Ba: 490 books

Book cover of Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology - E-Book
by Alexander de Lahunta, Eric N. Glass, MS
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2014

Organized by functional neurologic system, the 3rd edition of this authoritative reference provides the most up-to-date information on neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathology, and clinical neurology as it applies to small animals, horses, and food animals. Accurate diagnosis is emphasized throughout...
Book cover of Cuore di cowboy
by BA Tortuga, Jodi Payne
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 13, 2018

Colby McBride è un cowboy operaio che sbarca il lunario facendo il piastrellista in Colorado. Solitario per scelta, gli piace il lavoro manuale e trova la pace campeggiando in montagna. Gordon James è il proprietario di ben due ristoranti di successo in centro a Boulder. È un uomo sofisticato dedito...
Book cover of Le ranch d’une vie
by BA Tortuga
Language: French
Release Date: June 12, 2018

Un coup de poing, une tempête de neige, un baiser volé dans l’écurie… et une seconde chance en amour.  Ford Nixel possède deux cabinets d’avocats, deux appartements élégants et connaît les bonnes personnes. Bref, il a tout ce qu’il lui faut.  Se voir remettre par son...
Book cover of Congedo assoluto
by BA Tortuga
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Serie Liberi, libro 2 In congedo assoluto dalle forze armate dopo che la sua unità è stata attaccata in missione, Eric Tremaine sta cercando di rimettere insieme la sua vita così come i dottori gli hanno ricostruito la gamba ferita. Eric non ha una casa a cui tornare, visto che la sua famiglia...
Book cover of Una casa a cui tornare
by BA Tortuga
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2019

Stetson Major e Curtis Traynor non potrebbero essere più diversi: Stetson è un ranchero legato alla terra e vive a Taos, nel New Mexico; Curtis è un cowboy da rodeo con il bisogno di viaggiare e il terrore di rimanere legato a un unico posto. Stetson accudisce la madre Betty, che sta morendo...
Book cover of En conditionnelle
by BA Tortuga
Language: French
Release Date: August 23, 2016

On dit qu’un homme peut toujours rentrer chez lui. Alors après avoir purgé sa peine, Sage Redding se dirige vers le ranch de sa famille situé dans le nord-est du Texas afin d’aider son père malade à s’occuper des chevaux de cutting.  Adam Winchester, surnommé Win, est adjoint au...
Book cover of L'épreuve du feu
by BA Tortuga
Language: French
Release Date: August 8, 2017

Un Australien. Un Texan. Un bébé. Une sacrée bagarre.  Quand sa sœur et son beau-frère meurent dans un accident, Lachlan McCoughey, propriétaire d’un ranch d’élevage bovin australien, se précipite au Texas pour sauver leur petite fille, Chloé. Il s’attend à trouver sa nièce...
Book cover of Zwei Cowboys und ein Baby
by BA Tortuga
Language: German
Release Date: May 26, 2017

Als seine Schwester und ihr Mann bei einem Unfall sterben, zögert Rancher Lachlan nicht: Er reist umgehend von Australien nach Texas in dem Glauben, seine kleine Nichte aus dem unruhigen Leben inmitten einer Rodeo-Familie retten zu müssen. Doch statt des erwarteten Chaos' trifft er in Texas auf...
Book cover of Was er zurückließ
by BA Tortuga
Language: German
Release Date: May 29, 2018

Gibt es eine zweite Chance für die Liebe? Ford Nixel glaubt nicht daran. Als erfolgreicher Anwalt in der Großstadt ist er nicht gerade begeistert, als er von seinem Onkel auf die Familienranch zurückgerufen wird, auf der er sich seit zehn Jahren nicht mehr hat blicken lassen. Zu viele Erinnerungen...
Book cover of Creep and Hygrothermal Effects in Concrete Structures
by Zdeněk P. Bažant, Milan Jirásek
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2018

This comprehensive treatise covers in detail practical methods of analysis as well as advanced mathematical models for structures highly sensitive to creep and shrinkage. Effective computational algorithms for century-long creep effects in structures, moisture diffusion and high temperature effects...
Book cover of What Nurses Know...Multiple Sclerosis
by Carol Saunders, BA, BSN
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2011

An initial response to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is typically an active search for information about the disease itself and its potential long-term effects. Over 450,000 people in the US have received a diagnosis of MS and are living with this chronic debili- tating condition. What...
Book cover of The Cpa
by BA Patmos
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

So what will you do if you do not want to do accounting? Arthur Leung was a CPA. He had believed all his life that one should work hard, be honest, and always try to do the right thing and to stay true to that principle. But recent events taught him that nothing was black and white in business and...
Book cover of Tears On The Equator
by Gerasimos I. Kambites, BA M.Div. MD FRCPC LMCC
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2014

In the beginning, in 1973, when a young couple met at a seminary in the city of Boston, during a time of great racial tension over an issue called bussing, they dared to share a dream and the dream was about faith, progress, unity, love and sustainable development in Africa. She trained in education,...
Book cover of Kohle, Öl und Krieg

Kohle, Öl und Krieg

Eine Biographie

by Ingrid Krau, Gudrun Fröba
Language: German
Release Date: June 16, 2015

Öl braucht Krieg und Krieg braucht Öl, ersatzweise Öl aus heimischer Kohle - das ist die harte Logik der deutschen Expansion im 2. Weltkrieg. Für den jungen Bergingenieur aus der Provinz, Vater der Autorin, bietet der Expansionskurs der DEA (Deutsche Erdöl AG) Arbeit und Aufstieg. Eine Kindheit...
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