Aubin: 49 books

Book cover of La Justicière - tome 2

La Justicière - tome 2

La joute mortelle

by Marc Aubin
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2018

Membre d’une puissante organisation sadomasochiste dont les tentacules s’étendent à travers le monde, la Justicière — réfugiée en Allemagne depuis sa fuite rocambolesque du Québec — s’apprête à éliminer tout un peloton de criminels. Les huit condamnés ciblés par la secrète société...
Book cover of Civic Education in the Twenty-First Century

Civic Education in the Twenty-First Century

A Multidimensional Inquiry

by Michael A. Armato, Jessica L. Aubin, Elizabeth Bennion
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2015

Imagine an America where politicians, governmental institutions, schools, new technologies, and interest groups work together to promote informed, engaged citizens. Civic Education in the Twenty-First Century brings together scholars from various disciplines to show how such a United States is possible...
Book cover of The Rescue of Jerusalem

The Rescue of Jerusalem

The Alliance Between Hebrews and Africans in 701 BC

by Henry T. Aubin
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2003

This little-known story of biblical times is “one of those contingent moments in world history on which whole civilizations pivot” (The Globe and Mail, Toronto). At the turn of the eighth century BC, a mighty Assyrian army entered Judah and fought its way to the very gates of Jerusalem,...
Book cover of The Memoirs of Toussaint and Isaac Louverture

The Memoirs of Toussaint and Isaac Louverture

Representing the Black Masculine Subject in Narratives of Mourning and Loss

by Arthur F. Saint-Aubin
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

This book examines the memoir of Toussaint Louverture—a former slave, general in the French army, and leader of the Haitian Revolution—and the memoir of his son, Isaac. The Revolution and its leaders have been studied and written about extensively. Until recently (2004), however, the memoir...
Book cover of Rise of the Golden Cobra
by Henry Aubin
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2007

During a picnic overlooking the Nile, 14-year-old scribe Nebi spots the riders first. Led by the treacherous Count Nimlot, the raiding party slaughters Nebi’s master, the region’s head of police. Although wounded, Nebi escapes, the only living witness that the pharaoh’s northern territory is...
Book cover of Time and Money

Time and Money

How Long and How Much Money is Needed to Regulate a Viable Economy

by Jean-Pierre Aubin
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2013

This authored monograph presents an unconventional approach to an important topic in economic theory. The author is an expert in the field of viability theory and applies this theory to analyze how an economy should be dynamically endowed so that it is economically viable. Economic viability requires...
Book cover of The Executrix

The Executrix

The hunt is on

by Marc Aubin
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2016

A string of grisly murders in small-town Québec: the victims are all men with sordid pasts—violent criminal antecedents shrugged off by the courts. The killer is one of seven women: all well-educated, well-adjusted, perfectly normal-seeming young career women. But one conceals a very different...
Book cover of The Interval Market Model in Mathematical Finance
by Pierre Bernhard, Jacob C. Engwerda, Berend Roorda
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2012

Toward the late 1990s, several research groups independently began developing new, related theories in mathematical finance. These theories did away with the standard stochastic geometric diffusion “Samuelson” market model (also known as the Black-Scholes model because it is used in that most...
Book cover of Agriculture et développement durable

Agriculture et développement durable

Guide pour l'évaluation multicritère

by Isabelle Bouvarel, Joël Aubin, Juliette Lairez
Language: French
Release Date: December 30, 2015

Dans un contexte économique incertain et face à des demandes sociétales de plus en plus pressantes, les systèmes de production animale et végétale doivent proposer de nouveaux modèles productifs, économiquement viables, respectueux de l’environnement, socialement acceptables et équitables,...
Book cover of Tychastic Measure of Viability Risk
by Luxi Chen, Jean-Pierre Aubin, Olivier Dordan
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2014

This book presents a forecasting mechanism of the price intervals for deriving the SCR (solvency capital requirement) eradicating the risk during the exercise period on one hand and measuring the risk by computing the hedging exit time function associating with smaller investments the date until which...
Book cover of La grenouille
by Blandine Aubin & Emilie Vanvolsem
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Sam la petite salamandre adore partir à l’aventure dans la nature. Elle fait toujours d’étonnantes rencontres… Aujourd’hui, elle tombe nez à nez avec la grenouille !  Curieuse et dégourdie, elle va percer tous les secrets de cette petite fripouille.  Saperlipopette...
Book cover of Le hibou
by Blandine Aubin & Emilie Vanvolsem
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Sam la petite salamandre adore partir à l’aventure dans la nature. Elle fait toujours d’étonnantes rencontres… Aujourd’hui, elle tombe nez à nez avec le hibou !  Curieuse et dégourdie, elle va percer tous les secrets de ce bel oiseau.  Saperlipopette !...
Book cover of L'ours
by Blandine Aubin & Emilie Vanvolsem
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Sam la petite salamandre adore partir à l’aventure dans la nature. Elle fait toujours d’étonnantes rencontres… Aujourd’hui, elle tombe nez à nez avec l’ours !  Curieuse et dégourdie, elle va percer tous les secrets de ce gros gourmand.  Saperlipopette !...
Book cover of La marmotte
by Blandine Aubin & Emilie Vanvolsem
Language: French
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Sam la petite salamandre adore partir à l’aventure dans la nature. Elle fait toujours d’étonnantes rencontres… Aujourd’hui, elle tombe nez à nez avec la marmotte !  Curieuse et dégourdie, elle va percer tous les secrets de cette petite boule de poils. ...
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