C C : 30721 books

Book cover of An SF/Fantasy Reader: Short Stories From New Voices

An SF/Fantasy Reader: Short Stories From New Voices

Speculative Fiction Parable Collection

by S. H. Marpel, C. C. Brower, J. R. Kruze
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2018

New voices bring new ideas and new worlds to you in Science Fiction/Fantasy. That's what they are good at. Figuring out things that are completely different from the same old repeating plots and characters. Finding new "what if's" that have never been asked before. Whether you like dystopian...
Book cover of R. L. Saunders Satire Collection 02
by R. L. Saunders, C. C. Brower, J. R. Kruze
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2018

A Second Collection of the Dark Humor Satire of R. L. Saunders Life in our dystopian near-futures has never been funnier. Sauders gets inspiration from our daily news, and these stories are therapy for us as well. Skewering what is accepted as conventional wisdom, Saunders explores concepts...
Book cover of Poésie et Prose I

Poésie et Prose I

Les Neuf Muses

by C.C. Nountché
Language: French
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Les neuf muses, qui recueille des poèmes et proses, lyriquement et homériquement composés, est si l'on peut dire l'éveil de longues méditations, de plusieurs songes et réminiscences dont émanent des passions, des émotions, des compassions et des contemplations de la beauté terrestre et céleste,...
Book cover of His East + Her West = A Romance
by C.C. Sanders
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2014

Volume #2 – “His East + Her West = A Romance” from the series: The Diplomat and the Divorcée Romance is the verdict for our sizzling duo: Abdul and Cory (his Sharifa). Welcome back for Volume #2 of the 5-part series that catapults the lover’s, Abdul and Cory, into the shadowed underworld...
Book cover of J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 03

J. R. Kruze Short Story Collection 03

Speculative Fiction Parable Anthology

by J. R. Kruze, C. C. Brower, S. H. Marpel
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2019

The third collection of short stories by J. R. Kruze. Known for a unique take on common situations, and a dry wit, Kruze is also able to look at usual circumstances and see unusual aspects to write about. These stories will let you start wondering about the world around you. Mystery,...
Book cover of Not Your Ordinary Group Home Girl
by C. C. C.
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2013

As the years had gone by I had started to reflect on my life and how far I had come from foster care to being in group home after group home my entire life; to this point in my life and felt it was best to leave those who meant me no good in the past. However, sometimes the past just doesnt want to...
Book cover of Managing Stroke: A Guide to Living Well After Stroke
by Paul R. Rao, Ph.D., Editor
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2015

MedStar NRH Press is proud to offer the Second Edition of this popular and easy-to-use guide for stroke patients and their families. This no-nonsense book covers the effects of stroke from every angle—medical, emotional and social—and puts the power of recovery in patients’ hands. It’s packed...
Book cover of Nés à minuit - tome 5 Crépuscules
by C. c. Hunter
Language: French
Release Date: January 23, 2014

Coupée de Shadow Falls et de ses amis, Kylie découvre enfin l'étendue de ses dons surnaturels et la communauté des caméléons à laquelle elle appartient. Mais celle-ci, plus habituée à se cacher qu'à se battre, se retrouve impuissante face au retour de Mario, son plus féroce et maléfique...
Book cover of Nés à minuit Tome 2 Soupçons
by C. c. Hunter
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2012

SUCCOMBEZ AUX CHARMES Depuis que Kylie a rejoint le centre de Shadow Falls, une question ne cesse de la hanter : qui est-elle vraiment ? Entourée de vampires, de sorciers et autres créatures de la nuit, elle se bat pour trouver sa place. Il faut dire que Lucas ne lui facilite pas la tâche....
Book cover of Nés à minuit Renaissance - tome 1 Métamorphose
by C. c. Hunter
Language: French
Release Date: February 12, 2015

Della Tsang ne veut pas d'histoire d'amour. C'est ce que la jeune vampire ne cesse de répéter à Steve, le métamorphe qui tente encore et toujours de la conquérir. Mais l'arrivée à Shadow Falls de Chase, un vampire pour lequel elle ressent une étrange attirance, bouscule ses plans. Luttant...
Book cover of Nés à minuit Tome 1 attirances
by C. c. Hunter
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2012

SUCCOMBEZ AUX CHARMES Après s'être retrouvée au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment. Kylie est envoyée au pensionnat Shadow Falls, un centre pour adolescents marginaux. Ou plutôt hors du commun, car ses camarades de chambre se révèlent être des créatures de la nuit, des métamorphes...
Book cover of The Mission
by C.C. Solomon
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2014

Rule #6: Be mysterious, but always approachable…keep him wanting more! Rule #11: Always remember, no sex in the beginning. Make him wait. Rule #19: You’ve got to give a little to get a little. Be giving of yourself, and it will make a lasting impression to keep your Mr. Right. Sheila and Denise...
Book cover of Nés à minuit Renaissance - tome 3 Délivrance
by C. c. Hunter
Language: French
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Della Tsang doit surmonter une nouvelle épreuve : son père est le principal suspect d'un meurtre sur lequel enquêtent les forces spéciales surnaturelles. Pour ne rien arranger, alors qu'elle cherche désespérément à découvrir la vérité, le lien magique qui l'unit à Chase se renforce de...
Book cover of Generating Analog IC Layouts with LAYGEN II
by Ricardo M. F. Martins, Nuno C. C. Lourenço, Nuno C.G. Horta
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2012

This book presents an innovative methodology for the automatic generation of analog integrated circuits (ICs) layout, based on template descriptions and on evolutionary computational techniques. A design automation tool, LAYGEN II was implemented to validate the proposed approach giving special emphasis...
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