A O L : 189 books

Book cover of JINGLE ALL THE WAY: 180+ Christmas Classics in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)

JINGLE ALL THE WAY: 180+ Christmas Classics in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)

Novels, Tales, Poems & Carols: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Mistletoe Bough…

by Louisa May Alcott, O. Henry, Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2017

This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (L. Frank Baum) Where Love Is, God Is (Leo Tolstoy) A Letter from Santa Claus (Mark Twain) The Gift of the Magi...
Book cover of Free Radicals and the Liver
by E. Albano, B.R. Bacon, F. Biasi
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Based on the results of the latest congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), this volume makes excellent reading since it explores in detail the role of free radical reactions in liver diseases. Studies in recent years using various methods have shown that free radicals...
Book cover of Vögeln is dat Geilste von Welt!

Vögeln is dat Geilste von Welt!

99 erotische Kurzgeschichten

by Ina Stein, Lisa Cohen, Jenny Prinz
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

Book cover of CLASSICS FOR CHRISTMAS: 180+ Novels, Christmas Tales, Poems & Carols in One Volume (Illustrated)

CLASSICS FOR CHRISTMAS: 180+ Novels, Christmas Tales, Poems & Carols in One Volume (Illustrated)

The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, Christmas Bells, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Mistletoe Bough, The Wonderful Life of Christ…

by Louisa May Alcott, O. Henry, Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

This carefully crafted ebook: “CLASSICS FOR CHRISTMAS: 180+ Novels, Christmas Tales, Poems & Carols in One Volume (Illustrated)” is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (L. Frank Baum) Where Love Is, God Is (Leo Tolstoy)...
Book cover of Fantastic Stories Presents: Science Fiction Super Pack #1
by Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Harry Harrison
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2014

The editors at www.fantasticstoriesoftheimagination.com present Fantasy and Science Fiction from the Present, Past, and Future. The Cold Calculations by Michael A. Burstein, They Twinkled like Jewels by Philip José Farmer, Lingua Franca by Carole McDonnell, Dawn of Flame by Stanley G. Weinbaum, Don’t...
Book cover of Worlds of If Super Pack #3
by James McKimmey, Jr., H. B. Fyfe
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2017

Worlds of If was a three time winner of the Hugo Award for best science fiction magazine. Worlds of If discovered many talented writers who would go on to dominate genre fiction. This is the third in our Worlds of If series with even more memorable stories from its tremendous run. ‘The Yillian Way’...
Book cover of Ihr Kinderlein kommet - Eine Weihnachtsmärchensammlung für Kinder (Illustrierte Ausgabe)

Ihr Kinderlein kommet - Eine Weihnachtsmärchensammlung für Kinder (Illustrierte Ausgabe)

Das Geschenk der Weisen, Der Tannenbaum, Die Schneekönigin, Nussknacker und Mäusekönig, Der Zucker-Schneemann, Die Frau Holle, Der Schneemann, Der Weihnachtsabend, Knecht Nikolaus und viel mehr

by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Dickens, Selma Lagerlöf
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2016

Dieses eBook: "Ihr Kinderlein kommet - Eine Weihnachtsmärchensammlung für Kinder (Illustrierte Ausgabe)" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Inhalt: Christuslegenden (Selma Lagerlöf) Die Heilige Nacht (Selma Lagerlöf)...
Book cover of Sociología y Género
by Capitolina Díaz Martínez, Sandra Dema Moreno, Rosa Cobo Bedia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 20, 2013

Este libro ofrece una visión general del pensamiento feminista y muestra cómo esta forma de conocimiento obliga a repensar las Ciencias Sociales, particularmente la Sociología. Habida cuenta de la variedad de temas abordados desde el feminismo, así como de la existencia, dentro de éste, de diversos...
Book cover of Hebrew Heroes
by A.L.O.E.
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2012

A fantastic historical story by English author Charlotte Maria Tucker, better known by her pen-name of A.L.O.E. (a Lady of England). It follows the tale, based on historical accounts, of Judas Maccabaeus, who led the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire.
Book cover of Bücher für unter den Weihnachtsbaum - Eine Märchensammlung für Kinder (Illustrierte Ausgabe)

Bücher für unter den Weihnachtsbaum - Eine Märchensammlung für Kinder (Illustrierte Ausgabe)

Das Geschenk der Weisen, Der Tannenbaum, Die Schneekönigin, Nussknacker und Mäusekönig, Der Zucker-Schneemann, Die Frau Holle, Der Schneemann, Der Weihnachtsabend, Knecht Nikolaus und viel mehr

by Peter Rosegger, Manfred Kyber, Hermann Löns
Language: German
Release Date: October 16, 2017

Diese Weihnachtssammlung wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Inhalt: Christuslegenden (Selma Lagerlöf) Die Heilige Nacht (Selma Lagerlöf) Ein Weihnachtsgast (Selma Lagerlöf) Die Mausefalle (Selma Lagerlöf) Bergkristall (Adalbert Stifter) Hans Christian Andersen:...
Book cover of Perversiones Oblicuas
by Alberto Trinidad, Itziar Ziga, Juanita Markez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2013

No deseo desvelar al lector nada de lo que va a encontrarse en las páginas de este libro. Sí quisiera advertirle, sin embargo, que en ellas no va a toparse con nada que no esté en su interior, nada que no pertenezca, de un modo u otro, a la propia naturaleza del hombre (de la mujer) y que, por...
Book cover of Envejecimiento activo en España
by Rocío Fernández Ballesteros, Ainhoa Uribe Otalora, Leopoldo Abad Alcalá
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

La obra aspira a profundizar en el debate sobre el envejecimiento en España, desde una perspectiva jurídica, política y sociológica. Para ello, el estudio, realizado en la Universidad CEU San Pablo, se divide en Ires bloques. El primero, coordinado por los profesores Dra. Ainhoa Uribe y Dr. Leopoldo...
Book cover of HALLOWEEN Ultimate Collection: 200+ Mysteries, Horror Classics & Supernatural Tales

HALLOWEEN Ultimate Collection: 200+ Mysteries, Horror Classics & Supernatural Tales

Sweeney Todd, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Haunted Hotel, The Mummy's Foot, The Dunwich Horror, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Frankenstein, The Vampire, Dracula, The Turn of the Screw, The Horla…

by Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

e-artnow presents to you this unique Halloween collection with horror thrillers, supernatural mysteries, monster tales and gothic novels carefully picked out to strike the fear and chills into your bones as …the winter is coming: H. P. Lovecraft: The Dunwich Horror The Shunned House From Beyond...
Book cover of The Giant Killer

The Giant Killer

Or the Battle Which all Must Fight

by A. L. O. E., Charlotte Marie Tucker, Illustrator (Unknown)
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2012

This book starts at the end of a physical journey and ends with the beginning of a spiritual one.  The Probyn boys, Adolphus and Constantine are going to live with a tutor and his family.  The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Roby,and their children, Aleck, Bertha, and Laura.  The Probyns...
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