Brennan Manning: 27 books

Book cover of Deus o ama do jeito que você é

Deus o ama do jeito que você é

Não do jeito que você deveria ser, pois você nunca será do jeito que deveria ser

by Brennan Manning
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Quantos de nós teríamos a coragem de contar nossa história sem retoques, eufemismos e floreios. Quantos autores você conhece que falaram abertamente de seus vícios, de suas quedas, de seus medos e de como voltaram a falhar miseravelmente após terem sido resgatados pela abundante graça de Deus?...
Book cover of The Importance of Being Foolish

The Importance of Being Foolish

How To Think Like Jesus

by Brennan Manning
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2010

In the eyes of the world, Jesus was a fool. He did not abide by the rules of his day; the people he associated with were shunned by society; his Sermon on the Mount reads likea primer on being left behind, stepped on, and ignored. In order for us to truly be the people Jesus wants us to be, we too...
Book cover of O Pródigo

O Pródigo

Uma História Maltrapilha

by Brennan Manning, Greg Garrett
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Jack Chisholm é “pastor de pessoas” e lidera uma megaigreja. Tem diversos livros best-sellers e um slogan memorável: “Você pode fazer melhor”. É pregador habilidoso, mas se tem algo de que ele não sabe nada é sobre a graça. Este ano, próximo ao Natal, a congregação da Catedral da...
Book cover of Colcha de retalhos

Colcha de retalhos

A história da minha história

by Brennan Manning
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2011

"Colcha de retalhos é uma história muito especial para mim. É, sob vários aspectos, minha própria história." - Brennan Manning. Em Colcha de retalhos, o leitor se surpreenderá com uma parábola criativa, envolvente e emocionante, ambientada no México, e que gira em torno da vida do menino...
Book cover of Convite a solitude
by Brennan Manning
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Qual a diferença entre solitude e solidão? Solidão é estar só. Solitude é querer estar só, é buscar privacidade, um momento de quietude e silêncio. Brennan Manning tem vivido diversos destes momentos ao longo de sua jornada espiritual. Convite à solitude apresenta seleções de momentos...
Book cover of O anseio furioso de Deus
by Brennan Manning
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 1, 2011

O anseio de Deus por você é maior e mais forte que qualquer elemento impulsionador da pior catástrofe que você consiga imaginar. Deus não descansa enquanto não o encontra, esteja onde e como estiver, e o traz para ele de volta, para o seu afável cuidado. Você é o que Deus tem de mais precioso....
Book cover of Alles aus Gnade

Alles aus Gnade

Autobiografie eines vom Leben Gezeichneten.

by Brennan Manning, John Blase
Language: German
Release Date: January 16, 2017

Die Veröffentlichung von "Größer als dein Herz" - einem Buch, das bei unzähligen Menschen das Bewusstseinfür Gottes Gnade geweckt hat - liegt schon viele Jahre zurück. Seitdem hat Brennan Manning, einer der größten geistlichen Schrift steller unserer Zeit, in vielen Variationen die...
Book cover of The Ragamuffin Gospel

The Ragamuffin Gospel

Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out

by Brennan Manning
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2008

Are you bedraggled, beat-up, burnt-out? Most of us believe in God’s grace—in theory. But somehow we can’t seem to apply it in our daily lives. We continue to see Him as a small-minded bookkeeper, tallying our failures and successes on a score sheet. Yet God gives us His grace,...
Book cover of The Signature of Jesus
by Brennan Manning
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2011

The Signature of Jesus challenges the gospel of "cheap grace" and calls the church to radical discipleship. With passion and boldness, author Brennan Manning invites readers to risk living life as Jesus lived—committed to simplicity, purity of heart, and obedience to the gospel. As...
Book cover of Faith That Matters

Faith That Matters

365 Devotions from Classic Christian Leaders

by Frederick Buechner, Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2018

Together for the first time in one devotional, experience daily readings from such bestselling and respected voices as Frederick Buechner, Brennan Manning, Henri Nouwen, Eugene Peterson, James Bryan Smith, A. W. Tozer, Dallas Willard, and N. T. Wright. Faith That Matters was designed to help you confidently...
Book cover of The Prodigal

The Prodigal

A Ragamuffin Story

by Brennan Manning, Greg Garrett
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

From the inspirational author of The Ragamuffin Gospel comes a powerful contemporary retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Jack Chisholm is “the people’s pastor.” He leads a devoted and growing megachurch, has several best-selling books, and a memorable slogan, “We have got...
Book cover of All Is Grace : A Ragamuffin Memoir
by Brennan Manning, John Blase
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2011

It has been over twenty years since the publication of The Ragamuffin Gospel, a book many claim as the shattering of God’s grace into their lives. Since that time, Brennan Manning has been dazzingly faithful in preaching and writing variations on that singular theme –    “Yes, Abba...
Book cover of Ruthless Trust

Ruthless Trust

The Ragamuffin's Path to God

by Brennan Manning
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2010

In his sequel to The Ragamuffin Gospel bestselling author Brennan Manning shows how true and radical trust in God can transform our lives. Manning, beloved author and spiritual teacher, shows us how trust in God can transform our lives and open us up to deeper experiences of grace and love....
Book cover of The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus
by Brennan Manning
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2004

Is God a wrathful judge? A gentle healer? A father? Brother? Friend? In The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, Brennan Manning brings you to a deeper understanding of the true nature of God. Through poignant and unforgettable stories and challenging observations, Manning helps you stretch your mind and...
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