Alan: 6649 books

Book cover of Million Dollar Consulting: The Professional's Guide to Growing a Practice, Fifth Edition
by Alan Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2016

Build a thriving consultancy with the updated edition of this classic bestseller Having inspired generations of consultants and entrepreneurs around the world, the “Rock Star of Consulting” Alan Weiss returns with a revised and completely updated edition of his authoritative guide to consulting...
Book cover of Smart Engagement

Smart Engagement

Why, What, Who and How

by John Aston, Alan Knight
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2017

Businesses that thrive in the 21st century will be those that are smart about "engagement". These businesses are the best at adapting to changing societal concerns, expectations, risks and opportunities and they know how to generate sustainable outcomes.However, while many companies talk...
Book cover of Parachuting Cats into Borneo

Parachuting Cats into Borneo

And Other Lessons from the Change Café

by Axel Klimek, Alan AtKisson
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2016

A toolkit of proven strategies and practices for building capacity and creating transformation Recent years have seen a proliferation of information on how to make change—in business, in social and environmental movements, and on a more personal scale. But, even with all this attention, two...
Book cover of 4D Leadership

4D Leadership

Competitive Advantage Through Vertical Leadership Development

by Dr Alan Watkins
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2015

Today's leaders need to change radically to meet the challenge of complex organizations in business landscapes that are in flux. This requires a step-change in development in three fundamental dimensions: how you do things, who you are, and how you relate to other people. 4D Leadership is what happens...
Book cover of Champagne, Uncorked

Champagne, Uncorked

The House of Krug and the Timeless Allure of the World's Most Celebrated Drink

by Alan Tardi
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Champagne is the epitome of effervescence, the centerpiece of celebration, and a symbol of good fortune. It has become an icon, a symbol of luxury, an emblem of the "good life," and few are not attracted to its sparkle. Champagne, Uncorked is a journey into the heart of this beloved...
Book cover of Dangerously Sleepy

Dangerously Sleepy

Overworked Americans and the Cult of Manly Wakefulness

by Alan Derickson
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2013

Workers in the United States are losing sleep. In the global economy a growing number of employees hold jobs—often more than one at once—with unpredictable hours. Even before the rise of the twenty-four-hour workplace, the relationship between sleep and industry was problematic: sleep is frequently...
Book cover of The 3 Keys to Empowerment

The 3 Keys to Empowerment

Release the Power Within People for Astonishing Results

by Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos, Alan Randolph
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 1999

As Ken Blanchard, John Carlos, and Alan Randolph clearly demonstrated in their previous bestseller, Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, empowerment is not a goal that can be achieved in a minute. Empowerment is a process that requires ongoing effort, awareness, and commitment to transforming the...
Book cover of Stock Options For Dummies
by Alan R. Simon
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2010

If you’re like the majority of the estimated 12 million employees in the U.S. who have stock options as a key component to their compensation packages, you have a vague notion, at best, of how options work and what they can mean to your financial well being. What’s the vesting schedule for your...
Book cover of Walking Down The Avenue
by Alan Jobe
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2011

This is version 2.0 of Walking Down The Avenue. It is completely updated to reflect all of the changes that have taken place on Empire Avenue through March 1, 2013. If you are new on the Avenue and find it confusing, this concise guide book is THE resource for you.
Book cover of Effective Prayer
by T. Alan Martens
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2013

Effective Prayer is an honest look at how Christians pray and some practical teaching on how to improve your prayer life. Take a bold look at some of our bad habits and gain biblical advice on how to pray better.
Book cover of 調息‧呼吸的科學:想要調控自己的身心,先從控制呼吸開始
by 斯瓦米‧拉瑪(Swami Rama),魯道夫‧巴倫坦(Rudolph Ballentine),艾倫.海姆斯(Alan Hymes)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 27, 2018

匯集東西方觀點── 有關呼吸的鼻子與胸腹腔解剖生理學、瑜伽能量學、調息法 揭露如何運用呼吸來調節生命能量的祕密   呼吸不只是單純的生理現象 呼吸的節奏及速度,反映著一個人的身心狀態; 若能調控呼吸,就能改變人生。   ◎「呼吸」不值得注意嗎? 情緒、身體及呼吸之間的關係本質為何? 呼吸是否與心念有任何的互動關係? 我們是否能藉由改變呼吸模式,來改變情緒與生理狀態? 「呼吸」實則扮演著整合人類生命各層次的角色, 若能對「呼吸」有著徹底的了解, 將能擴展我們對身心的覺察及調控力。   ◎****呼吸是身體與心念之間的連結   斯瓦米‧拉瑪與兩位美國知名醫師,分別從東方與西方的觀點,對「呼吸」進行全面的審視,包括胸腔與腹部的物理運動、呼吸道的生理與解剖學、各式呼吸習慣的生理與心理作用、鼻子構造與呼吸氣流的關係、呼吸氣流與神經系統活動的複雜模式、瑜伽觀點中潛藏在身心背後的載具「氣」(prana)等,說明了呼吸對生理健康及高階意識狀態的重要性。斯瓦米‧拉瑪也在本書中分享喜馬拉雅瑜伽士所練習的調息法,讓讀者可以立即從中受益。   不論是幫助釋放食物中的能量、影響心肺系統的功能,或是改變自主神經系統、情緒狀態等,呼吸在維繫人體器官的完整運作中,扮演著關鍵的角色。呼吸是所有生理活動的基本,並因為它碰觸到人體眾多層面的運作,我們可以透過它來觀察與操控這些層面。   受傷時的哭泣、驚嚇時的喘氣,以及憤怒時呼吸的顫抖等,都是我們所熟知的情緒如何影響呼吸的情況。瑜伽士認為,呼吸與心念之間存在著對等的關係,若某種心念狀態會造成某種呼吸模式,那麼藉由有意識的採用該呼吸模式,即可喚起相對應的心念狀態。如果我們改變呼吸模式,就能改變個性;當我們的心念受到干擾時,呼吸就會變調,會變淺、變快且不均勻。   呼吸與心相互依存,掌控呼吸,心就會開始變得專一;假使呼吸不規則或斷斷續續,則心就會散亂。能控制呼吸與「氣」的人,就能控制住他的心;能控制心的人,就能控制住他的呼吸。調息能幫助練習者控制「氣」,進而達到更高層次的靈性修持。   本書將呼吸理論知識視為可被應用的個人成長工具,詳實描述了一系列實用的練習與技巧,以便讀者可有系統地控制呼吸及「氣」生命能量。這些練習都有助於擴展對呼吸的覺察,並以有益的呼吸方式來取代無意識的呼吸習慣。由於呼吸是身體與心念之間的連結,因此也可以被用來介入身體與心念的運作,隨著我們對呼吸的覺察及控制,這種介入將可以深化生理與心理的改變。     作者/譯者簡介 作者簡介 斯瓦米‧拉瑪(Swami...
Book cover of Five Minutes on Mondays

Five Minutes on Mondays

Finding Unexpected Purpose, Peace, and Fulfillment at Work

by Alan Lurie
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2009

Imagine the leaders of one of New York City’s top real-estate firms coming together every Monday morning to hear…the moral and spiritual thoughts of a Rabbi. Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall? To hear the paths Alan Lurie traced for his listeners, how he helped them bring together their...
Book cover of Tomorrow's Cthulhu

Tomorrow's Cthulhu

Stories at the Dawn of Posthumanity

by Lynda E. Rucker, Samantha Henderson, Daria Patrie
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2016

Super science. Madness. Transhumanism. This is the dawn of posthumanity. Some things can’t be unlearned. Gleaming labs whir with the hum of servers as scientists unravel the secrets of the universe. But as we peel away mysteries, the universe glances back at us. Even now, terrors rise...
Book cover of The Library Book
by Alan Bennett, Ann Cleeves, Seth Godin
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2012

From Alan Bennett's Baffled at a Bookcase, to Lucy Mangan's Library Rules, famous writers tell us all about how libraries are used and why they're important. Tom Holland writes about libraries in the ancient world, while Seth Godin describes what a library will look like in the future. Lionel Shriver...
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