Becker: 1229 books

Book cover of The Philosophy of J.J. Abrams
by Adam Taylor, Justin Donhauser, Franklin Allaire
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2014

American auteur Jeffrey Jacob "J. J." Abrams's genius for creating densely plotted scripts has won him broad commercial and critical success in TV shows such as Felicity (1998--2002), Emmy-nominated Alias (2001--2006), Emmy and Golden Globe-winning Lost (2004--2010), and the critically acclaimed...
Book cover of Institutions and the Person

Institutions and the Person

Festschrift in Honor of Everett C.Hughes

by Howard Saul Becker, Blanche Geer, David Riesman
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2017

Everett C. Hughes had a great impact on the field of sociology as a whole and on an entire generation of sociologists. Some of Hughes' former students and colleagues honor him in this book. The essays address the main themes in his work over the years, and illustrate as well Hughes' impact on the...
Book cover of Christianity and Islam
by C.H. Becker
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Book cover of Sharing the Seder

Sharing the Seder

An Inclusive Haggadah

by Shawn H Becker
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2017

A complete yet brief Haggadah designed to engage all participants—whether Jewish or non-Jewish, Seder veterans or first-timers. The Haggadah includes thought-provoking questions to stimulate group discussion, innovative transliteration for English readers who are not familiar with Hebrew, and original art that complements the text and captivates the imagination of all ages.
Book cover of Sao Tome
by Kathleen Becker
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2014

Marooned off the coast of Gabon, the volcanic islands of São Tomé & Príncipe are a largely undiscovered, uniquely rewarding and safe destination with an exciting blend of African, Portuguese and Caribbean cultures. Explore secluded beaches and colonial plantation houses; spot endemic rainforest...
Book cover of 擁有越少,越幸福:擺脫物質束縛,讓人生煥然一新的極簡之道
by 約書亞.貝克(Joshua Becker)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 12, 2017

★ 部落格每月點閱人次破100萬,美國知名極簡主義倡導者最新力作 ★ 美國亞馬遜逾500位讀者5顆星好評 ★《華爾街日報》、《Huffington Post Live》、《BBC英倫網》爭相報導,風行全球的心靈改革運動 ★ 楊宗翰(《空屋筆記》作者)、知名部落客Vegan...
Book cover of Der Kuss Der Hellen Fae
by Thea Harrison, Julia Becker, translator
Language: German
Release Date: January 12, 2016

Über das Buch Nach dem Ende ihrer leidenschaftlichen Liebesaffäre vor vielen Jahren herrscht zwischen Julian, dem König der Nachtwesen, und Melisande, Thronerbin der Hellen Fae, erbitterte Feindschaft. Doch als Melly von Justine, einer mächtigen Vampyrin und Julians erklärter Feindin,...
Book cover of In Virginia's Shoes
by Linda Becker
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

"In Virginia's Shoes" follows the footsteps of a young girl's life journey that spans from the turn of the century up to modern day as she becomes a mature woman. Set in the back woods of beautiful Southern Illinois, this book will find its way into your heart as you learn of Virginia's life, her loves, her losses, and how her faith and strength kept her shoes always on the pathway.
Book cover of Cleveland



by Thea Gallo Becker
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2004

Located on the southern shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland was founded in 1796 by General Moses Cleaveland, an agent of the Connecticut Land Company surveying the Western Reserve. The modest frontier settlement became a village in 1815 and an incorporated city in 1836. By 1896, Cleveland boasted the Cuyahoga...
Book cover of Texas Women and Ranching

Texas Women and Ranching

On the Range, at the Rodeo, and in Their Communities

by John T. Becker, Light Townsend Cummins, Alex Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2019

The realm of ranching history has long been dominated by men, from tales—tall or true—of cowboys and cattlemen, to a century’s worth of male writers and historians who have been the primary chroniclers of Texas history. As women’s history has increasingly gained a foothold not only as a field...
Book cover of Lessons from German Unification for the Korean Peninsula
by Judith Becker
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2008

Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Far East, grade: 85% = 2,0/A-/GPA 3.7, Peking Universität (School for International Studies), course: International Securtiy in East Asia, 29 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Germany...
Book cover of Reaching Beyond Boundaries

Reaching Beyond Boundaries

A Navy SEAL's Guide to Achieving Everything You've Ever Imagined

by Don Mann, Kraig Becker
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2019

For the last decade, decorated Navy SEAL, accomplished athlete, and bestselling author Don Mann has been traveling across the country giving motivational talks and in the process inspiring hundreds with the secrets behind his awe-inspiring achievements. In Reaching beyond Boundaries, Mann brings his...
Book cover of Lakewood
by Thea Gallo Becker
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2003

Named for its natural setting on the south shore of Lake Erie, Lakewood, Ohio was one of Cleveland's original suburbs. Incorporated as a city in 1911, Lakewood experienced tremendous growth during the early 20th century, and became known as "Cleveland's Fashionable Suburb," and a "City of Beautiful Homes,"...
Book cover of Cleveland



by Thea Gallo Becker
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2005

Cleveland: 1930�2000 is the second of two volumes commemorating the history of the heart and pride of northeast Ohio, the city of Cleveland. Situated on the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland emerged as an industrial and commercial giant at the end of the Nineteenth Century, earning herself the title of...
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