Bruce Clark: 11 books

Book cover of Love, Sex, Fleas, God
by Bruce Clark
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Bruce Clark is the world’s best dad. Born and raised as a Scientologist, the religion-cult’s practices were his only reference points. At age 16, disillusionment had set in, and he was spewed out onto the streets uneducated and livid. Deep into adulthood he remained pretty much like that, until...
Book cover of Silkscreen
by Bruce Clark
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2010

A world-famous pop artist enters the hospital for a simple operation and is found dead a few hours after the operation. The attorney retained by the estate of the artist confronts a conspiracy of overwhelming opposition from the doctors, the hospital and their attorneys.
Book cover of Paradise for Beginners
by Bruce Clark
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2015

When a young woman in a wetsuit boards a luxury cruiser moored on the Tweed River, just south of the Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise, she is taken captive by two young Middle Eastern brothers. Mysteriously, the woman refers to the men as “princes.” We learn that earlier that night, the same woman,...
Book cover of Outback for Novices

Outback for Novices

A Saxony Knight Thriller

by Bruce Clark
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2017

In this riveting new novel, the Australian Minister of Defence goes missing when her helicopter crashes in the Australian Outback. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of a terrorist attack on Surfers Paradise, Australia’s beach playground, have survived their attack and are being illegally detained nearby...
Book cover of 獲利團隊:用一張圖表,幫團隊找出成功獲利模式


Business Models for Teams: See How Your Organization Really Works and How Each Person Fits In

by 提姆.克拉克 Tim Clark, 布魯斯.漢森 Bruce Hazen
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 10, 2018

*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀*   《商業周刊》 1605期獨家書摘 強力推薦  Google也在用的團隊管理!   全球百萬暢銷書《獲利世代》編輯 Tim Clark 最新著作──融合《獲利世代》與《一個人的獲利模式》的企業管理書,唯一整合優秀人才、商業模式、價值主張,讓組織成功地運作發展。如果主管、經理人只能用一本書了解團隊運作、提升獲利,就讀這本吧! 來自39國,225位頂尖人士,共同完成了這本《獲利團隊》,這些人的專業背景橫跨商業、科技、政府、學術、醫學、法學、設計等領域,教你運用全新工具,打造適合個人、團隊與企業的商業模式! 如果你帶的團隊充滿人才,卻各做各的、沒有共識, 就算有再好的商品、服務、價值主張,一切都只是紙上談兵! 一直以來,「團隊合作」是經營管理相當看重的一環,然而不管有多好的理論或方法,常常礙於現實中複雜的原因,如:內部政治、複雜的組織關係、僵化體系,溝通不良等問題,「團隊合作」最後常常落於口號,無法實現更大的目標,成員的視野被侷限,最後,老闆或主管管理多於領導,員工彼此間不懂合作的意義。不僅減損團隊效能,更無法及時看出問題、也會大大折損獲利。 《獲利世代》藉著商業模式圖(Business...
Book cover of Business Models for Teams

Business Models for Teams

See How Your Organization Really Works and How Each Person Fits In

by Tim Clark, Bruce Hazen
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Are you frustrated by these common problems? -Lack of a source of motivation common to millennials and boomers alike -Teambuilding exercises that fail to produce lasting results -Groups that isolate themselves in specialty silos -“Job description myopia,” or employee inability see the bigger...
Book cover of Stewardship: Collections and Historic Preservation
by Bob Beatty, Scott Carrlee, Bruce Teeple
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

Proper collections care, planning, and conservation is an essential responsibility for a museum of any size, but funding for these obligations often falls to the bottom of funding priorities because its constituencies are the quietest. Small museums need affordable ways to provide basic care for their...
Book cover of Cooperation in Economy and Society
by James Acheson, Matthew Bird, Gracia Clark
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2010

The essays in the book analyze cases of cooperation in a wide range of ethnographic, archaeological and evolutionary settings. Cooperation is examined in situations of market exchange, local and long-distance reciprocity, hierarchical relations, common property and commons access, and cooperatives....
Book cover of Water Wells and Boreholes
by Bruce Misstear, David Banks, Lewis Clark
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2017

Water Wells and Boreholes focuses on wells that are used for drinking, industry, agriculture or other supply purposes. Other types of wells and boreholes are also covered, including boreholes for monitoring groundwater level and groundwater quality. This fully revised second edition updates and expands...
Book cover of Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility
by Susan Blackmore, Thomas W. Clark, Mark Hallett
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2013

Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility investigates the philosophical and scientific arguments for free will skepticism and their implications. Skepticism about free will and moral responsibility has been on the rise in recent years. In fact, a significant number of philosophers,...
Book cover of Perspectives on Election
by Jack W. Cottrell, Clark H. Pinnock, Robert L. Reymond
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2006

Perspectives on Election presents in counterpoint form five basic common beliefs on the doctrine of spiritual election (for example, predestination) that have developed over the course of church history with a view toward determining which is most faithful to Scripture. Each chapter is written by...
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