Axel: 472 books

Book cover of Doing Feng Shui With A Taoist Master
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2016

Readers, who have devoured Fr.Axel's previous book, 'Adventures of a Taoist Master', will love this tome, too. Fr.Axel takes you along. Doing Feng Shui this time. The book centers around the quest, to find the right affordable apartment/office in Hong Kong. We meet bizarre buildings and strange people....
Book cover of Celebrating Taoist Festivals
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2016

CELEBRATING TAOIST FESTIVALS is Fr.Axel's latest addition to his growing list of Taoist publications. Follow the author through the ANNUAL LITURGICAL CYCLE. A swirl of faith, colours and magic across the 12 LUNAR MONTHS of Han-Chinese's deepest beliefs. The Taoist Ritual Calendar is as colourful as...
Book cover of The Nation's Tortured Body

The Nation's Tortured Body

Violence, Representation, and the Formation of a Sikh “Diaspora”

by Brian Keith Axel
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2001

In The Nation’s Tortured Body Brian Keith Axel explores the formation of the Sikh diaspora and, in so doing, offers a powerful inquiry into conditions of peoplehood, colonialism, and postcoloniality. Demonstrating a new direction for historical anthropology, he focuses on the position of violence...
Book cover of Das neue Testament

Das neue Testament

Mein Großvater Axel Springer, Friede, ich und der Strippenzieher. Die wahre Geschichte einer Erbschaft

by Axel Sven Springer
Language: German
Release Date: April 19, 2012

Axel Springer war ein legendärer Verleger und ein ganz besonderer Großvater. Zu seinem 100. Geburtstag am 2. Mai 2012 erlaubt sein Enkel Axel Sven Springer erstmals einen ganz neuen, privaten Blick auf diese große Persönlichkeit der deutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Er erzählt vom engen Verhältnis...
Book cover of Axel's 5-star Thai Recipes
by Axel Aberg
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2014

axel aberg has been enthusiastically cooking Asian and all sorts of other foods for 40 years. He travels widely and writes thriller novels set in far-flung places. his 5-star thai recipes is a complete guide to thai cuisine in a compact format. learn the basics of thai ingredients and how to combine...
Book cover of How To Behave In A Taoist Temple
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2016

''I Don't Know How To Behave!" Contemporary visitors to a Taoist Temple are not conversant anymore with proper conduct and worship. It is Fr.Axel's fervent belief, that people from all over the world would like to know more about decent and devout behaviour, when entering the premises of a Taoist...
Book cover of Adventures of a Taoist Master
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

ENCOUNTERS WITH THE PARANORMAL. For the first time, Fr.Axel reveals his memoirs. These are the adventures of a Western Psychologist, who abandons his former life in search of an authentic Taoist Master in Asia. The book explores the struggles, hardships and sacrifices of a true Taoist adept. Fr.Axel...
Book cover of Wumbabas Vermächtnis

Wumbabas Vermächtnis

Drittes Handbuch des Verhörens

by Axel Hacke
Language: German
Release Date: November 15, 2012

Das ist einfach wumbaba! So hört man es inzwischen landauf, landab. Seit Axel Hackes Bestsellern 'Der weiße Neger Wumbaba' und 'Der weiße Neger Wumbaba kehrt zurück' ist das Verhören zum Volkssport geworden. Alle haben sich schon mal verhört und finden Gehör, im Radio zum Beispiel: Praktisch jeder...
Book cover of Dieu ne lit pas de romans

Dieu ne lit pas de romans

Un voyage dans le monde de Salman Rusdhie

by Axel Jensen
Language: French
Release Date: November 2, 2015

Un essai sur la religion qui prône la liberté d'expressionJe suis sûr que les lecteurs de Dieu ne lit pas de romans vont être éblouis par le savoir d'Axel Jensen, et divertis par son esprit vif et léger. En tant qu'objet de son attention bienveillante, j'ai moi-même été stimulé, provoqué et...
Book cover of Jungbrunnen Ayurveda

Jungbrunnen Ayurveda

Das uralte Wissen um vollkommene Gesundheit

by Axel Burkart
Language: German
Release Date: July 4, 2012

Zurücklehnen, lesen, genießen - gesund werden. Verständlich und fundiert erklärt Axel Burkart, wie Ayurveda funktioniert: als ganzheitliche Reinigung und Aktivierungsstrategie für ureigene Selbstheilungskräfte von Körper, Geist und Seele. Einfache Anleitungen und spannendes Hintergrundwissen...
Book cover of Hot Sinatra
by Axel Howerton
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2013

Evolved Publishing presents a quirky, hardboiled detective, noir mystery in "Hot Sinatra," by Axel Howerton. ANNOUNCEMENT: April 24, 2014 - The Crime Writers of Canada has announced that "Hot Sinatra" is one of five finalists for the prestigious Arthur Ellis Award for Best...
Book cover of How To Use A Simple Compass For Feng Shui Readings
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

IMPROVE YOUR FENG SHUI READINGS WITH COMPASS DIRECTIONS Fr.Axel shows you in an easy step-by-step process, HOW to use any simple compass for Feng Shui readings. Just applying symbolic or energy/aura-feeling Feng Shui is not enough in today's competitive Feng Shui industry. HAVING PROBLEMS NOT BEING...
Book cover of Feng Shui Litigation
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

THE DARK SIDE OF FENG SHUI. Nobody talks about it. Nobody wants to talk about it. Only now Fr.Axel raises for the first time the question of litigation in the Feng Shui industry. This topic is being avoided in the public since the inception of 'Do-It-Yourself FS' thirty years ago. The author asks...
Book cover of Taoist Consciousness
by Father Axel
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2018

This volume serves as the central module in Fr.Axel's contemporary line-up of Heart of TAO books. Here the main theme of the author is the connection betwixt TAO and CONSCIOUSNESS. Like colourful plum blossoms emerging from a white, barren Winterlandscape: So our Youniverse sprouts into existence...
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