Bolton: 322 books

Book cover of Mixed Identities, Mass Confusion - The Star Voyager Series Vol. 17
by John B. Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2017

RADM Buckton is in command of several DSEs that are still in Jestoid space trying to put an end to the pirate industry. When a pirate ship is located it's boarded, the crewmembers are taken into custody, Alliance citizens rescued and then the vessel is destroyed. Unexpectedly they receive a message from...
Book cover of Dunkle Gebete - Lacey Flint 1
by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: January 23, 2012

Die Opfer sind unschuldige Frauen. Der Killer ist ein Phantom. Und die Ermittlerin hat mehr als nur ein Geheimnis. DC Lacey Flint ist eine junge Londoner Ermittlerin mit undurchsichtiger Vergangenheit und einem morbiden Interesse an Serienkillern. Mit einem echten Mord hatte sie bisher allerdings...
Book cover of Bluternte



by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2011

Es gibt eine Zeit zu leben. Eine zu sterben. Und eine zu töten. Die Familie Fletcher ist erst vor kurzem aufs Land gezogen. Doch die vermeintliche englische Dorfidylle entpuppt sich bald als Alptraum. Die beiden Söhne der Fletchers hören auf dem Friedhof nahe des Hauses rätselhafte Stimmen...
Book cover of Böse Lügen

Böse Lügen


by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: October 19, 2015

In einer kleinen Gemeinschaft wie der auf den Falklands gehen keine Kinder verloren. Und wenn doch, so kann es sich nur um einen tragischen Unfall handeln, schließlich sind die rauen Küsten der Inselgruppe nicht ungefährlich. Doch als zum dritten Mal ein kleiner Junge verschwindet, glaubt kaum...
Book cover of Er liebt sie nicht
by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: October 3, 2016

Er ist ein Serienkiller. Er hat vier junge Frauen brutal ermordet. Doch auch nach seiner Verurteilung beteuert er noch immer seine Unschuld. Nun sucht er jemanden, der seinen Fall neu aufrollt. Jemanden, der seine Geschichte erzählt. Damit die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt. Maggie Rose könnte das. Doch...
Book cover of Das Auge des Flusses

Das Auge des Flusses

Ein Fall für Mark Joesbury - E-Book Only Kurzgeschichte

by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: February 27, 2017

Schon länger vermutet die London Metropolitan Police, dass ein Strip Club in der Argyle Street der Tarnung terroristischer Aktivitäten dienen könnte. Nach Monaten der Observierung und Vorbereitung gelingt es schließlich, einen der besten Undercover-Beamten des Vereinigten Königreichs dort einzuschleusen:...
Book cover of Das Gift des Bösen
by Sharon Bolton
Language: German
Release Date: February 17, 2020

Geht in der englischen Kleinstadt Sabden ein Kindermörder um? Im Mittelalter war der Ort Schauplatz grausamer Hexenprozesse. Jetzt gibt es neue Schrecken: In der Nähe des Waisenheims wurden vier Kinderskelette gefunden. Nach offizieller Verlautbarung sind sie uralt. Doch Larry Glassbrook, ein verurteilter...
Book cover of HW0188 Engineering Communication I

HW0188 Engineering Communication I

Student's Course Guide

by Kingsley Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2017

This is the coursebook for Engineering Communication I, a one-semester, 2-credit course that aims to enhance students’ abilities in academic communication related to their studies in engineering as well as in professional communication. Professional engineers not only need expert knowledge relating...
Book cover of Josiah for President
by Martha Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2012

When former Congressman Mark Stedman throws in the towel on his presidential campaign, his only choice is to return to his home state and decide how to spend the rest of his life … until he meets Josiah Stoltzfus, an Amish farmer from Pennsylvania. Stedman learns more from Josiah in a few...
Book cover of Science Agriculture and Research

Science Agriculture and Research

A Compromised Participation

by Susannah Bolton, Eddie Arthur, William Buhler
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Research is never free of pressures and constraints and to understand its results properly these have to be assessed and analyzed. In agriculture, research into biotechnology and GMOs, as well as pesticides and herbicides, is big business - agribusiness. This book looks at the crucial roles of funding...
Book cover of Hat's Off!
by Nancy Shew Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

Kay is a widow who has moved to Oregon in the 1920's to live with her brother and his wife. She sews shirts while he makes hats. Intrigued by the rough-hewn men who come in and out of their shop, she wonders if love would ever come her way a second time. Aaron intrigues Kay with his quiet demeanor,...
Book cover of Intransigence - The Star Voyager Series - Vol. 13A
by John B. Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2015

RAdm Buckton leads and expedition of 3 Alliance DSCs into the Perseton Empire to meet with their always very dangerous enemy. Once contact with the Persetons is made JT and Harry Wonted are to sit and negotiate a viable peace treaty. Once that is done they are then to make every effort possible to get...
Book cover of What the Heart Wants
by Jeanell Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

The love he left behind . . . Laurel Harlow was once the princess of Bosque Bend, Texas: every door was open to the only daughter of the beloved minister and his well-bred wife. Then scandal rocked their family-and those same doors slammed shut. Now preparing the family mansion for sale, Laurel...
Book cover of Foretellers
by Raymond Bolton
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2018

In a world facing two divergent futures—eventual freedom or complete domination—too many unmade decisions cloud the yet-to-be. Those who can see even a tiny portion of the inevitable wield great power. In this world where young and old, rich or poor, are at the mercy of armed marauders...
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