Ashish: 101 books

Book cover of Optimal Space Flight Navigation

Optimal Space Flight Navigation

An Analytical Approach

by Ashish Tewari
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2018

This book consolidates decades of knowledge on space flight navigation theory, which has thus far been spread across various research articles. By gathering this research into a single text, it will be more accessible to students curious about the study of space flight navigation. Books on optimal...
Book cover of Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles

Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles

Design and Analysis with MATLAB® and Simulink®

by Ashish Tewari
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2011

*Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles * is perhaps the first book on the market to present a unified and straightforward study of the design and analysis of automatic control systems for both atmospheric and space flight vehicles. Covering basic control theory and design...
Book cover of Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets
by Ashish Tewari
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2011

Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft and Rockets introduces the reader to the concepts of modern control theory applied to the design and analysis of general flight control systems in a concise and mathematically rigorous style. It presents a comprehensive treatment of both atmospheric and space...
Book cover of Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control
by Ashish Tewari
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2015

This is the first book on adaptive aeroservoelasticity and it presents the nonlinear and recursive techniques for adaptively controlling the uncertain aeroelastic dynamics Covers both linear and nonlinear control methods in a comprehensive manner Mathematical presentation of adaptive control...
Book cover of Basic Flight Mechanics

Basic Flight Mechanics

A Simple Approach Without Equations

by Ashish Tewari
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

This book presents flight mechanics of aircraft, spacecraft, and rockets to technical and non-technical readers in simple terms and based purely on physical principles. Adapting an accessible and lucid writing style, the book retains the scientific authority and conceptual substance of an engineering...
Book cover of 下一個全球經濟引擎:非洲,從黑暗大陸到草原矽谷
by 艾希什.塔卡爾(Ashish J. Thakkar)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 5, 2018

馬雲說:「非洲會成為下一個全球經濟引擎。」 中國之龍和印度之虎都已退潮,非洲之獅即將發威! 非洲是全球經濟成長速度飛快的大洲之一,過去十年的GDP平均成長率高達5.5%。臉書、Google、優衣庫、騰訊等跨國企業,都在非洲布局創投或直接建廠。非洲的消費實力已經崛起,人口紅利即將兌現,它是商業投資的必爭之地! 各界公認的非洲現存的經濟優勢包括: 人口數上看20億、勞動人口將達到5億、青年人口數超過50%、5億都市人口、1億人平均收入達3千美元、個人購買力成長50%、中產階級人數突破3.5億、電商年交易額將達750億美元、主要國家電商銷售年增長率展望40%、行動通訊用戶數超過10億、近2.8億人擁有電子錢包、年消費量達1.4兆美元、GDP平均成長率5.5%、2.4兆美元的經濟體系、近十年GDP總值成長3倍、非洲大陸自由貿易區即將啟動……等等。 本書作者艾希什.塔卡爾為非洲成功創業家,他打造出跨國公司馬拉集團。透過描繪自身的經商背景與家族歷史,讓讀者看到區區十年之間,非洲的轉變有多大。在書中,非洲不再是一個迫切需要人道援助的區域,而是正在轉型、發展快速的商機寶地。年輕世代創意十足,從設計App到打造竹子做的腳踏車;藝術家、製片、建築師炙手可熱,全新的自由與商機待人撿拾;流離海外、受過高等教育的子民大舉回國,在商界與政界嶄露頭角。每個人的口中都傳誦著相似的故事:比起先進國家,二十一世紀的非洲擁有更多機會。 本書是一本揭開當代非洲真面貌的書籍,從東非的烏干達、西非蓬勃發展的民主新國家,到人稱「草原矽谷」肯亞與盧安達,作者為我們呈現出一幅西方人士鮮少得知的景象,深入剖析非洲的發展與商機,栩栩如生地描述了非洲的能量、活力與驚人的潛力,以及非洲有何本錢成為未來帶動全球經濟的動力引擎。 【本書特色】 以作者親自在非洲經商的見聞為底,為第一線人士親身經歷。 文風淺顯好讀,穿插著時事、商業實例與動人故事分享。 精準描繪出非洲近年景況,以及外界對非洲的謬誤認知。 【名人推薦】 中華民國對外貿易發展協會秘書長 葉明水 台灣非洲經貿協會理事長 孫杰夫 財經專欄作家 林奇芬 資深媒體工作者 蘭萱 「非洲大陸國民生產毛額已達2兆5000億美元,成長迅速。非洲自由貿易區協定議定書甫於2018年3月由非洲聯盟43國代表在盧安達首都基加利市簽署,未來經此協定非洲的經貿整合將會加速,步入嶄新的時代。本書作者為馬拉集團(Mara...
Book cover of Biofuels Production
by Vikash Babu, Ashish Thapliyal, Girijesh Kumar Patel
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2013

The search for alternative sources of energy to offset diminishing resources of easy and cost-effective fossil fuels has become a global initiative, and fuel generated from biomass is a leading competitor in this arena. Large-scale introduction of biofuels into the energy mix could contribute to environmentally...
Book cover of Goodness Killed Me!
by Er. Ashish Dutt Sharma
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2013

Rahul, a lower middle class guy from Punjab (India), struggles his best in life after being abused in childhood, used in friendship and misread by the very rigid and conservative Indian society. Suffering from incurable form of paraphilia from his early years, this guy endeavours to lead a normal...
Book cover of Endings That Begin...

Endings That Begin...

A Journey into Love Through the Universal Laws of Reciprocity

by Ascyna Talking Raven, Ricki Reynolds, Naveen Varshneya
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2012

Endings That Begin A Journey Into Love Through The Universal Laws of Reciprocity takes you on the journey of several people, from all walks of life, as they become friends. It is written with a conversational voice, as if they sat around the fire, sharing their life lessons and stories about the Universal...
Book cover of When the Wind Blows

When the Wind Blows

and Other Poems

by Ashish Khetarpal
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2016

Look! It is the time of autumn, and the wind is blowing; the leaves, crisp and yellow, are preparing their adieu. Now look again! The dervish has stopped whirling and is on his knees; the wine in his cup is finished, and the Saki has left. He has retired to his lodge where the wind is teasing the candle’s...
Book cover of Live and Work in Dubai

Live and Work in Dubai

Comprehensive, Up-to-date, Practical Information About Everyday Life

by Ashish Meera
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2011

Ostentatious, glam, materialistic, and tax free, Dubai is one of the most popular overseas locations for expatriate professionals. But although Dubai's population is made up of 75% expats compared to 25% locals, there is still an old town, away from the artificial world of glass skyscrapers shooting...
Book cover of Human Resource Management and the Global Financial Crisis

Human Resource Management and the Global Financial Crisis

Evidence from India's IT/BPO Industry

by Ashish Malik
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2017

This book analyses managerial responses and people management strategies and processes adopted to deal with the challenges imposed by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). It examines how key actors in the system exercised strategic choices in a given strategic environment, as well as how they responded...
Book cover of Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
by Mahindra Morar, Abhishek Kumar, Gyanendra Kumar Gautam
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2017

Unleash the power of serverless integration with Azure About This Book Build and support highly available and scalable API Apps by learning powerful Azure-based cloud integration Deploy and deliver applications that integrate seamlessly in the cloud and quickly adapt as per your integration needs Deploy...
Book cover of Surgery of the Skin E-Book

Surgery of the Skin E-Book

Procedural Dermatology

by June K. Robinson, MD, C. William Hanke
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2014

Master the latest medical and cosmetic procedures with Surgery of the Skin, the most comprehensive dermatological surgery resource available. Written from the surgeon’s perspective, this medical reference book features step-by-step guidance on performing the most updated developments and cutting...
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