Abdullah: 194 books

Book cover of Riwayat Hidup Nabi Muhammad - Ilustrasi - Vol. 1
by Abdullah ibn Abi Sarh
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2010

This illustrated book is for anybody who is interested in finding out about the real face of Islam. This first volume of the illustrated book series is about the life of Muhammad the Islamic prophet, in Mecca before migrating to Medina and is based on Islamic literatures, such as Al-Qur’an, ahadith...
Book cover of İbn Battuta Seyahatnamesi
by Ebu Abdullah Muhammed İbn Battuta Tanci
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Kısa Notlarla Sade Metin Çevirisi yüzyıl gezginlerinden İbn Battuta (1304-1368) Fas'ın Tanca şehrinde dünyaya geldi. Bu şehirden çıktığı günden itibaren 28 yıl süren gezileri boyunca Mısır, Arap Yarımadası, Irak, İran, Anadolu (başta beylikleri), Deşt-i Kıpçak, Bizans...
Book cover of Three Minds Intertwined

Three Minds Intertwined

Three Generations Strong

by M.Wakil, Carlisha Abdullah, Naimah Gales
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2015

Three Minds Intertwined Three Generations Strong is a book of 3 generations of inspirational poetry that relates to every aspect of life on the most intimate levels. This book of inspirational and thought-provoking poems represents a broad range of ideas and realities to be cherished for a lifetime....
Book cover of En Doğrusunu Ancak ALLAH Bilir..
by Nurdoğan Akyüz, Abdullah Eymen, Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır
Language: Turkish
Release Date: April 14, 2016

Dini Hikayeler Hayattan kısa dini hikayeler en fazla dini hikaye barındıran kitap Eşeğini Kaybeden Köylü ve Cuma Namazı Eşeğini Kaybeden Köylü ve Cuma Namazı Adamın biri bir gün eşeğine buğday yükleyerek değirmene varır. Eşeğin sırtındaki buğday çuvallarını indirir...
Book cover of ALLAH BANA YETER
by Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır, Abdullah Eymen, Nurdoğan Akyüz
Language: Turkish
Release Date: April 14, 2016

ALLAH BANA YETER Başımı alıp gidesim değil de Başımı secdeye koyup. Benim en çok senin yanına gelesim var Ya Rabbi.! Kabul et huzuruna Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Besmele, Allah'ın bahçesine girerken müsade istemektir. " Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Allahım Allahım!...
Book cover of How Malcolm X Was Reborn!
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2017

How Malcolm Little was reborn into a international leader from Detroit that changed the narrative about self-help, the Black community and the nation. He was reborn into Malcolm X, the reader, the debater, the searcher for truth.
Book cover of Will The Real Black Clergy Stand Up And Be Counted?
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2017

Will the real black clergy stand up and be counted or forever hold their piece? By their fruits, you shall know them.
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2017

The New York Times fundamental change in journalistic excellence to exploitation due approaching financial bankruptcy.
Book cover of Tevbe Hikayeleri
by Ebu Muhammed Abdullah el-Hanbe
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Müellif, bu kitapta, Hz. Âdem (a.s.) döneminden, kendi yaşadığı hicrî yedinci asrın başlarına kadar olan süreçte tevbe edenlerin hallerini dile getirmektedir. İlk etapta meleklerin tevbesinden başlayıp sonra onlardan Hârut ve Mârut’un olayını ele alan yazar akabinde, hikâyeleri...
Book cover of Documents of the Right Word
by Abdullah Suwaydî
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2011

A collection of small books written by Sunni scholars for answering Shi'a claims.This book explains how the Hurûfîs, who infiltrated the Shi’î communities, attacked the Sunnîs, how the Iranian King Nâdir Shâh organized a debate between the Sunnî and the Shi’î scholars, which...
Book cover of Muslim Integration

Muslim Integration

Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia

by Tahir Abbas, Jan A. Ali, Ann Black
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2016

Muslim Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia, contributors from a range of backgrounds investigate the state of Muslim integration in New Zealand and Australia. The growing presence of a Muslim minority has invited these two Pacific settler states to closely consider...
Book cover of Freedom of Religion, Apostasy and Islam
by Abdullah Saeed
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Debate on freedom of religion as a human right takes place not only in the Western world but also in Muslim communities throughout the world. For Muslims concerned for this freedom, one of the major difficulties is the 'punishment for apostasy' - death for those who desert Islam. This book argues...
Book cover of Holy Quran's Judgement – Part 2
by Sheihul Mufliheen M.S.M Abdullah
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2013

The Spiritual Leader explains with copious evidence the views held by other religions too that the truth La Ilaha Illallah, that being the lifeline of Tawheed and that there is no Ilah (creation) but Allah. He has thrown a challenge to anyone who can disprove this truth offering a handsome reward....
Book cover of Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Management

Choosing to Survive

by Abdullah Al Hour
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2012

Business Continuity Management: Choosing to survive shows you how to systematically prepare your business, not only for the unthinkable, but also for smaller incidents which, if left unattended, could well lead to major disasters. A business continuity management (BCM) program is critical for every...
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