Becker: 1229 books

Book cover of Spirituality, Religion, and Aging

Spirituality, Religion, and Aging

Illuminations for Therapeutic Practice

by Holly B. Nelson-Becker
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Spirituality, Religion, and Aging: Illuminations for Therapeutic Practice byHolly Nelson-Becker is a highly integrative book written for students, professionals in aging, ministers, and older adults themselves. Readers will gain the knowledge and skills they need to assess, engage, and address...
Book cover of White Picket Fences

White Picket Fences

Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege

by Amy Julia Becker
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2018

A Gentle Invitation into the Challenging Topic of Privilege The notion that some might have it better than others, for no good reason, offends our sensibilities. Yet, until we talk about privilege, we’ll never fully understand it or find our way forward. Amy Julia Becker welcomes us into...
Book cover of Plasmons as Sensors
by Jan Becker
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Plasmons as Sensors covers the fundamental developments of plasmonic nanosenor design over the last few years. In his acclaimed thesis, Jan Becker addresses the relevant theoretical concepts and then applies these to discuss the properties and trends in nanoparticles of various shapes and sizes. The...


Book cover of L:


A Novel History

by Jillian Becker
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2012

Revolution sweeps Louis Zander, a charismatic philosopher of art and politics known as L, into power as dictator of England. This skillfully composed story could be a fictional realization of the Cloward-Piven strategy or Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. It is a page-turner that traces the process...
Book cover of Übungen zur Kosten-, Erlös- und Ergebnisrechnung
by Wolfgang Becker, Robert Holzmann, Christian Hilmer
Language: German
Release Date: November 28, 2014

Das Übungsbuch bietet eine umfassende Sammlung von Aufgaben und Fallstudien zu den wesentlichen Teilgebieten der Kosten-, Erlös- und Ergebnisrechnung. Abgestimmt auf das Lehrbuch „Kosten-, Erlös- und Ergebnisrechnung – Einführung für Bachelor-Studierende“ (Wolfgang Becker/Robert Holzmann)...
Book cover of Geschäftsmodelle im Mittelstand
by Wolfgang Becker, Patrick Ulrich, Wolfgang Becker
Language: German
Release Date: September 26, 2013

Obwohl häufig über Geschäftsmodelle diskutiert wird, sind Terminologie, Wirkungsweise und Erfolgswirkung dieses Konstrukts bisher weitgehend unklar. Seit den "hidden champions" von Hermann Simon wird die gezielte Frage nach den Erfolgsfaktoren mittelständischer Unternehmen gestellt. Der Gestaltung...
Book cover of Tips for Tutors: Power Up Your Sessions
by Rachel Becker
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2012

This book can be your handbook to be the best tutor you can be. Written by a former teacher and tutor supervisor, you'll get the help you need to stand out as a tutor, from how to get a strong start during the first session to extras you can offer to expand your business. You'll see easy-to-use lists,...
Book cover of Social Impact Assessment

Social Impact Assessment

Method And Experience In Europe, North America And The Developing World

by Becker, Henk, Henk Becker University of Utrecht
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

This book is intended for introductory courses in SIA within sociology, social policy, human geography and political science at postgraduate level. Specialist postgraduate and professional courses in policy- orientated social research and in social and general impact assessment.
Book cover of Agaçant, sexy et dangereux l’intégrale
by Rose M. Becker
Language: French
Release Date: February 17, 2017

Il est exaspérant, envoûtant, dangereux… mais c’est l’homme le plus sexy qu’elle ait jamais rencontré !*** Je m’appelle Sean, me lance-t-il en me tendant la main par-dessus le comptoir.J’hésite à la prendre. Ce n’est qu’une main, ajoute-t-il, le sourire moqueur. Ça ne mord pas....
Book cover of Forever you Intégrale
by Rose M. Becker
Language: French
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Découvrez la nouvelle série de Rose Becker, une New Adult romance sensuelle et troublante. *** Noam me fait face en plantant son regard noir dans le mien. Je suis tétanisée. Chaque fois, j’ai le sentiment de recevoir un électrochoc. Les bras croisés pour me protéger mais de quoi? de lui?...
Book cover of Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 3
by Rose M. Becker
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2015

Rischiare di morire in un incidente d’auto: fatto!Scatenare un litigio tra l’uomo che amo e suo fratello: fatto!Restare bloccata in un letto d’ospedale: fatto!Superare anche questa prova con Elio: da fare!Qualcuno ha detto «karma negativo»?Mentre riaccompagna a casa la sua migliore amica e il...
Book cover of Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 2
by Rose M. Becker
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 14, 2015

Sorprendere il mio bel miliardario mentre confessa che non mi ama: fatto!Rompere con l’uomo che mi fa battere il cuore: fatto!Vendere una delle mie opere a un gallerista che detesto: fatto!Gestire le montagne russe emotive: da fare.Chi offre di più?L’amore per Elena Lavigne è come un libretto di...
Book cover of Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 4
by Rose M. Becker
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 18, 2015

Essere arrestata dalla polizia: fatto!Subire un interrogatorio in abito da sera: fatto!Rischiare di passare il resto dei miei giorni in prigione: fatto!Ritrovare la libertà: da fare.Ma che ci faccio qui dentro?Guai in vista per la bella Elena, che al termine di una serata romantica in cui finalmente...
Book cover of Io, i miei desideri e il mio miliardario - Vol. 5
by Rose M. Becker
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 9, 2015

Assistere all’incendio del mio atelier di pittura: fatto!Vedere l’uomo che amo sparire tra le fiamme: fatto!Morire di strizza: fatto!Ritrovare Elio sano e salvo: da fare!Elio... dove sei?Al rientro da un viaggio idilliaco negli Hamptons, Elena ed Elio scoprono che il laboratorio della giovane artista...
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