Becker: 1229 books

Book cover of Campaigning for Children

Campaigning for Children

Strategies for Advancing Children's Rights

by Jo Becker
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2017

Advocates within the growing field of children's rights have designed dynamic campaigns to protect and promote children's rights. This expanding body of international law and jurisprudence, however, lacks a core text that provides an up-to-date look at current children's rights issues, the evolution...
Book cover of The Black Bear Inside Me
by Robin Becker
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2018

Becker celebrates the interconnectedness of creatures and places—never losing sight that much will turn out precarious, illusory, provisional. These poems speak, in ardent voices, about our affinities: an articulate, black bear mourns habitat loss; a frail man and failing dog become one; a scientist...
Book cover of All American Girl
by Robin Becker
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 1996

Winner of the 1996 Lambda Book Award for Lesbian Poetry. “With poignancy, honesty, and grace, Becker contends with the messy implications of her lesbian sexuality, Jewish identity, and sister's suicide. . . . Becker is acutely aware of, and devastated by, her many losses, but emerges defiant and admirably without regret or shame.” —Boston Review
Book cover of Ambition in America

Ambition in America

Political Power and the Collapse of Citizenship

by Jeffrey A. Becker
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2014

Most Americans admire the determination and drive of artists, athletes, and CEOs, but they seem to despise similar ambition in their elected officials. The structure of political representation and the separation of powers detailed in the United States Constitution were intended to restrain self-interested...
Book cover of Les Français dans la Grande guerre
by Jean-Jacques Becker, Georges Liébert, Emmanuel Todd
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1980

À la veille de 1914, toute la stratégie allemande repose sur l’hypothèse d’une défaite rapide de la France en cas de conflit militaire, permettant aux Empires centraux de tourner ensuite toutes leurs forces contre la Russie. Le plan Schlieffen doit permettre de vaincre, en quelques semaines,...
Book cover of Sex Friends - Et plus si affinités, 2
by Rose M. Becker
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2015

Un an après s’être fait larguer par son petit ami, Jane s’est installée sur la côte ouest, fuyant son passé et sa famille… Elle qui n’attend plus rien de ses relations avec les hommes tente de se reconstruire à la campagne, loin de ses déboires amoureux.Mais… difficile de joindre les...
Book cover of Noël, mon milliardaire et moi - 3
by Rose M. Becker
Language: French
Release Date: December 14, 2015

Noël, un milliardaire… que demander de plus ?***Conquise, je tends les mains au-dessus du feu en me frottant les doigts. Il fait si bon que je n’éprouve même pas le besoin de me moucher ! Moi ! La fille d’Atchoum ! Avec un sourire nerveux, Harrison me rejoint pour entrechoquer nos verres. À...
Book cover of Noël, mon milliardaire et moi - 2
by Rose M. Becker
Language: French
Release Date: November 23, 2015

Noël, un milliardaire… que demander de plus ?***Autre chose s’éveille entre nous, comme une étincelle. Je le sens à la manière dont Harrison se raidit sous mon poids. Je le sens au nœud dans le creux de mon ventre, aux battements affolés de mon cœur. Le désir. Le désir qui renaît, qui...
Book cover of Reciprocity (Routledge Revivals)
by Lawrence C. Becker
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2014

The tendency to reciprocate – to return good for good and evil for evil – is a potent force in human life, and the concept of reciprocity is closely connected to fundamental notions of ‘justice’, ‘obligation’ or ‘duty’, ‘gratitude’ and ‘equality’. In Reciprocity, first...
Book cover of Die unsichtbare Folter

Die unsichtbare Folter

Asperger Autismus aus der Sicht einer Betroffenen

by Samantha Becker
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Sam Becker ist eine 33 jährige Asperger-Autistin aus Deutschland. Durch ihre Behinderung verfügt sie, wie eine Reihe anderer Autisten, über eine sogenannte Inselbegabung. Ihre Inselbegabung ist das visuelle Denken. Dies bedeutet, dass sie nicht wie andere Menschen in Worten denkt, sondern ausschließlich...
Book cover of The C++ Standard Library Extensions

The C++ Standard Library Extensions

A Tutorial and Reference

by Pete Becker
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2006

"TR1 roughly doubles the size of the C++ standard library, and it introduces many new facilities and even new kinds of library components. TR1 has some classes, for example, where some nested types may or may not exist depending on the template arguments. To programmers whose experience stops with...
Book cover of Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom

Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom

The School of Nisibis and the Development of Scholastic Culture in Late Antique Mesopotamia

by Adam H. Becker
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2013

The School of Nisibis was the main intellectual center of the Church of the East in the sixth and early seventh centuries C.E. and an institution of learning unprecedented in antiquity. Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom provides a history both of the School and of the scholastic culture of the...
Book cover of Io, il bebè ed il mio miliardario Versione integrale
by Rose M. Becker
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 15, 2015

Amore, passione, brividi… Soccomberete alla tentazione?"Resto senza voce. Perché ha appena sollevato la testa. Il mio ladro di taxi. Nel petto, il mio cuore smette di battere - a meno che non sia il tempo che ha smesso di scorrere? Non ho mai incrociato occhi simili. Blu scuro. Blu tempesta. Come...
Book cover of Heilende Haustiere

Heilende Haustiere

Wie Hund, Katze und Maus Sie seelisch gesund halten

by Marty Becker
Language: German
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Katzen schmusen gern, Hunde sind die besten Spielkameraden und Meerschweinchen machen alle Kinder glücklich - das ist bekannt. Aber Haustiere leisten noch einiges mehr: Hunde, Hamster, Mäuse und Co. helfen ihren Besitzern gesund zu bleiben und gesund zu werden. Menschen, die Tiere besitzen gehen...
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