Barbara Frank: 30 books

Book cover of Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures - E-Book
by Eugene D. Frank, MA, RT(R)
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2013

With more than 400 projections presented, Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures remains the gold standard of radiographic positioning texts. Authors Eugene Frank, Bruce Long, and Barbara Smith have designed this comprehensive resource to be both an excellent textbook and also...
Book cover of Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 30

Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 30

Gesammelt von Barbara Mürmann

by Birgit Kirschke, Martina Tischlinger, Ingo Paulussen
Language: German
Release Date: October 30, 2015

Die schönsten Geschichten zur schönsten Zeit des Jahres Die Kinder, Eltern und Großeltern kommen von einem langen Spaziergang durch den Schnee und einer wilden Schneeballschlacht zurück in die warme Stube. Nun ist es endlich so weit – eingekuschelt in eine weiche Decke, die Hände gewärmt an...
Book cover of Handbook of Public Sociology
by Barbara Adam, Wendell Bell, Michael Burawoy
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2009

Public sociology—an approach to sociology that aims to communicate with and actively engage wider audiences—has been one of the most widely discussed topics in the discipline in recent years. The Handbook of Public Sociology presents a comprehensive look at every facet of public sociology in theory...
Book cover of Corruption in the Contemporary World

Corruption in the Contemporary World

Theory, Practice, and Hotspots

by Robert G. Boatright, Michael J. Brogan, Fabrizio Di Mascio
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2014

This book deals with large-scale, systemic corruption, a phenomenon that it identifies as part of the political landscape in most, if not all, societies of the contemporary world. While the analysis is grounded in the political thought of earlier thinkers, especially Edmund Burke, and integrates the...
Book cover of Eastern North Carolina Farming
by Frank Stephenson, Barbara Nichols Mulder
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2014

Settled as a maritime and agricultural colony, North Carolina�s history has always been intertwined with agriculture and farming. After the Civil War, North Carolina became the nation�s top grower of tobacco, and one of the country�s largest tobacco companies�the American Tobacco Company�flourished...
Book cover of The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
by John Law, Kalpana Shankar, David Hakken
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2016

The fourth edition of an authoritative overview, with all new chapters that capture the state of the art in a rapidly growing field. Science and Technology Studies (STS) is a flourishing interdisciplinary field that examines the transformative power of science and technology to arrange and...
Book cover of Wohin dein Herz dich schlägt

Wohin dein Herz dich schlägt

Geschichten vom Entlieben und Verlieben

by Edith Schreiber-Wicke, Cora Gofferjé, Martina Sahler
Language: German
Release Date: October 15, 2010

Liebe kommt, Liebe geht ... Die Party war eine Enttäuschung, in die Ferien geht es ohne ihn, der Traum von einer gemeinsamen Zukunft ist geplatzt. Von enttäuschter Liebe handeln diese Geschichten, aber auch vom Neustart, von Schmetterlingen im Bauch und vom Tanzen auf rosaroten Wolken. Zu erkennen,...
Book cover of Alternative Approaches in Music Education

Alternative Approaches in Music Education

Case Studies from the Field

by Frank Abrahams, Joseph Abramo, Carlos Abril
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2010

Explore the creative ways music educators across the country are approaching emerging practices in music teaching and learning. Outlined in twenty-five unique case studies, each program offers a new perspective on music teaching and learning, often falling outside the standard music education curriculum....
Book cover of Heart of Creation

Heart of Creation

The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy of Linda Schele

by Andrea Stone, Marc Zender, Barbara MacLeod
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2015

This accessible, state-of-the-art review of Mayan hieroglyphics and cosmology also serves as a tribute to one of the field's most noted pioneers. The core of this book focuses on the current study of Mayan hieroglyphics as inspired by the recently deceased Mayanist Linda Schele. As author or...
Book cover of Connecting Teaching and Learning

Connecting Teaching and Learning

History, Evolution, and Case Studies of Teacher Work Sample Methodology

by Ronald A. Beghetto, Karen S. Buchanan, Barbara Chesler Buckner
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2011

As accountability in education has become an increasingly prominent topic, teacher preparation programs are being asked to provide credible evidence that their teacher candidates can impact student learning. Teacher Work Samples, first developed 30 years ago, have emerged as an effective method...
Book cover of Archives


Recordkeeping in Society

by Sue McKemmish, Michael Piggott, Barbara Reed
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2005

Archives: Recordkeeping in Society introduces the significance of archives and the results of local and international research in archival science. It explores the role of recordkeeping in various cultural, organisational and historical contexts. Its themes include archives as a web of recorded information:...
Book cover of Pricing Carbon

Pricing Carbon

The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme

by A. Denny Ellerman, Frank J. Convery, Christian de Perthuis
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2010

The European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is the world's largest market for carbon and the most significant multinational initiative ever taken to mobilize markets to protect the environment. It will be an important influence on the development and implementation of trading schemes in...
Book cover of Galaktische Spuren
by Vaire J. Variz, Eva Johanna Onkels, Andreas Haider
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2018

Und es gibt sie doch … die Außerirdischen, die fer-nen Sterne, auf denen Lebewesen existieren. Sie werden in den folgenden Kurzgeschichten in fremde Welten entführt, in denen Krieg, Liebe und Freundschaft existieren. Oder die Außerirdischen erscheinen auf der Erde und lassen uns wissen, dass es sie gibt.
Book cover of ... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

Andachten zur Nacht im Kirchenjahr

by Michael Weinrich, Magdalene L. Frettlöh, Barbara Müller
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2013

74 Texte zur Nacht, 74 profilierte Autorinnen und Autoren: Der Band bietet eine einzigartige Sammlung verschiedener Zugänge, Stile, Einfälle und Gedanken. Bibelstellen zur Nacht sind den Sonntagen und Festtagen des Kirchenjahrs zugeordnet, so dass keiner leer ausgeht. Der Band eignet sich für Abendandachten...
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