Antoine Joseph: 9 books

Book cover of A Treatise On The Great Art

A Treatise On The Great Art

Illustrated Edition

by Antoine-Joseph Pernety
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2014

A System Of Physics According To Hermetic Philosophy And Theory And Practice Of The Magisterium. Of the three thousand volumes composing the bibliography of Alchemy, those of Dom Antoine-Joseph Pernety are the only ones in which the theories of the Artificers are exposed with method: he is the first...
Book cover of Skilled Workers' Solidarity

Skilled Workers' Solidarity

The American Experience in Comparative Perspective

by Antoine Joseph
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2013

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of The Great Art
by Antoine Joseph Pernety
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2018

It is not given to all to penetrate the innermost sanctuary of the secrets of Nature, very few know the road that leads to it. Some, impatient, err by taking paths which seem to shorten the route; others find, at almost every step, cross-roads which perplex them, lead to the left and to Tartarus,...
Book cover of Sainte Beuve et ses inconnues
by Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Antoine-Joseph Pons
Language: French
Release Date: April 13, 2016

Après le plaisir de faire l’amour, il n’en est pas de plus grand que d’en parler, d’en décrire les ivresses, d’en rappeler les émotions, les joies et les douleurs. Aussi les héroïnes de tragédie n’apparaissent-elles sur le théâtre que flanquées d’une confidente à qui elles...
Book cover of Die Französische Revolution

Die Französische Revolution

Programmatische Texte von Robespierre bis de Sade

by Antoine de Condorcet, Jean-Paul Marat, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès
Language: German
Release Date: February 7, 2012

Die Französische Revolution war ein Experimentierfeld für die Neugestaltung der modernen Gesellschaft. Auf allen gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Ebenen wurden neue Praktiken ausprobiert und emanzipatorische Neuordnungsmodelle entworfen. Dieses "Musterbuch der Moderne" experimentierte...
Book cover of Titres et bourse – Tome 2

Titres et bourse – Tome 2

Marchés - Transactions - Placements

by Joseph Antoine, Marie-Claire Capiau-Huart, Monsieur Bruno Colmant
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2012

Cet ouvrage compte deux tomes, dont le premier s'intitule Instruments financiers. Le second, Marchés – Transactions – Placements, analyse les marchés d’Euronext et plus particulièrement d’Euronext Brussels, les transactions sur instruments financiers réalisables sur ces marchés ainsi...
Book cover of Roses
by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Claude Antoine Thory
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2014

Mega Square Roses presents the large number of different species of this unique flower, which is charged with so many feelings and imbued with powerful cultural significance. Because of the rose’s botanical as well as artistic value, this book features a popular subject for art lovers as well as...
Book cover of Rosen
by Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Claude Antoine Thory
Language: German
Release Date: January 7, 2014

Das Mega Square-Buch Rosen präsentiert eine große Anzahl verschiedener Arten dieser einzigartigen Blume, die so viel Gefühl und kulturelle Bedeutung trägt. Durch seinen künstlerischen, aber auch botanischen Wert ist es wie gemacht für Kunstliebhaber und jeden, der die Schönheit und Vielseitigkeit...
Book cover of Guide infirmier des urgences
by Patrick Miroux, Raphaëlle Benveniste, Dominique Pateron
Language: French
Release Date: May 27, 2011

Cet ouvrage traite des urgences médicales et chirurgicales de manière exhaustive et sous un angle pragmatique. Il comporte près de 200 fiches et est organisé en 4 parties: - partie 1: des fiches de conduites à tenir qui suivent un plan identique en détaillant la prise en charge infirmière,...
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