Byron George: 48 books

Book cover of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
by George Byron
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2015

“Childe Harold's Pilgrimage” is a lengthy narrative poem written by the English poet Lord Byron, and was published between 1812 and 1818. The poem describes the travels and thoughts of two characters who, disillusioned with a life of idleness and pleasure, seek a new life in foreign lands; altogether,...
Book cover of The Giaour
by George Byron
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2015

"The Giaour" is a narrative poem written by George Byron in 1813. The poem is set in the time of Muslim rule. The story is told from three different points of view. It is a tale of love, revenge and repentance. Almost it is fragmented, full of adventure and courage that leads a slave to fight a Lord.
Book cover of English Bards And Scotch Revievers
by George Byron
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2015

English Bards and Scotch Reviewers is a satirical poem written by Lord Byron. It was first published, anonymously, in March 1809, and a second, expanded edition followed in 1809, with Byron identified as the author. The opening parodies the first satire of Juvenal. The text is referred to in Tom Stoppard's...
Book cover of Melodie ebraiche
by George Gordon Byron
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2015

Melodie ebraiche was written in the year 1837 by George Gordon Byron. This book is one of the most popular novels of George Gordon Byron, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Book cover of Il Giaurro
by George Gordon Byron
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 24, 2014

Il Giaurro George Gordon Byron, poeta e politico inglese (1788-1824) Questo libro elettronico presenta «Il Giaurro», di George Gordon Byron. Indice interattivo: -01- A proposito di questo libro -02- IL GIAURRO
Book cover of Il Corsaro
by George Gordon Byron
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 24, 2014

Il Corsaro George Gordon Byron, poeta e politico inglese (1788-1824) Questo libro elettronico presenta «Il Corsaro », di George Gordon Byron. Indice interattivo: -01- A proposito di questo libro -02- DEDICA -03- CANTO I -04- CANTO II -05- CANTO III
Book cover of Gedichte
by George Gordon Byron
Language: German
Release Date: January 24, 2014

Gedichte George Gordon Byron, britischer Dichter (1788-1824) «Gedichte», von George Gordon Byron. Ein dynamisches Inhaltsverzeichnis ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die verschiedenen Abschnitte. Inhaltsverzeichnis: -01- Über dieses Buch -02- IHRE SCHÖNHEIT -03- WELL THOU ART HAPPY
Book cover of Der Giaur
by George Gordon Byron
Language: German
Release Date: January 27, 2014

Der Giaur George Gordon Byron, britischer Dichter (1788-1824) «Der Giaur», von George Gordon Byron. Ein dynamisches Inhaltsverzeichnis ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die verschiedenen Abschnitte. Inhaltsverzeichnis: -01- Über dieses Buch -02- DER GIAUR -03- VORBERICHT -04- ANMERKUNGEN -05- ANMERKUNGEN
Book cover of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
by George Gordon Byron
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a lengthy narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818 and is dedicated to "Ianthe". The poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry,...
Book cover of Perfect Love, Emotional Romance: A Heartwarming Collection of 100 Classic Poems and Letters for the Lovers (Valentine's Day 2019 Edition)
by William Shakespeare, Christina Rossetti, Walt Whitman
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2019

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a love letter or a poem speaks a thousand more... Even in this age of e-mail, faxes, and instant messaging, nothing has ever replaced the power of a love letter or that of a poem. LIST OF POEMS: 1. Lord Byron - She Walks in Beauty 2. Christina Rossetti - I Loved...
Book cover of Manfred


Ein dramatisches Gedicht

by George Gordon Lord Byron
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2017

George Gordon Lord Byron: Manfred. Ein dramatisches Gedicht Nach seinem Besuch in der Schweiz und einer Reihe von alpinen Wandertouren schreibt Lord Byron 1817 mit »Manfred« eines der ganz großen Werke der Romantik überhaupt und gleichzeitig - neben dem »Frankenstein« seiner Freundin Mary Shelley,...
Book cover of Le isole di fantasia

Le isole di fantasia

Un viaggio immaginario di Lord Byron in Corsica e Sardegna

by George Gordon Byron
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 14, 2018

«Ho da molto tempo il desiderio, nato non so dire quando, di visitare le isole di Corsica e Sardegna. Ho anche un dovere pressante da compiere recandomi lì quest’estate; devo mantenere una promessa fatta in punto di morte e preferirei perdere la vita piuttosto che non mantenerla. Chiunque tra...
Book cover of Works IV
by Baron George Gordon Byron
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2016

Byron is regarded as one of the greatest British poets, and remains widely read and influential. He travelled extensively across Europe, especially in Italy where he lived for seven years. Later in life, Byron joined the Greek War of Independence fighting the Ottoman Empire, for which many Greeks...
Book cover of The Romantic Poets
by John Keats, George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Feelings come alive through the words of the Romantic poets. Romanticism gained traction in the late 1700s as writers moved away from the intellectualism of the Enlightenment and toward more emotional and natural themes. The major works of the movement’s six most famous poets—William Wordsworth,...
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