe, but that was too short." Sally pulled her pink dress over her head and straightened herself out. "You were great, too. We ought to go again when we’re not rushed for time." His brows rose...
Book cover of Schisms
by V. A. Jeffrey
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

A queen in peril. An outsider priest. A young girl who dreams of adventure. The land of Hybron, once the cultural center of the Red Planet, has fallen into an abyss of political and religious strife that have kept it embroiled in conflict. It has floundered in a dark age for centuries, the...
Book cover of Macroeconomic Analysis and Parametric Control of a National Economy
by Abdykappar A. Ashimov, Bahyt T. Sultanov, Zheksenbek M. Adilov
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2012

​​​​​This is a sequel to the book by Dr. A. Ashimov and his colleagues, Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy Based on Parametric Control. The authors have expanded both the developed mathematical apparatus and the scope of problems and applications stemming from the practice of steering...
Book cover of Pack Ahorra al Comprar 2 - 013

Pack Ahorra al Comprar 2 - 013

Cómo crear fuentes de ingresos pasivos para lograr la libertad financiera & Colección Completa Cuentos De Ciencia Ficción y Misterio

by Sofía Cassano, J. K. Vélez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 6, 2015

Consigue estos dos fantásticos ebooks a un precio alucinante.  Cómo crear fuentes de ingresos pasivos para lograr la libertad financiera: Siguiendo el método de Steve Pavlina  Por Sofía Cassano  En este libro encontrarás, de la mano de Steve Pavlina, todo lo que siempre...
Book cover of Pack Ahorra al Comprar 2: nº 013: Cómo crear fuentes de ingresos pasivos & Colección Completa Cuentos de Ciencia Ficción y Misterio
by Sofía Cassano, J. K. Vélez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 9, 2015

Consigue estos dos fantásticos ebooks a un precio alucinante.Cómo crear fuentes de ingresos pasivos para lograr la libertad financiera: Siguiendo el método de Steve PavlinaPor Sofía CassanoEn este libro encontrarás, de la mano de Steve Pavlina, todo lo que siempre deseaste saber...
Book cover of Cunnylicking 101: Mary Jane
by V.A. Gyna
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2014

"You know one of the things I miss about not going with you anymore is talking. Jimmy we haven't really talked in ages." I scooped some beans on my fork. "I know. What would you like to talk about?" She took a sip of wine. "I don't know. Anything. How about you tell me about how your year at Stanford...
Book cover of Swap
by V.A. Gyna
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2011

I’d always had a crush on Jeff, so when my skinny best friend Jenna, started going out with him in our junior year, I cried. With her long black hair and doe-like brown eyes Jenna was lovely, so I couldn’t blame him. Nevertheless, I, the chunky girl named Lisa, flirted with him throughout his...
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