Angus: 416 books

Book cover of Winston Churchill and the Treasure of Mapungubwe Hill
by Chris Angus
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

A young Winston Churchill embarks on a dangerous treasure hunt in the wilds of central Africa in this novel of rollicking action and adventure. A prisoner during the Boer War, Winston Churchill is offered a secret deal for freedom by African commander Louis Botha: Winston must seek out and...
Book cover of The Story of Jesus
by David Angus
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2012

The four Gospels are the source material for this sympathetic account of the life of Jesus, from the traditional story of his birth, to his death and resurrection. All the principle episodes are covered the baptism, the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper, the trial, and the crucifixion as well as...
Book cover of Ser feliz es decisión tuya

Ser feliz es decisión tuya

Herramientas de la psicología positiva para incrementar tu productividad y tu felicidad

by Tal Ben-Shahar, Angus Ridgway
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 30, 2018

Te levantas cansado. La sola idea de ir a trabajar, un día más, te resulta agotadora. Haces lo mínimo para cubrir el expediente y tener tu sueldo a final de mes. Para distraerte, te conectas a internet y, en vez de hacerte sentir mejor, te aletarga aún más como consecuencia de la sobreinformación....
Book cover of The Works of Elizabeth Gaskell, Part I Vol 3
by Elisabeth Jay, Alan Shelston, Joanne Shattock
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

A selection of texts by Elizabeth Gaskell, accompanied by annotations. It brings together Gaskell academics to provide readers with scholarship on her work and seeks to bring the crusading spirit and genius of the writer into the 21st century to take her place as a major Victorian writer.
Book cover of Impact of Humanism on Western Europe During the Renaissance, The
by A. Goodman, Angus Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2014

An up-to-date synthesis of the spread and impact of humanism in Europe. A team of Renaissance scholars of international reputation including Peter Burke, Sydney Anglo, George Holmes and Geoffrey Elton, offers the student, academic and general reader an up-to-date synthesis of our current understanding...
Book cover of Unlikely Radicals

Unlikely Radicals

The Story of the Adams Mine Dump War

by Charlie Angus
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

For twenty-two years politicians and businessmen pushed for the Adams Mine landfill as a solution to Ontario’s garbage disposal crisis. This plan to dump millions of tonnes of waste into the fractured pits of the Adams Mine prompted five separate civil resistance campaigns by a rural region of 35,000...
Book cover of Rugby in our blood
by Angus Powers, Jake White, John Smith
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Rugby - is it love or addiction? There’s little doubt that South Africans are mad for rugby. In this book some of the country’s most famous rugby fans, and a Springbok or two, put into plain words what the game means to them. The likes of DA leader Tony Leon, Spud author John van de Ruit and 702...
Book cover of The Death of Robin Hood
by Angus Donald
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2016

'I charge you, Sir Alan Dale, with administering my death. At the end of the game, I would rather die by your hand than any other' England rebels War rages across the land. In the wake of Magna Carta, King John's treachery is revealed and the barons have risen against him once more....
Book cover of Marlborough
by Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2011

John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, is one of the great commanders of history. Using his great charm and diplomatic skills he was able to bind troops from various European states into a cohesive army that won a string of victories over the French armies of King Louis XIV, the first of which was...
Book cover of Pirates 1660–1730
by Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2013

This book gives an accurate picture of the pirates who sailed in the waters of the Caribbean and off the American coastline during the 'golden age' of piracy between 1660 and 1730. It traces the origins of piratical activity in the 16th century and examines the Boucaneer (Buccaneer) culture in Jamaica...
Book cover of Blackbeard’s Last Fight

Blackbeard’s Last Fight

Pirate Hunting in North Carolina 1718

by Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2013

In April 1713 the War of the Spanish Succession came to an end. During the conflict hundreds of privateers – licenced pirates – preyed on enemy shipping throughout the Caribbean. These privateers now found themselves out of a job, and many turned to piracy. One of theme was Edward Teach – more...
Book cover of Pictish Warrior AD 297-841
by Paul Wagner, Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2012

First mentioned by name in AD 297, the Picts inhabited Northern Britain from the end of the 3rd century AD to the 9th. They rose to power in the devastation following Emperor Septimus Severus's repression of the Caledonians in AD 208, and dominated Northern Britain for over 500 years, before vanishing...
Book cover of Horatio Nelson
by Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2011

The most famous admiral in history, Horatio Nelson's string of naval victories helped secure Britain's place as the world's dominant maritime power, a position she held for more than a century after Nelson's death. A young officer during the American Revolution, Nelson rose to prominence during Britain's...
Book cover of Sovereigns of the Sea

Sovereigns of the Sea

The Quest to Build the Perfect Renaissance Battleship

by Angus Konstam
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2008

Savor the story of the ultimate warship in Sovereigns of the Sea: The Quest to Build the Perfect Renaissance Battleship, which chronicles the history of Sovereign of the Seas, an immensely powerful floating fortress. You will enjoy this gripping tale of an arms race that created and ruined empires,...
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