Alan: 6649 books

Book cover of College Student Retention

College Student Retention

Formula for Student Success

by Alexander W. Astin, Joseph B. Berger, Erin W. Bibo
Language: English
Release Date: February 16, 2012

Although access to higher education is virtually universally available, college student retention stills remains a vexing and puzzling problem for educators and legislators. In College Student Retention: Formula for Student Success, second edition, Alan Seidman deals with this problematic issue...
Book cover of Generating Social Stratification

Generating Social Stratification

Toward A New Research Agenda

by Alan C Kerckhoff
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

In this book some of the leading stratification scholars in the U.S. present empirical and theoretical essays about the institutional contexts that shape careers. Building on recent advances in theory, data, and analytic technique, the essays in this volume work toward the goal of identifying and...
Book cover of Teaching America

Teaching America

The Case for Civic Education

by David J. Feith, Seth Andrew, Charles F. Bahmueller
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2011

In Teaching America, more than 20 leading thinkers sound the alarm over a crisis in citizenship—and lay out a powerful agenda for reform. The book’s unprecedented roster of authors includes Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Senator Jon Kyl, Senator Bob Graham, Secretary Rod Paige, Alan Dershowitz,...
Book cover of Carry a Chicken in Your Lap

Carry a Chicken in Your Lap

Or Whatever It Takes to Globalize Your Business

by R. William Ayres, Bruce Alan Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2009

Recession-hit American companies are sending people overseas in record numbers in search of new business. But sadly around 75 percent of these expats fail, costing an estimated two billion dollars a year. CEOs, vice presidents of international marketing, and HR departments must learn how to choose...
Book cover of 如果我真的懂你,會是這種表情嗎?:告別雞同鴨講,全美溝通藝術專家的共鳴式說話術


If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face? : My Adventures in the Art and Science of Relating and Communicating

by 亞倫.艾達, Alan Alda
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2018

◎《紐約時報》暢銷書、Amazon商業溝通類冠軍 ◎ 6次艾美獎得主,暨紐約州立大學石溪分校「科學溝通中心」創辦人 ◎ 從大眾讀者到頂尖科學家都在學的高效溝通術,作家媒體齊聲推薦! 從會議室到臥室,「共鳴式說話術」對各種人際關係都管用! 培養同理心,學習讀懂他人的感受和想法,是良好溝通的關鍵,也正是本書的主軸! 艾達運用他正字標記的幽默感與字字到位的高超能力,帶我們學習如何引出每個人心中的溝通高手。──《富比士》 亞倫‧艾達是美國知名演員、導演、編劇,曾榮獲6次艾美獎,並以科學門外漢的身分,主持《美國科學新境》長達11年。他採訪上千位科學家,擅長以大眾都能理解的淺顯字眼,傳達複雜的科學知識。 數十年來,他的經歷與長年表演的獨門訓練,累積了一套人人都能學的溝通表達技巧,能夠應用在各種人際關係上。紐約州立大學石溪分校邀請他成立並主持「亞倫‧艾達科學溝通中心」,教授大家都能輕鬆上手的「共鳴式說話術」,也在各大學開設課程和工作坊,以推廣溝通之道,至今已訓練7千多人。 作者在本書分享每個人都需要的溝通技巧──熟練地讀懂別人,知道對方的感受和想法。他告訴讀者如何善用讀心術和同理心,透過眼睛、耳朵、感受去聆聽,用故事說明重點、消弭令人迷惘的術語、仔細留意他人臉部表情代表的涵義,創造出「共鳴」與溫暖親近的連結,達到真正的有效溝通。 這樣的技巧每個人都可以學,對工作、家人、夫妻、親子關係有很大的助益,無論是對外行聽眾演講的科學家,與客戶解釋產品的行銷人員,跟孩子說話的家長,或者夫妻之間的對話都有實質的幫助。 媒體好評: ◎價值連城的好書。他最早的熱忱是協助科學家,與普羅大眾分享科學研究,後來艾達發現在演員時代學到的即興表演技巧和觀點,能為每個必須溝通的人帶來轉變。──黛博拉.泰南,《紐約時報》第一名暢銷書《男女親密對話》作者 ◎在這本迷人詼諧、發人深思的書裡,充滿豐富的趣聞軼事,作者教授的技巧─無論從情人到政治家和科學家─讓人人皆可提升溝通的能力,百戰百勝。──勞倫斯.克勞斯,《迄今最偉大的故事》作者 ◎聰穎、輕鬆、鼓舞人心……艾達寫這本書時,遵照了自己的忠告:用說故事來傳達重點。──《華盛頓獨立書評》 ◎艾達的好奇心和聰穎,消除了滿臉困惑的不解,他高聲呼籲清晰和溝通,還有永遠都不能缺少的同理心。──《匹茲堡郵報》 ◎作者剖析面對面互動的重要性,他創造出有趣的對話技巧,協助科學家向一般觀眾講解複雜的科學原理。──《企業家雜誌》 ◎出類拔萃的演員暨溝通專家告訴你,如何避免困擾的人類口語互動,或者意想不到的誤解障礙,這是一本犀利又富有教育意義的溝通指南。──《柯克斯評論》 ◎科學家無法將重點傳達給社會大眾、媒體、政府,讓艾達大感喪氣,這是因為他們從未受過溝通訓練,於是艾達決定改變現狀……他以溫暖親切的風格,告訴大家這些溝通課程不限於科學家,人人皆可適用,在真正需要派上用場的時候,它們就是你的好幫手。──《密爾瓦基哨兵日報》 讀者評價 ◎這是一本久違的寶典,深具教育意義,也很實用。讀完後我立刻寫電子郵件給女兒的老師,建議他們拿來當女兒的數學科學創意課程的輔助教材,我覺得書中的技巧對於我的人際關係也有幫助,包括我和丈夫、孩子和朋友的關係。 ◎每個地球人都應該讀這本書。作者是天生的說故事高手,艾達用自己溝通不良的故事來示範,聽懂彼此是件多麼重要的事,如果沒聽懂就很容易出問題。 ◎這是本好書,輕鬆易讀,好笑又能學到東西,絕對是心靈的糧食!我已經讀完一遍,現在想讀第二遍,而且這次我會做筆記。 ◎作者教我們如何當個傾聽者。本書的主要概念是我們必須與人產生共鳴,才能夠進行良好的溝通。行文風趣,我讀得很開心。他在書中應用社會學和心理學研究的例子,以及他個人的經驗談,精彩絕倫! 作者簡介 亞倫‧艾達(Alan...
Book cover of Broadband Connection

Broadband Connection

The Art of Delivering a Winning IT Presentation

by Alan Carroll
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2009

It's no secret that many IT professionals hate presenting and are often very bad at it. Focusing on technical details and speaking in monotone, they can quickly lose their audiences' attention and interest. Effective presentation skills are critical to the careers of IT professionals and the proper...
Book cover of The Corporate Fool
by David Firth, Alan Leigh
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Our organizations are in trouble. Beset on all sides by pressure: competitive pressure, market pressure, social pressure, and just plain pressure pressure. As we look at the people in these organizations we see them rotating in a busy, helpless dance - the Jig of Despair - desperately trying to improve...
Book cover of Value-Based Fees

Value-Based Fees

How to Charge - and Get - What You're Worth

by Alan Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2008

In this thoroughly revised edition of his classic book, Alan Weiss shows how consulting fees are dependent on only two things: value provided in the perception of the buyer and the intent of the buyer and the consultant to act ethically. Many consultants, however, fail to understand that perceived...
Book cover of Million Dollar Web Presence

Million Dollar Web Presence

Leverage The Web to Build Your Brand and Transform Your Business

by Chad Barr, Alan Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Hidden among the chaos and hype, there are secrets to success on the web. Globally renowned internet expert Chad Barr and business strategist and bestselling author Alan Weiss, reveal them - and show you how to use them to amploify your web presence and profits. Using the unmatched reach of...
Book cover of Getting Started in Consulting
by Alan Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2019

The definitive guide to getting out of the office and getting into consulting Getting Started in Consulting, Fourth Edition is the acclaimed real-world blueprint to professional and financial freedom. For nearly two decades, this invaluable resource has helped thousands of people quit the daily...
Book cover of Quitting (previously published as Mastering the Art of Quitting)

Quitting (previously published as Mastering the Art of Quitting)

Why We Fear It--and Why We Shouldn't--in Life, Love, and Work

by Peg Streep, Alan Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2015

Find out why the happiest, most successful people have the ability both to persist and to quit Do you believe that "winners never quit and quitters never win"? Do you tend to hang in longer than you should, even when you're unhappy? Our culture usually defines quitting as admitting...
Book cover of Soul Mission, Life Vision

Soul Mission, Life Vision

Recongnize Your True Gifts and Make Your Mark in the World

by Seale, Alan
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2003

Inspirational teacher Alan Seale has helped thousands of people create the lives they want. In Soul Mission, Life Vision he shares ancient and ageless techniques and tools that can launch the process of self-discovery essential to achieving the life of your dreams.Seale has created a program...
Book cover of The Right to Buy?

The Right to Buy?

Selling off public and social housing

by Murie, Alan
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

The Right to Buy has had a massive impact on Housing in the UK for 35 years and in 2015 there were proposals to extend it. But what is the Right to Buy policy, how has it developed and what has its impact been? What evidence is there about the wider and unintended consequences of the policy? How are...
Book cover of The Motivated School
by Alan McLean
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2003

`The book is a pleasure to read and whether the model is adopted in whole or in part, as a lens through which to examine and understand what is going on in a learning community it has much to offer' - Improving Schools `As a head of department in a comprehensive school in an education action...
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