Adrian: 1834 books

Book cover of Something Just Clicked
by Adrian Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2001

Something Just Clicked is the second anthology of Adrian Hunters short stories. This volume includes Hunters first bondage tale published in 1993, The Rubbermaid Chronicles, the amazing adventures of a young girl who becomes intimately acquainted with the myriad definitions of service. It also features...
Book cover of Crash Your Party Dress
by Adrian Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2001

Crash Your Party Dress is the first anthology of Adrian Hunters short stories. For readers not familiar with his canon, Hunters work has been described as moody, atmospheric fiction with a bondage twist. Unlike classic erotica, these stories arent polite pornography that exist simply to titillate....
Book cover of Ace of Slaves
by Adrian Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2018

BLISTERING B&D THRILLER FROM THE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR! Welcome to the Stratosphere, a surreal world of bondage, blackjack, slots and sexual extremes in the world's tallest casino, created by the winner of SIGNY "Best Bondage Writer" Award. When Interpol agent Sunday Briggs arrives...
Book cover of Zwischenwelten


Ein Neurowissenschaftler erforscht die Grauzone zwischen Leben und Tod

by Adrian Owen
Language: German
Release Date: October 26, 2017

Der führende Neurowissenschaftler Adrian Owen beschreibt in seinem aufrüttelnden Buch "Zwischenwelten" seine spektakuläre Arbeit mit Menschen, die an einem schweren Hirntrauma leiden. Zweifelten Ärzte bislang daran, dass Wachkoma-Patienten wahrnehmungsfähig sind, bewies Owen das Gegenteil....
Book cover of Amsterdam Sucks
by Adrian Lee
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2018

Ever been curious about Amsterdam, otherwise known as "Europe's Sin City?" Ever wished that you could walk amongst the beautiful canals and houses? Ever been curious about the Red Light District and all that goes on there? Well now you can read it for yourself, in "Amsterdam Sucks."...
Book cover of I Magi

I Magi

Custodi della Segreta Saggezza

by Adrian Gilbert
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 7, 2016

Chi erano i tre Re, i tre saggi testimoni della nascita di Gesù? Da dove venivano e per quale motivo intrapresero il viaggio fino a Betlemme? Adrian Gilbert risponde a queste e ad altre domande in una nuova e affascinante esplorazione della leggenda dei Magi, frutto di venticinque anni di ricerca...
Book cover of BLUTVOLK, Band 9: DIE VERLORENEN


Die große Vampir-Saga von Adrian Doyle & Timothy Stahl

by Adrian Doyle, Timothy Stahl
Language: German
Release Date: August 8, 2019

Um das Jahr 1860 hielt der Tod in Amerika reiche Beute. Nord- und Südstaatler vernichteten einander im Brudermord. So war der Tisch reich gedeckt für die Vampire; wie in jedem Krieg, wenn niemand fragte, welche Sense Gevatter Tod führte. In den Sümpfen von Louisiana versanken Hunderte von Soldaten...
Book cover of BLUTVOLK, Band 10: TOTEM DES BÖSEN


Die große Vampir-Saga von Adrian Doyle & Timothy Stahl

by Adrian Doyle, Timothy Stahl
Language: German
Release Date: August 8, 2019

Die Seuche hatte furchtbar gewütet. Von den Sippenoberhäuptern ausgehend infizierte sie die Vampire überall auf der Welt mit ihrem Keim. Rasender Durst kam über die Blutsauger – ein Durst, den sie nicht zu löschen vermochten. Die betrogene Zeit holte die Vampire ein, und sie verfielen bei lebendigem...
Book cover of Hörig - Dein Spiel, mein Verlangen
by Adrian Leigh
Language: German
Release Date: December 16, 2015

Die Lust an der Unterwerfung, tabulos ausgelebt: 'Hörig - Dein Spiel, mein Verlangen' von Adrian Leigh jetzt als eBook bei venusbooks. Warum ist Emmas Liebesleben unerfüllt? Liegt es an ihrem Mann, der nicht weiß, wie prickelnder und sinnlicher Sex funktioniert? Oder wird sie von tiefgehenden,...
Book cover of Gehorche! Ein ungezogenes Mädchen will die Peitsche
by Adrian Leigh
Language: German
Release Date: August 28, 2017

Sie ist willig, geil und devot: 'Gehorche! Ein ungezogenes Mädchen will die Peitsche' von Adrian Leigh jetzt als eBook bei venusbooks Als der Businessman Geoffrey die blutjunge Melanie auf der Straße aufgelesen hat, war er fasziniert von ihrer direkten Art. Doch jetzt stellt er fest: Ficken kann...
Book cover of Bestraf mich! Ein Mann, drei Frauen und eine Peitsche
by Adrian Leigh
Language: German
Release Date: June 26, 2017

Weil Lust und schmerz nah beieinander liegen: 'Bestraf mich' von Adrian Leigh jetzt als eBook bei venusbooks Der junge Brian möchte nichts mehr, als endlich eine Frau zu ficken, schnell, hart und dreckig! Doch bis es so weit ist, muss er sich selbst helfen - mit einem Foto von Sarah, der heißen...
Book cover of Darwin's Sacred Cause

Darwin's Sacred Cause

How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution

by Adrian Desmond, James Moore
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2014

An “arresting” and deeply personal portrait that “confront[s] the touchy subject of Darwin and race head on” (The New York Times Book Review). It’s difficult to overstate the profound risk Charles Darwin took in publishing his theory of evolution. How and why would a quiet, respectable...
Book cover of Into the Gray Zone

Into the Gray Zone

A Neuroscientist Explores the Border Between Life and Death

by Adrian Owen
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2017

In this “riveting read, meshing memoir with scientific explication” (Nature), a world-renowned neuroscientist reveals how he learned to communicate with patients in vegetative or “gray zone” states and, more importantly, he explains what those interactions tell us about the working of our...
Book cover of Behind the Throne

Behind the Throne

A Domestic History of the British Royal Household

by Adrian Tinniswood
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2018

An upstairs/downstairs history of the British royal court, from the Middle Ages to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II Monarchs: they're just like us. They entertain their friends and eat and worry about money. Henry VIII tripped over his dogs. George II threw his son out of the house. James I...
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